View Full Version : What do i do?

08-11-07, 03:31 PM
hey guys, ive just purchased at 4.5inch super flex lift kit :lol: BUT now im stuck on what to do!!!! i would love to get lockers put into it now, i got a quote for $8000 8O with ratios compressor etc but seems a little crazy even though i know how good they are!!! im talking the car up to queesnland for a week on morton island. can i get away with just doing ratios or is it better to put lockers in it straight away? the car will be running on 33's. please help me!!! :? thanks vinnie

Steve F
08-11-07, 03:45 PM
Is it a manual or an auto, can you get away without the ratios at all for a short time? If you don't do the lockers and just do the ratios when would you expect to revisit it and get the lockers done? Basically it really depends, If it was me I'd either get it all done at once or do the ratios if I new I couldn't afford the lockers for a good while :)


08-11-07, 07:35 PM
As steve said above, if your going to be putting in lockers later it means you will have to buy the ratios again later on.
So your now paying double for parts and that's not including twice the amount of labour if your not doing it yourself.
If you can't afford to get the ratio's & lockers now, I would wait until you can get them all at once.
Since you've got the manual, you can always try the 33's on the standard ratio's and if it feels too sluggish just put the 31's back on for your trip and get the ratio's & lockers when you get back and can afford it.


09-11-07, 01:49 AM
If it was me I would get Wooders to order me front and rear Detroit Electracs if you want selectable lockers along with new ring and pinions (and carriers if need be) and then call the guys at D&R Diffs in Chipping Norton...

You could afford everything then...!!! 8O

10-11-07, 09:58 AM
thanks very much everyone, i think im just going to kill my credit card and do it all now. i have to show those queenslanders how a SYDNEY JEEP GOES!!!!!! :lol: if anyone can give me advice on where to get a cheaper quote (if possible :? ) that would be great. thanks very much for all your help.


10-11-07, 11:12 AM
Yea that price is about 3000 too high at least. Before Suburban shut (i know thats history now) you could get it done for a shade over 4000. Try Penrith ARB, ARB Southern (St Peters). They may be expensive though. I really don't know about places in Sydney anymore as all the ones i've used close down. One thing...don't get it done at Traction 4 in Artarmon as when they rebuilt my blown rear diff it costs 3 times the amount it should have.