View Full Version : willowglen

21-05-07, 09:06 PM
so did you want to give me some details
am beginning putting the mag together now

Steve F
22-05-07, 11:56 AM
Just emailed you the details to your work and gmail account.


02-07-07, 06:49 PM


Who is competing? :twisted:

1. Me :lol:

03-07-07, 10:49 AM
ya wanna break your Jeep again

I will be part of your cheer squad
is Kath going
me and my friend Sharon are
all three cheering from the sidelines
go warren go warren go warren

03-07-07, 11:15 AM
i have a cheer squad :lol:

I dare say cat will go, depends how close i can find some 5 star facilities :lol:

03-07-07, 11:16 AM
so is that

2. BJ? :twisted:

03-07-07, 11:19 AM
Hey don't you have work to do

I do

just sneaking a peak on here

are you kidding me - I am not that brave YET?

just sleeping in a tent is going to be enough for me
unless you find the five star place and tell me where it is

Steve F
03-07-07, 11:20 AM
I've got the information pack on the way so hopefully I'll have it for the meeting tomorrow. I've also told them we will be trying to field a team so keep a spot for us.


09-07-07, 06:24 PM
You can put me down as a definate maybeeeeee at this stage :? Should have some of these PITA probs sorted by then :x .Looks like I may be looking for a navi as well... :roll: Who in their right mind would decide to have a wedding right in the middle of a comp long week end :twisted: :roll:

10-07-07, 10:43 AM
I'm free to navi for anyone that may need one.

10-07-07, 07:09 PM
Ben will let you know as soon as we find out for sure.

12-07-07, 08:24 PM
I'd definately be keen to have ago. That is assuming I get the jeep finished by then, and you guys actually let me join the club?? Fingers crossed i'll be able to attend the next meeting and say hello.

12-07-07, 10:38 PM
ok you can join the club AJ :twisted:

13-07-07, 09:57 AM
Touring Class

"Beadlocks not permitted."
"The number of axle location links can not be changed."

I can only assume that this class will allow Long Arm Suspension as the number of CA's are unchanged as long as no Triangluation kit is installed.

Would have to find another set of wheels as I have internal Beadlocks.

Is there many Pig Pen type bog hole type stages?? Not to keen on gloopy mud.

Steve F
13-07-07, 10:17 AM
Touring Class

"Beadlocks not permitted."
"The number of axle location links can not be changed."

I can only assume that this class will allow Long Arm Suspension as the number of CA's are unchanged as long as no Triangluation kit is installed.

Would have to find another set of wheels as I have internal Beadlocks.

Is there many Pig Pen type bog hole type stages?? Not to keen on gloopy mud.

Willowglen has one biiiiiiiig mud run type event, mostly water in it though. The rest of the course are generally more technical though. I'd agree that longarms are probably allowed :) Looks like we might have a few new competitors this year, it's be great to see and I for one will be coming along to wave the SJC flag.


13-07-07, 12:54 PM
wonder if my new torque arm (replaces rear uppers with single arm) bumps me up a class.... bah i don't care more fun, more carnage hahaha

13-07-07, 06:16 PM
wonder if my new torque arm (replaces rear uppers with single arm) bumps me up a class.... bah i don't care more fun, more carnage hahaha

Last time I checked it does but after the pecker I'm sure you can handle it Warren. :P Touring class pretty much drives the same course as Trophy any how..

I can only assume that this class will allow Long Arm Suspension as the number of CA's are unchanged as long as no Triangluation kit is installed.

If you were running the RE long arm in the past you couldn't run in Touring class.Not sure about this year..Would pay to check before hand

But to tell you the truth it really dosen't make that much of a difference at Willowglen as in previous years tyre size is limited to 36.5 and anything over 33 automatically puts you into trophy class any way. Haven't had a real close look at this years rules yet This is a CCDA event so everyone has to be a member of the Cross Country Drivers Association for ins etc.You should be able to join on the day but you will have to check with the officials.

Here's one that is new this year and especially affects us Wrangler drivers:

4.7. Soft top or open top vehicles must have a roof covering the driver and
navigator. Roofs can be manufactured of:
a) Fiberglass or CFRP; or
b) 3mm alloy; or
c) 2mm mild steel or stainless.

Anyone interested check the rules out here


and CCDA here


Hope this didn't scare anyone off but better to know before hand what your up for rather than to get there and not pass scrutineering. This is one of the better run interclub events and a great starter for anyone who wants to get into the comp scene.It's also a fantastic weekend away for spectators..hint hint.... :wink:

13-07-07, 06:31 PM
i just sold my hardtop :lol:

i read that in the rules, i figured if you had some form of roll cage you would be sweet.... What about a plate bolted to a cage that just covers the front seats?

I am aiming for a 4 point harness, and tbt cage before the comp.

13-07-07, 07:00 PM
Warren even with a cage you still need the bit of tin over driver and navi.It's basically to stop any rocks and shrubbery ripping through the canvas in the event of a roll. it has been talked about for a long time but it finally looks like it is going to be enforced.I had to have it for Tuff truck in 2005 but it wasn't required for any other events we did...untill now.. :)

I'll have a look through my pics and see if I can find any of the cage/roof getting built to give you some ideas...

13-07-07, 07:04 PM
Here ya go




13-07-07, 07:56 PM
Thanks for the pics and info, that was what i was thinking of. Except that i want to make it easy to take out when on beach and the like.

who did your cage?

I am currently tossing up between a custom cage or a bolt in job like the toys by troy cage...

13-07-07, 08:12 PM
That was done by Kilby Enterprises down in Canberra got the number somewhere if you need it,he does a lot of off road race stuff and knows the cams rules pretty much back to front.the weld in job is pretty $$$$ especially when you add in engineers if I was to do it again I would probally go the bolt in easier and quicker. The tin top takes about 10 min to remove it's only bolted in place,we probally went over board with the bolts but as it's always on I didn't want it to rattle..

17-07-07, 03:31 PM
It's Lochleigh enterprises, and Rod Kilby is the guy ;)

He also built the cage in my old TJ.. Good bloke, excellent value for money..

If anyone in the club wanted a cage though, I could probably build something similar to that and we could work something out.

CCDA rules specify a CAMS compliant cage and have done so for years, but to my knowledge they've yet to enforce it. Theoretically the factory cage in a Wrangler is not sufficient, but I don't think they're going to knock anyone back on it. Tin plate in the roof is easy enough, just use the soft top mounts!

Steve, you should ring Tony Price and ask how strict they're being about the rules this year and what things we really need to comply with.

The 2 x 1L dry chem fire extinguishers is something they will enforce, so go get yourself some of those and mount them within reach of the driver/navigator.

I don't think they will be enforcing isolation switches.

They are very strict on flare coverage, so make sure you're all up to scratch on that.

Last I checked Athol wasn't in our club, so noone should be banned for any other reasons :lol:

18-07-07, 08:32 PM
If anyone in the club wanted a cage though, I could probably build something similar to that and we could work something out.

see my post in EJ's cage build thread on AJOR :)

I don't think they will be enforcing isolation switches.

hope not, don't wanna fit one ;)

They are very strict on flare coverage, so make sure you're all up to scratch on that.

how strict are we talking?, i have 7" covering 35x12.5 radial claws on 3.75BS rims

19-07-07, 09:55 AM
If you put a broomstick on the ground on the outside of your tyre where it touches the ground and touch the flare with the other end of the stick you're fine. If the top of the tyre touches the stick before the flare then you do not have enough flare coverage.

This is how they measure it at competitions

Steve F
19-07-07, 10:27 AM
Entries have to be in by the 20th of August.

All the details have now been posted here http://www.tlcc.com.au/tlcca/html/competitor_info.html#How

Or let me know and I'll email you the entry pack as Tony has just sent it to me.

I can get the details for our club liability etc Do we have a 4 car team though?


20-07-07, 07:50 AM
we need to know how strict they are going to be on cages.....

Steve F
20-07-07, 09:10 AM
we need to know how strict they are going to be on cages.....

Anything specific? What sort of things do you want me to find out?

This is what the 'Rule Book' says, very broad.....

4.6. A soft-top or open top vehicle must include a rollover protection system.
4.7. Soft top or open top vehicles must have a roof covering the driver and
navigator. Roofs can be manufactured of:
a) Fiberglass or CFRP; or
b) 3mm alloy; or
c) 2mm mild steel or stainless.


20-07-07, 09:23 AM
well the tj's have a basic cage but it is in no way cams complaint. If we can confirm that the stock TJ cage is suitable (if stock is ok, everything else is) we can try and lock down numbers. People with a hardtop and a stock cage are set, people with softtops just need a plate which can be made up to attach to the door surrounds (the two bolts that hold em on).

Other than that issue AJ wanted to know if a long arm kit that is not triangulated and retains the OE CA mounts and the number of mounts have not changed will get him into the 33" or less class.

And anything else you might be able to think of, the last thing we want is to get 4 trucks and have one turned away on the day putting the whole team out of the comp. With clarification of these few points more people might come forward to compete :)

Steve F
20-07-07, 11:11 AM
Ok, I'll go ask these questions and try and get something back in writing.


26-07-07, 05:29 PM
Not sure if you meant me Warren. BUt as I have installed the tri-link rear wit 35's I guess it's straight to trophy class. Just a bit daunting to have to decide on competing since I haven't even driven her yet?! Will get back to you.

Atleast I've kept my hardtop but I am interested to see what they think about the stock cage?

Steve F
26-07-07, 09:40 PM
Can anyone send me a pic of a stock cage, I need one to send off to Tony Price so he can tell us if it will pass or not. Just post a link up here if you have one.


27-07-07, 09:45 AM
here you go mate



good luck

Steve F
05-08-07, 10:01 PM
Got this from Tony :)


It has been agreed to accept the control arms in Touring and the standard cage

Regards Tony

So who's in now?


06-08-07, 09:59 AM
excellent news

06-08-07, 05:27 PM
I was at a function with Tony on Sat night,he is referring to the long arm kit.If you run a 3 link or any thing else straigt into trophy.He also said if you need specific details to give him a call.

Oh and BTW I am a starter for this one finally got the heep running again... :roll:

Steve F
06-08-07, 06:07 PM
I was at a function with Tony on Sat night,he is referring to the long arm kit.If you run a 3 link or any thing else straigt into trophy.He also said if you need specific details to give him a call.

Oh and BTW I am a starter for this one finally got the heep running again... :roll:

Yep, forgot to mention I was asking about longarms.


07-08-07, 10:07 PM
so long arms are in touring class???
fair enough...

08-08-07, 07:36 PM
Does that mean the stock cage will be accepted in trophy aswell?

Steve F
08-08-07, 09:04 PM
Does that mean the stock cage will be accepted in trophy aswell?

I asked if the cage would be accepted, not in reference to any class, so I guess it's fine for all of them.


09-08-07, 10:35 PM
has anyone spoken with our hairdressing jeep loving dennis?

so aj are you in?

gota get confirmation on numbers and gets the forms in.....

11-08-07, 04:07 PM
I'm oh so nervous to commit without even having a drive of the heep under my belt.

How do you guys get your jeeps down there? Do you trailer them just incase you break something and can't drive them home?

I want to say yes sooooooo bad!!! somebody convinve me!!

11-08-07, 04:18 PM
Don't worry mate, I'll be living in Canberra by that time so if you break her just crash at my joint :-)

11-08-07, 11:08 PM
AJ,don't pannic there are car trailers in Goulburn if you get really desperate.It all depends on how hard you want to go,Just remember the repair bill stops with your right foot.. :twisted: The good thing about Willow Glen is you have all day monday to get home.It's a really good comp to cut your teeth on.Each course is designed to be drivable and with everyone 36" or less brings the playing field back to driver/Nav ability.

12-08-07, 03:00 PM
Alright i'm in. Let's get it on!! Let me know what we need to do!

Cheers AJ

14-08-07, 12:24 PM
well even with me Jumbo and AJ we are one down.... not the mention navi's and team manager..... the forms are due in before the 20th (6 days including today). We need to work out what we are doing and with who and get the supporting paperwork in or this is another comp SJC won't make......

14-08-07, 01:05 PM
Billsta and Antz have both said they'll do it if you need them to make up numbers.

I'd say Dennis would also be interested if someone contacted him about it.

Troy and I have offered to spot for anyone, or even multiple vehicles if we're really that desperate.

Someone needs to co-ordinate this, send the paperwork to the competing drivers and ensure they are returned and sent to the Willowglen organisers before the closing date. Anyone on the committee?????????????????

Steve F
14-08-07, 02:20 PM
I may be able to help out as team manager and navi if needed. I need to confirm I'm available that weekend first though and will know for sure tomorrow. Anyway, until then.....

Does everyone who is wanting to compete have everything they need to do as an individual sorted yet? If anyone has issues downloading the paper work I posted let me know and I'll email it instead.

You should have copies of these ready to send with the application form:-

Drivers Licence for Competitor and Navigator
Current Vehicle Registration
Current insurance 3rd party or fully comp
Evidence of CCDA Membership (Applies to drivers, navies and manager) - You can get it here http://ccda.4wd.org.au/cms/index.php?name=UpDownload&req=viewsdownload&sid=28
$200 ready to send off.


14-08-07, 08:14 PM
Steve do we fax/send you all relevent paperwork and deposit the $$$ to the club account as usual?

Steve F
15-08-07, 09:15 AM
Steve do we fax/send you all relevent paperwork and deposit the $$$ to the club account as usual?

Sounds good, fax me (Steve Foster) your forms and copies of everything to 99546583 Make sure you address it all to me and put a cover page as this is a business fax and I may not see the stuff for days otherwise. Probaly worthwhile letting me know when you've sent it as well so I can go check the fax machine. My number is 0411 688 057.

To get our entry in on time I'll need all the forms by Friday AM at the latest so it can go in an express post envelope and ensure it all gets there by Monday the 20th.

Also looks like I'll be taking on the job of team manager so will be down there for the weekend anyway :)


Steve F
15-08-07, 09:22 AM
Also, does everyone have a spotter as they also need a CCDA membership and I need thier details as well. I'll leave it up to the drivers to organise this and get thier stuff over to me at the same time as thier own.

I did a quick draw from a hat (well my pocket actually) and pulled out Antzs name. I've sent him an email to confirm he wants to compete. Billsta was next and then Dennis if Antz isn't in.


15-08-07, 05:19 PM
I still haven't heard back from the CCDA regarding my membership application. Do you think they will still accept my competitor application as I will definately have it by the comp weekend? Hopefully I'll hear something 2moro!

15-08-07, 05:38 PM
Also I know the navi has to be a member of the CCDA but does the navigator have to be a member of the club?

15-08-07, 07:12 PM
I've been thinking about this a bit, And if either Billsta or Dennis would like to compete, I would give up my place in the team to them.
I feel a bit rude, as they have been in the club longer than me, so they should have first dibs at competing!

Let me know what you think?

15-08-07, 07:35 PM
a team of wranglers is what we need :twisted:

Steve F
15-08-07, 08:04 PM
I've been thinking about this a bit, And if either Billsta or Dennis would like to compete, I would give up my place in the team to them.
I feel a bit rude, as they have been in the club longer than me, so they should have first dibs at competing!

Let me know what you think?

Well Antz is off for 3 weeks so wont be able to get the forms in and is fine for someone to take his spot so I'll email Billsta, I haven't heard anything from Dennis and I dont think anyone else has so it's fine if you still want to compete. At this point we'll be cutting it fine trying to change now anyway ;)

As for the Navi, we'll it's your vehicle so if you have someone in mind they can get temporary membership to be your navigator.


15-08-07, 08:53 PM
Sweet, I just wanted to make sure it was cool that I compete. I'm really looking forward to it. Will hopefully have Navi and paperwork sorted tomorrow.

Thanks Again

16-08-07, 07:37 AM
gota confirm navi's avail.... should have paperwork done this arvo.

Steve F
16-08-07, 09:04 AM
Anyone have Billstas number, or can let him know we need him for Willowglen and need to get a form off him quick? Still pushing to get a team in on time.


16-08-07, 09:37 AM
I was talking to him about it last night.. he's still keen to run..

Will email him link to this thread now.

16-08-07, 01:26 PM
will look thru my junk and get the rego and insurance tonight when i get home...

then i will follow up with the CCDA membership sometime when it gets processed... im not with CCDA at the moment...

16-08-07, 01:39 PM
Jumbo you still need me to navi for you?

16-08-07, 01:43 PM
oh and if anyone wants my truck is available for transporting a vehicle there/back (helps if you're broken) if you're willing to pay for the diesel.

It will fit a TJ in it easily, and it might stuggle to fit a WJ.. I'd have to measure.

It also has a full mobile workshop (excluding power) for on site repairs.

offer's there if anyone wants it.

Steve F
16-08-07, 02:13 PM
Can everyone competing email me their full name and navigators full name.

I've just spoken to Tony Price and as long as I get at least those to him tomorrow then we are in :)


16-08-07, 02:32 PM
Driver: Warren Gaudron
Nav: Brad Lawson

16-08-07, 02:33 PM
just sent off my ccda application and faxed the forms to you steve.

Steve F
16-08-07, 02:41 PM
just sent off my ccda application and faxed the forms to you steve.

Thanks, got 'em. I'll still need a copy of the rego, insurance and drivers licence to send at some point though.


16-08-07, 03:14 PM
just sent off my ccda application and faxed the forms to you steve.

Thanks, got 'em. I'll still need a copy of the rego, insurance and drivers licence to send at some point though.


Yep, got it all at home. Gota bring it into work tomorrow, will fax it all over.

16-08-07, 06:24 PM
Thanks Heaps Steve :)

Driver: Andrew Levings
Navi: Ethan Butler

I'll fax over all the paper work to you in the morning!! I'll give you a buzz after I send them to make sure you get them.

16-08-07, 09:11 PM
Yep Ben if your still available I'll take that navi offer.

Steve, usual problem with CCDA renewal's been paid just waiting on card to come back.

DRIVER Andrew Gartrell

Ben can give you his details to fill in the rest of the form.

Paperwork on it's way

17-08-07, 09:48 AM
Cool Jumbo 8)

What details do you need Steve?

17-08-07, 10:37 AM
Cool Jumbo 8)

What details do you need Steve?

License Number
License Exp
and home and mobile contact numbers

22-08-07, 07:02 PM
Does anybody know whether you have to carry a full size spare? I was watching the tuff truck 07 DVD and noticed that some of the rigs only carried small spares.

I read the willowglen rules and it only states:

"4.12. Competing vehicles DO need to carry a spare tyre securely mounted in the vehicle at all times."

This would definately remove a lot of weight that is mounted fairly high on my tire carrier!!

22-08-07, 07:03 PM
Also what spare parts are you guys taking down, if any?

22-08-07, 07:15 PM
Does anybody know whether you have to carry a full size spare? I was watching the tuff truck 07 DVD and noticed that some of the rigs only carried small spares.

I read the willowglen rules and it only states:

"4.12. Competing vehicles DO need to carry a spare tyre securely mounted in the vehicle at all times."

This would definately remove a lot of weight that is mounted fairly high on my tire carrier!!

strap it into the back tray area a 35 fits nice and snug :)

22-08-07, 07:21 PM
Hi AJ, the spare tyre issue is so you are able to be cleared off the track quickly in the event of total tyre destruction,so it's probally not advisable to have a 29 on there... :wink: The set up for TT is a bit different with earthmoving machinery to drag you out of the way but I know that a few of the scruitneers questioned it last year so I would expect a rule re-word some time in the future..

As for spares I'll have the usual,TPS,02 sensors,axles,bearings,seals,tie rod ends,spare tie rod if it comes in,ball joints,2 full sets free wheeling hubs,rotor, unis and heap of other bits and pieces I've collected along the way.

22-08-07, 08:08 PM
oops nearly forgot the most important spares some crown and turkey just in case it all turns to poo... :wink: :twisted:

22-08-07, 08:19 PM
Geez Jumbo, You definately have a few spares!!

I'm thinking about making up a spare set of super 30 axles wit uni's, but not sure how much $ will be left for anything else. Out of the spares you carry what do you think would be most recommended?

What bearings and seals do you carry? Also why do you carry a TPS and 02 sensor? Are they known weak points and trail repairable?

Oh and the grog was already at the top of my spare parts list :wink:

22-08-07, 09:05 PM
:lol: It sounds like a lot but it's just stuff I've collected over the last 7 yrs or so.I also subscribe to the theory of if you got it you won't need it.. :lol:
I've had some dramas with the availability with a lot of my stuff,most of the running gear is WARN with 3 month delays + in shipping :cry: So I'm into the habbit of ordering 2 of anything I break just in case :roll:

As for TPS and O2 we were chasing a major fault after TTC 05 and didn't have a scan tool back then so I figured it would be handy to have them sitting in the spares box to be able to at least elliminate them out of the equation.

As for axle seals and wheel bearings it's back to the 2 of everything theory.

Probally most broken thing I've expierienced is busted uni's both on the front and rear so would definately reccomend them.Although with the front it usually costs me an axle as well.bent tie rod is another but you can usually straighten it out enough to finish the weekend off.

I think over the years I've managed to bend, break or mangle just about every bit of my drive train so my advice would be to take a spare jeep :lol: or do like we all do and as you drive around over the week end make a note of where all the donor cars are parked :twisted:

27-08-07, 07:01 AM
everyone got the forms in?
everyone checked the rules to make sure no-one gets turned back before day 1?
everyone got their ccda membership happening? (i have paid and applied, no word yet)
can someone pm the bank details for the club so i can pay for my entry?

27-08-07, 05:39 PM
My forms are in.
Got an email from CCDA stating member number etc today. Just waiting for a hard copy to arrive or something.

As far as equipment goes. Is there anything special we should be bringing apart from our normal wheeling gear.
I've already sorted window nets and a helmet. I still need a second extinguisher and am contemplating making a metal roof so I can leave the hardtop at home undamaged :cool:

Anything else we'll need? Apart from camping gear etc?

27-08-07, 05:42 PM
Should we have a pre-comp scrutineering get together, to check our vehicles beforehand?
Then we can have a chance to fix anything required before it's too late.

28-08-07, 02:13 PM
how about a comp warm up @ appin :twisted:

28-08-07, 02:13 PM
It's not that serious a comp... as long as you're basically following the rules set out, they wont knock you back. At worst they'll tell you to fix something before next year...

They mostly want to check

<36" tyres
tyres covered by guards
roof/rollbar suitability
Window nets?
fire extinguishers

that's about all they'll look at, as long as your vehicle doesn't look like a buggy *coff*Athol*coff*

Jumbo, are you doing the winch stage again this year?

28-08-07, 07:22 PM
It's not that serious a comp... as long as you're basically following the rules set out, they wont knock you back. At worst they'll tell you to fix something before next year...

They mostly want to check

<36" tyres
tyres covered by guards
roof/rollbar suitability
Window nets?
fire extinguishers

that's about all they'll look at, as long as your vehicle doesn't look like a buggy *coff*Athol*coff*

Jumbo, are you doing the winch stage again this year?

Drivers license both driver and nav
insurance and rego papers

the guys doing it are not qualified cams inspector or engineers so they keep it simple if you look like you have tried to do the right thing you will be pretty cool

28-08-07, 08:18 PM
AJ Ben and Dave's check lists are spot on there,they are mainly interested in making sure all the safety stuff,paperwork and insurances are correct.

Jumbo, are you doing the winch stage again this year?

I'll put my hand up unless some one else is keen to have a bash. that's if they have one this year.Last year they decided against it :roll:

28-08-07, 08:26 PM
how about a comp warm up @ appin

as soon as I get my internals fixed I'll be keen.. :twisted: as long as it's not the weekend before, because I know what will happen :roll: :twisted:

03-09-07, 05:47 PM
So any ideas when we wanna have a get together / practice wheel? I unfortunately won't be able to make the meeting on wednesday night due to APEC commitments.

So let me know :wink:


11-09-07, 07:52 PM
got my beadlocks fixed finally :D well for the time bieng any way,only took about 6 hrs :roll: so am keen for a run just got to find the time..

Steve F
12-09-07, 07:25 PM
We're in, entry cards have come through, two for each driver, navigator and team manager. Does everyone know we need to be there on Friday before 9:00pm? I'm going from North Sydney at about 3:00pm if anyone wants to tag along.

I'll mail the cards to you shortly unless you want to pick them up or tag along on the way down.


12-09-07, 08:59 PM
I'm planning on leaving Penrith between 12:00 and 1 pm all going to plan. :roll:

13-09-07, 05:42 PM
I'll be leaving around 12ish too but from Ingleburn/Campbelltown way.

18-09-07, 08:59 PM
If anyone gets down there before me just remember I need at least a spot 10 meters long with enough room to park the truck in.

18-09-07, 10:54 PM
oh snap...
i dont even konw where the helll it is...

Steve F
19-09-07, 12:40 PM
If you guys can send me your postal addresses I'll send off your entry tickets and stick in a map etc. I'll need them soon so you get the tickets in time. Each person gets two each.


Steve F
19-09-07, 12:44 PM
Yep, reserving a club spot would be good :)


19-09-07, 02:37 PM
Only a week and a half til Willowglen and my heep is in pieces!! :evil:
Somehow managed to explode my passenger side rear drum brake!!
The drums have just been machined and the new shoes & wheel cylinder have arrived. Just waiting on a new backing plate to come from melbourne then that bit can be put back together!!
Also waiting for a new rear shock to come from RE as it also decided to drop it's guts all over the trail on the weekend thanks to some remodelling with some rocks!! It should be here Monday. :shock:

oh the joy of jeeping!!!!! On the plus side I should have some half decent stopping power during the comp :)

19-09-07, 02:44 PM
You don't need stopping power, only throttle.

And you've got until 5am the morning of the competition to get it all sorted.. if you're not rebuilding diffs or gearboxes the night before the event, it's no fun :twisted:

19-09-07, 05:17 PM
And you've got until 5am the morning of the competition to get it all sorted.. if you're not rebuilding diffs or gearboxes the night before the event, it's no fun

He He, standard operating procedure.. :lol: actually mine is still on the stands with about 8 hrs work left to do.. :roll: :wink:

Hey Bill head for Goulburn and turn left heading for Tarago it is signposted from the turn off at Tarago pub.

20-09-07, 01:39 PM
1, does the navigator have to be there on friday night as well???
2, dont the club have our mailing address details already?

Steve F
20-09-07, 02:10 PM
1, does the navigator have to be there on friday night as well???
2, dont the club have our mailing address details already?

1, Yep, especially if his licence details etc haven't been supplied ;) all this stuff is double checked on the Friday so the event can just start on Saturday.

2, Yep, we have mailing addresses but if you want it sent to work or somewhere else then it wont get there. No problem though Bill your's and Troys will go to your mailing address. Maybe I should have specified that I was after the address you wanted the tickets to go to, the navi is not necessarily traveling with the driver, Brad for example is going down there desperately to Warren.

They are all being posted off tomorrow.


20-09-07, 02:33 PM
fair enough....

20-09-07, 02:50 PM
the navi is not necessarily traveling with the driver, Brad for example is going down there desperately to Warren.


Brad is a bit desperate :lol:

Steve F
20-09-07, 03:40 PM
LOL, thats what happens when you let a spell checker fix stuff for you :)


25-09-07, 07:14 PM
Passes arrived today thanks Steve.. :D

25-09-07, 07:51 PM
yep got mine too!!

Any particular area we should try and setup up camp?
I've never been down there before so maybe near a landmark or something?

25-09-07, 08:05 PM
depends on how full it is when we get there,best spot is when you enter through the main gate turn left then hard left again and some where in that paddock.It's pretty flat and easy access.When you arrive ask at the gate if anyone from the club is in yet and give a callout on the club channel.We should be able to locate each other that way.

25-09-07, 08:35 PM
I got my passes too.. I plan on leaving straight from work to head down there, so will be there early evening. Will look for you guys. Save me a spot to camp please :D

25-09-07, 08:53 PM
got troy's and my passes today....
see you friday

25-09-07, 09:04 PM
my passes turned up today... got a few things left to address, but i think i am leaving on friday afternoon.

Steve F
25-09-07, 09:05 PM
depends on how full it is when we get there,best spot is when you enter through the main gate turn left then hard left again and some where in that paddock.It's pretty flat and easy access.When you arrive ask at the gate if anyone from the club is in yet and give a callout on the club channel.We should be able to locate each other that way.

Sounds good, I hope to be there around 4:00pm so will keep an eye out for everyone.


26-09-07, 05:31 PM
what are you guys doing for the mud run? Anyone using a water blind of some sort or are you just not worrrying about it? Got pics?

27-09-07, 09:46 AM
lots of WD40 before and after..

water blind is a gamble.. sometimes it saves you, sometimes it stuffs you up when you would have been fine without it.

the downside is that it can cause overheating and if you stop forward momentum or reverse in the water/mud it will just scoop everything back into your motor..

I used one at nissan trials once when the water was up to my windscreen, but ever other time I didnt bother.

27-09-07, 06:39 PM
Good luck guys. Do the SJC proud. I wanna see a WJ on the podium!!!

27-09-07, 08:18 PM
Ditto ... good luck guys, we could do with another trophy for the mantlepiece!! Have fun and try not to break too much :)

28-09-07, 09:04 AM
Just gotta pick up some more supplies including WD40 then we're outta here.

If you need to contact me my number is 0410687105

See you guys down there!!

28-09-07, 10:21 AM


brad pulled out last min, Master Wooders might be able to help out if absolutely needed. i have called a few friends, everyone has something on....... still trying to work out the solution atm........

Steve F
28-09-07, 11:10 AM
We might be able to use an existing Navi but it all depends on when the vehicles run etc. I spoke to Tony and team manager cant Navi as well but maybe we can sort something out if we absolutely have to although he was pretty adamant about it. I guess we see what happens, does Brad still have the tickets? Do you have a spare if Wooders comes down?


28-09-07, 11:29 AM
so many smartass comments to be had...


28-09-07, 11:34 AM
only have two passes, sure we can get them off brad.....

my missus was going to use the other one, but if needed yea i guess.

Steve F
30-09-07, 08:27 PM
Well It was a great weekend, I'm not sure on the final scores but at the end of Saturday SJC was well into the top ten with 2 teams inside the top ten 1 just outside and another a little further down table.

AJ had a blinder for a first comp closely following Warren at the end of Saturday with Jumbo only a couple of points behind. Bill was not having the best of luck with the long arms putting him in Trophy class but the 33's not helping out much at all. He did get plenty of mentions for the best looking truck though :)

Sunday Warren and myself weren't so lucky with some lower scores due to some bad luck, we did get a 96/100 on one event though, following up a perfect scroe on the final event for Saturday. AJ was pretty much following along with the same sort of scores, not sure on Jumbo as we didn't cross paths much but I did see him finish a stage with what looked like a perfect run. Bill had some more bad luck after a decent score but then getting bound up on one track and busting an axle.

I had to run off after we did the mud run so not sure how the rest of the team went but regardless it was a great effort from all involved.


01-10-07, 05:43 PM
Nice fun event :lol:

Well done AJ and Jumbo, you guys drove consistently well over the entire weekend.

Unlucky Bill re your CV, but at least you got lots of comments on how nice your rig looks and how brand new it is :lol:

Jumbo's scores were 100, 30, 75, 100 on saturday and 100, 90, 98 and 95 on the sunday..

I don't have any pics as we didn't take a camera, but I'm hoping someone does.. I know Michael Ellam snapped quite a few from when I was talking to him.

01-10-07, 06:06 PM
Where do you start with such an entertaining weekend!!

Thanks to the entire SJC team for the encouragement and support to get me through my first comp experience and what an experience it was 8O
I can remember sitting at the start line for my first stage on saturday morning. Where just five cars earlier a landcruiser decided to have a lay down on it's side. I was receiving instructions from the marshall, and noticed that my foot holding the brake was shaking uncontrollably. A couple of heart stopping minutes later we were crossing the finish line for a final score of 94!!! Admittedly the scores didn't remain so high throughout the day but my nerves definately settled as the day went on.

The sunday courses were a different kind of course with the more man made obstacles coming into play. These seemed to suit our SWB vehicles alot better and were backed up with some high scores allround, thanks to some advice from Jumbo and some nice demonstrations from Warren.

I can't believe I only got back a few hours ago and allready looking forward to next year!

Highlights include:
* finishing my first stage without rolling :o
* finishing the waterfall course with my navi still standing at the 95 marker!! stupid noob!! hahaha
* wheelstand on carnage canyon :twisted:
* getting a 96 on the logs course
* getting a 100 on the wombat holes
* making it almost to the 60 in the mudpit :x

* Wind
* Dirt in places where dirt shouldn't be :?
* Certain competitors in larger vehicles complaining to get the course changed :x
* wrecked rim after a nice little wheelstand :roll:
* going the wrong way in the mud pit then selecting wrong gear!!! :oops:
* cleaning the mud out of the TJ after the mud pit :lol:

PS eagerly awaiting the final results which are supposedly to be posted on the TLCC website by wednesday. As they only announced the top three winners last night.

02-10-07, 12:37 AM
didn't get much footage, busy driving and didn;t have the cam on day 2. here is jumbo's 100 point run on stage 4.


i have good footage of aj's run on stage 3 and a few odd bits of footage, will make it all up into one vid when i get some time.


The entire thing, minus the wind, dust and the odd obnoxious prick.

02-10-07, 07:37 AM
My boss attended this weekend and gives a big "UPS" to Bill as he was watching up until the CV joint failed...

02-10-07, 10:02 AM
The entire thing, minus the wind, dust and the odd obnoxious prick.

ha-ha toughen up princess :lol:

02-10-07, 11:41 AM
My boss attended this weekend and gives a big "UPS" to Bill as he was watching up until the CV joint failed...

yeah heaps of people commented on the WJ :)

We were standing next to some people when Bill was about to drive a stage and they were talking amongst themselves and said 'I can't believe he's taking that brand new car in competition, apparently he only picked it up not long ago and he's competing in it already!' :lol:

03-10-07, 02:30 PM
Stages 3 & 4 staring AJ :)


03-10-07, 07:11 PM
Congrats guys, Iwill have to save for some 35's for next year.

04-10-07, 11:35 AM
Any photos ? Love to do something for Nov mag (even though I wont be a the meeting <france> :) ).

Article for Nov mag ?

I did take some snippets from this post for Oct mag .. but be nice to have a whole story ?? Dont all rush me at the door!

04-10-07, 02:06 PM
could you believe it Lyn,
there were no cameras between Stevef, Steve's dad, Warren, Jumbo, Ben, Ann, Troy, Christina and me...
AJ's mates might have some... ask him...

well done to AJ and E... tyey did very well
warren and steve did a damn good job too...
Jumbo and Ben.. as always the green jeep does well even with the call in navi :mrgreen:

Team WJ...
troy did a good job as a navi, the WJ performed ok.... but the driver was the biggest let down...
the damage report...
- broken axle... right at the CV...
- buggered steering damper... dont need it anyway, the drive home was interesting
- more bender tie rod
- missing grease nipple
- dented rear plastic bumper, and
- 1 glove... :mrgreen:

all and all... good weekend...

04-10-07, 02:21 PM
One of my friends had a video camera so as soon as I get a copy of the action i'll try and post it up. As for photos we'll have to keep an eye out on the offroad images website!!

04-10-07, 04:07 PM
hey my movies take allot longer to make and upload than pics, what's wrong with u's :p

ok, ok here are a 'few' stills from the weekend, all that was taken sorry.


Steve F
04-10-07, 05:31 PM
And the results are

SJC 6th overall

Individual results

300 Jeep Club Warren Gaudron, Steve Foster Trophy 492
301 Jeep Club Andrew Gartrell, Ben Carceller Trophy 688
302 Jeep Club Billy Chan Troy, Saw Trophy 145
303 Jeep Club Andrew Levings, Ethan Butler Trophy 576

Jumbo and Ben were 4th in class and 4th overall, great effort :)
AJ and Navi 17th in class 18th overall
Warren and Me 37th in class 43rd overall
Bill and Troy 78th in class 92nd overall


04-10-07, 07:07 PM
Only just got my stoopid internet to work. :x so you can imagine the shock at finding out we only needed a couple of points for a podium finish 8O . It's amazing what a couple of days with very little sleep can do.. :wink:

A big thanks to everyone who was down there especially all the guys from the club who put their Jeeps on the line in the name of fun. :lol:

A special mention and thank you to our stand in team manager Ann.A huge thanks to my fill in navi Ben,considering I made him leg it around each course a top effort thanks mate,, A HUGE effort from everyone.
Except for the constant wind and dust it was a great weekend away.

04-10-07, 07:40 PM
Massive congrats to everyone!!

Especially jumbo for showing that the TJ's don't just look good!! You seemed to do it all too easy!!

I'm absolutely stoked with 18th. I'm sure with a year's more practice under my belt we can make the top ten next year!! (maybe even podium :wink: )

Bring on next year!!

05-10-07, 08:22 AM
Only just got my stoopid internet to work. :x so you can imagine the shock at finding out we only needed a couple of points for a podium finish 8O . It's amazing what a couple of days with very little sleep can do.. :wink:

A big thanks to everyone who was down there especially all the guys from the club who put their Jeeps on the line in the name of fun. :lol:

A special mention and thank you to our stand in team manager Ann.A huge thanks to my fill in navi Ben,considering I made him leg it around each course a top effort thanks mate,, A HUGE effort from everyone.
Except for the constant wind and dust it was a great weekend away.

Fourth dude well done!!

Congrats also to AJ, bighead and Billy Chan for their efforts!!

05-10-07, 09:24 AM
*Sounds of millions of fans clapping and cheering*

Good one guys!!! :lol:

Bill, if you need a place to get a good, inexpensive replacement axle give me a holler...

05-10-07, 11:54 AM
Well done guys! What a fabo result!

Looks like Woodpecker could get a good result again for us this year!! Dont forget to contact Steve F about being in the team ... 4 jeeps plus navis ...

13-10-07, 04:51 PM
The offroad images website is up and running with the pics from willowglen!!

Sydney Jeep Club are teams 300 - 303

They took 202 pics of the heep! :shock:
