View Full Version : Menai Clean-up Sat. 28/07/07

06-07-07, 07:14 PM
For those wanting to attend;
Meet- 8.30a.m. @ Gate No.6( Heathcote Rd )
- By 9.00a.m.
Bring gloves,wear decent boots/shoes( No thongs).Bring own food/drink.
Have own recovery gear if needed.
****** The entry requirements to Menai are changing, so now anyone who want's to drive there must give me your rego details so I can inform the 4wd Assoc. 48Hrs prior via email, of your intent to attend the Clean-up and get their approval back to advoid any issues with the Police ( new tresspass laws ARE being enforced with fines starting at $1500.00). The organisers may not strickly enforce this new entry policy this clean-up as they expect some possible mix-ups first time around but let's all advoid the possible hassle and go with the new entry requirements so the tracks at Menai stay open to 4wding. So post up & pm me your details if you intend to go to this clean-up ******
Attendence to a Menai Clean-up gives you 12 months access to the tracks at Menai on "official" club runs held there. 8)
Further info--Stephen T.--- Mob.0412-707903.

07-07-07, 02:43 AM
I will be there :D

23-07-07, 06:22 PM
Hi all,
For those wanting to atend this upcoming clean-up on Saturday,remember that you now have to give me your Rego. details ( pm me ) by this Thursday so I can email it to the 4wd Assoc. to get your approval to attend and drive the tracks once the clean-up is over.Attending/participating in a Menai clean-up will also give you 12 months access rights to drive at Menai on "offical" club runs held there and advoid any problems with the police. 8)
Stephen T.

26-07-07, 05:11 PM
**** Anyone wanting to attend on Saturday, post up and let me know tonight.****