View Full Version : Simpson Desert 7 to 21 July 2018

09-12-17, 07:35 PM
Simpson Desert July 2018

Wayne and Julie asked me a few months ago if we could organise a trip to the Simpson Desert in 2018. That's always a yes for me, but because we are driving Jeeps with limited fuel range, and because the last time I was out there some of the full desert crossing was really rough, we are not proposing a full Oodnadatta to Birdsville desert crossing.

For a full crossing a diesel must carry at least 140 liters of fuel, a 6 cylinder petrol 180 liters. For this trip all vehicles must carry at least 100 liters of fuel (possibly 120 liters see below in red).
Please note, this trip is not suitable for camper trailers.

This is a legitimate Simpson Desert crossing, just a bit shorter, and avoids the least pleasant bit!

Days 1 & 2 Saturday 7 & Sunday 8 July - Sydney to Broken Hill via Cobar - 1167km (note, this is if you want to convoy with me. Happy to meet you in Broken Hill if you want to travel independently)
Day 3 Monday 9 July Broken Hill to Wilpena Pound - 446km
Day 4 Tuesday 10 July Wilpena to Copley through the Flinders Ranges - 202km
Day 5 Wednesday 11 July Copley to Muloorina and Level Post Bay on Lake Eyre 256km
Day 6 Thursday 12 July Muloorina to Mungerannie via the Birdsville Track - 259km
Day 7 Friday 13 July Mungerannie to Poeppel Corner (bush camp, no amenities) via the K1 Line - 304km
Day 8 Saturday 14 July Poeppel Corner to Birdsville via the QAA Line - 175km
Total Days 7 & 8 = 479km, High and Low Range 4WD - No Fuel Available. (If there is no fuel at Mungerannie, and I will check before we go, then it is 684 km)
Day 9 Sunday 15 July Rest Day at Birdsville Local Sightseeing
Day 10 Monday 16 July Birdsville to Innaminka via Cordillo Downs - 417km
Day 11 Tuesday 17 July Rest Day at Innaminka, Local Sightseeing to the Dig Tree - 100km
Day 12 Wednesday 18 July Innaminka to Tibooburra via the Old Strzelecki Track and Cameron Corner - 373km
Day 13 Thursday 19 July Tibooburra to White Cliffs - 288km
Day 14 Friday 20 July - White Cliffs to Nyngan - 487km
Day 15 Saturday 21 July Nyngan to Sydney - 557km

Total Trip Distance Sydney to Sydney = 5031km (5100km with side trips)

Please Consider! To go we need AT LEAST 3 vehicles. Maximum number would be 8 to 10. Please post below if you would like to come, or if you are thinking about it. I will generate a Definites and a Maybes list. If you didn't get an Itinerary at the December meeting and would like a PDF version, please PM me with your email address.

1. Wayne & Julie
2. DaveG
3. Sean & Daphne
4. AdrianB
5. Dru & Kerry
6. John & Di
7. Hitesh
8. GregD
9. Dusan
10. SteveT
11. KevinF
12. Nick & Pam will join us from Wilpena to Innaminka.
13. Greg & Candice
Trip Full!

Danny & Sharon (unfortunately can't come)


09-12-17, 07:52 PM
Hi Dave,

Please count us in.

Sean & Daphne

09-12-17, 08:00 PM
Hi Dave,

Please count us in.

Sean & Daphne

Wow, that was quick! Thanks for the interest, added!


10-12-17, 11:10 AM
Hi Dave,

Can you put myself and my partner Tracey down as a maybe?

And to check, will this be okay, TJ, no lockers, 33's



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10-12-17, 04:43 PM
OK Dave. We are in. :-)


10-12-17, 05:27 PM
Hey Dave
Please include John & Di
For another notch on our bucket list.

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10-12-17, 07:18 PM
Hi Dave,

Can you put myself and my partner Tracey down as a maybe?

And to check, will this be okay, TJ, no lockers, 33's



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Hi Andrew,

As long as you can carry all your stuff and enough fuel. 33's are a great touring size tyre, and lockers are not needed. As long as the TJ is in top condition, should not be a problem.

Do you have the Itinerary? I have a lot more info in there including distances and cost guestimates. If you'd like one, please PM me your email address and I can send a PDF.


10-12-17, 07:19 PM
OK Dave. We are in. :-)


Done :)


10-12-17, 07:20 PM
Hey Dave
Please include John & Di
For another notch on our bucket list.

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Added, and that is 7 Definites in less than 24 hours! 2018 is going to be a fun touring year :)


10-12-17, 09:25 PM
Hi Dave - could you please put me down as a maybe. Thanks

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10-12-17, 11:47 PM
I'm a definiate maybe presently....

11-12-17, 05:34 PM
I'm a definiate maybe presently....

Added to the Maybe's Steve.


Greg D
12-12-17, 10:34 AM
Please count me in as a definite - subject to my wife's holiday planning.

12-12-17, 12:43 PM

12-12-17, 03:13 PM
Please count me in as a definite - subject to my wife's holiday planning.

Will do, just can’t access SJC site from work.
If we get more than 10 Jeeps, we might have to consider split convoys!

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12-12-17, 04:59 PM
I was going to suggest that.

Sure something could be worked out. :hypnotysed:

12-12-17, 10:36 PM
Dave, if there's a spot put me down as definite.


12-12-17, 11:43 PM
Hi Dave.... I'm a definite now.....

13-12-17, 06:19 AM
I was going to suggest that.

Sure something could be worked out. :hypnotysed:

Yes! We have 11 Definites now with Greg, Dusan and SteveT... Should be do able, Wayne and Julie are helping organise and will have all GPS points. We can just split the group in half, keep 10 mins or so between groups... Numbers do tend to change as well.

Thanks all,

13-12-17, 01:35 PM
So if splitting does that mean you can now handle up to 20?

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13-12-17, 03:22 PM
So if splitting does that mean you can now handle up to 20?

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No, not that many! Many of the places we will go have limited space, not just limited campsites.

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13-12-17, 09:24 PM

You just can’t go and do a trip like this without a silver JK - so i guess you best sign me up!


13-12-17, 09:41 PM
Dave, please add me as a definite. Thx.

13-12-17, 10:01 PM
And with Kev and Jeepstar we are at 13! Never had so much interest in a trip so fast.
I really think 14 would be the absolute limit, even if we have 2 convoys running 15-20 mins apart, 7 Jeep�s per is a lot...

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24-12-17, 08:32 PM
oMG this sounds great... put me as a maybe..

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08-01-18, 01:17 PM
An advisory comment, not a rant.

Several of us from the definite list, and who have done previous trips together, just got back from a tour of the Snowy Mountains. While we were out there we discussed things that people need to consider before doing a longer tour like this Simpson Trip will be, before they come along.

With touring trips, an itinerary is developed indicating all the dates and distances so that people can plan leave, and bookings can be made. It is not possible to change the plan much as we go. Obviously if there is a breakdown or other emergency then we have no choice.

The big problem is distance. There are days when we need to cover a few hundred kilometers on tar or dirt or a mixture, just to get to the next stop and stay on timetable. In past trips we have seen that some people have difficulty or are unwilling to maintain the speed limit on tar roads, and have difficulty or are unwilling to keep up with the convoy on dirt. On dirt we travel at speeds that are safe and appropriate for the conditions. This may be 20kph, or it may be 90kph depending on the track conditions.

There are days when we need to make early starts to cover distance. We have had people that are unable to get out of bed before 7am, let alone be on the road at 7 or even 8am. If conditions are worse than expected and speeds are reduced, we may get into camp late. There have been complaints about early starts and late finishes in the past. I try to time things to get into camp before dark, but sometimes things don't go to plan. If we have had a long day it is not possible to add a 'lay day' to make up for it. I have had complaints on past trips about having to pack up and move on most days - but this is touring, we don't stay in one place.
We have two days off (lay days) in this trip and some shorter days, and there should be plenty of time built in for sightseeing and breaks. We can't add more lay days and stick to the timetable.

Please consider these things when deciding if you want to come along. Please read the itinerary carefully. If you need another copy I can email it to you and will have them at the next meeting. Please also consider your gear (discussed in the itinerary). If we need to make an early start to cover distance, it helps if you can pack up your camp quickly. People have asked for help packing up in the past. This can't be relied on every day.

Thanks, and again not a rant or singling out anyone. If you wish to discuss please send me an email or PM, or see me at the next meeting.


13-01-18, 12:44 PM
Got a message from someone asking asking if they could bring a camper trailer on this trip. I did say in the first post in this thread that this trip is NOT suitable for camper trailers (and I have now made that more clear). While I thought that I had said that in the paper itinerary, I hadn't. My mistake.

If anyone was thinking of bringing a trailer, please do not. Towing across sand dunes is very hard work. I have seen trailers take twice as long to cross the desert as cars not towing. We will probably see broken trailers along the side of the tracks out there.

After the last trip I will also be checking that all vehicles have both front and rear recovery points. I overlooked a vehicle that did not have a front recovery point in the Snowy, fortunately that car didn't need recovering. If you don't have all the appropriate recovery points and gear, and haven't had a COMPREHENSIVE service before coming, or are towing, I will ask you not to leave Broken Hill with us.

Seems to be my week for thinking of 'extra' stuff :)


17-02-18, 01:41 PM
Just got a call from Nick and Pam, they would like to join us for about 2/3 of the trip - Wilpena Pound to Innaminka. That brings us to 14 vehicles for the 'serious' bit of the trip, and that is plenty. We will have two convoys of 7 if/when we decide that would be appropriate, so Trip Full.

Sorry to the people on the maybe list.

After the March club meeting I will email around to get names and regos for national parks etc bookings, and send the link so you can buy your Desert Parks Pass.

Thanks everyone!


14-03-18, 05:54 PM
Brief update, unfortunately Jeepstar has had to drop out :(



18-03-18, 09:50 AM
Hi All,

As I mentioned at the meeting two weeks ago, it’s time to start getting organised for the trip! It’s only a bit over three months (16 weeks but who’s counting :) until we all meet up in Broken Hill on Sunday 8 July.
I’m emailing everyone on the Definite List, and also the two Member Maybes. The third Maybe “Prescy” is not a member and I don’t have his email address. We are down to 13 definites having lost one last week.

I've sent everyone three documents. The first is a Registration Form for the trip. We need everyone’s names and vehicle regos for bookings at the various caravan parks and campsites. Please fill that out and either email it back to me or print and bring it to the meeting on 4 April. If your plans have changed and you can’t come along on the trip anymore, please email or post up so we know.

The second is called “Organisation” and has info about things that I can’t organise for you.

The first is to send your Registration Form to me as above.
Each vehicle will need a Desert Parks Pass from SA National Parks. In May, please go to https://www.environment.sa.gov.au/parks/entry-fees/parks-passes/desert-parks-pass and buy your Desert Parks Pass. It will cost you $160 per vehicle and you need to allow 3 weeks for it to arrive by post.
Each vehicle will need a Sand Flag, again this is required by National Parks, https://www.environment.sa.gov.au/parks/find-a-park/Browse_by_region/flinders-ranges-outback/simpson-desert-conservation-park-regional-reserve#safety
I need to book camping for us all near Poepple Corner in the desert. Qld National Parks wants $6.50 per person for this one night, and I have to book in advance. Can I please collect $6.50 per person at the April meeting?
Last, we need to know where we are all going to meet. Wayne and Julie, and probable a few others will head out to Broken Hill ahead of me. We are meeting Nick and Pam in the Flinders Ranges. I’ll be leaving Sydney early on Saturday 7 July, overnighting in Cobar, arriving in Broken Hill on Sunday afternoon 8 July. I’m going to try and book a cabin in Cobar, if anyone would like to convoy out there and share a cabin, let me know and I’ll get that organised. We can work out where we will meet to convoy to Cobar from closer to July.

The last is a slightly updated Itinerary. No changes to timings or where we are going, a couple of updated costs – I have already reserved camping for us all at Wilpena Pound - $15 per campsite around a powered camp kitchen. I will update everyone with accurate camping costs once Julie, Wayne and I have made all the bookings, but as above, the only camping we need to pay for in advance is near Poepple Corner.

I’ve been keeping an eye on the conditions out there that may affect us. You probably saw all that rain in Western Qld two weeks ago, and that water is heading South. Birdsville has a lot of water around it at the moment as it sits on the Diamantina River https://www.facebook.com/BirdsvilleHotel/
I’m hoping that this is all flowing into Lake Eyre and not into Eyre Creek, the Cooper Creek or the Warburton Creek, as that could affect us getting into and out of the desert again. Still, three months to go and who knows. A good website to look at is the Lake Eyre Yacht Club (yes, that’s a real thing!) http://www.lakeeyreyc.com/Status/latest.html they think they may even be sailing this year! Two other good websites for track conditions are SA Transport https://www.dpti.sa.gov.au/OutbackRoads and The Desert Parks Bulletin https://www.environment.sa.gov.au/files/sharedassets/parks/parks/flinders-ranges-outback/desert-parks-bulletin-gen.pdf

If anyone has any questions about the trip, or just wants a chat, please call or email me. Otherwise, hope to have all the rego forms soon, and we’ll catch up at the April club meeting.

Thanks and best wishes,


18-03-18, 07:40 PM
Dave - have you got an eye on the BOM? There is definitely some action at the moment, Cooper looks to be rising, Diamantina falling from a high - I dont know anything about this stuff but looks like it is flowing through. Might not be fun right now, but might make the place very green for our trip.

AS you say though, hard to know!






18-03-18, 09:51 PM
Dave - have you got an eye on the BOM? There is definitely some action at the moment, Cooper looks to be rising, Diamantina falling from a high - I dont know anything about this stuff but looks like it is flowing through. Might not be fun right now, but might make the place very green for our trip.

AS you say though, hard to know!






Hi Dru, yes, I've been watching. With three months to go, I'm hoping that they will dry up again before we get there.

We cross the Cooper on the Birdsville Track south of Mungerannie. In 2010 we did it on the ferry - first time it had run in 20 years...

The creeks I am particularly interested in are the Warburton - which we cross going into the desert proper after we leave Mungerannie, and Eyre Creek which we cross coming out of the desert heading to Birdsville. Warburton is all black soil and impassable when wet. Hopefully as all that water is flowing south in rivers, it won't get into those two, as it does if it rains there...

Waiting and seeing, with fingers crossed, and three months for it to dry out :) Birdsville Hotel on Facebook is looking forward to a green / wildflowers season.


Steve F
26-03-18, 08:18 PM
Just realised we are doing the Flinders at the same time as you guys are doing this trip, we'll see you at Broken Hill and possibly at Tibooburra although we go through to Wanarring that day as we are only coming from Cameron Corner :)


27-03-18, 11:04 PM
Just realised we are doing the Flinders at the same time as you guys are doing this trip, we'll see you at Broken Hill and possibly at Tibooburra although we go through to Wanarring that day as we are only coming from Cameron Corner :)


Cool! What are your dates? We are in Broken Hill for the night on Sunday 8 July, driving to Flinders on Monday 9th.

Although if you are also in Tibooburra when we're there on the 18th I'm guessing later??

Catch you at the meeting next week, enjoy Coffs!!


Steve F
28-03-18, 09:16 AM
Cool! What are your dates? We are in Broken Hill for the night on Sunday 8 July, driving to Flinders on Monday 9th.

Although if you are also in Tibooburra when we're there on the 18th I'm guessing later??

Catch you at the meeting next week, enjoy Coffs!!


We arrive in Broken Hill on the Sunday (8th) and leave on the Tuesday (10th) so we have a day to explore the surrounds of Broken Hill. We then head towards Wilpena Pound and Waraweena for 5 days or so, we stay the night at Cameron corner on the 17th so might see you guys between there and Wanarring on the 18th :) From there we're off to Dubbo for two nights so the kids can spend a day at the Zoo and then home on the Saturday.


28-03-18, 05:45 PM
We arrive in Broken Hill on the Sunday (8th) and leave on the Tuesday (10th) so we have a day to explore the surrounds of Broken Hill. We then head towards Wilpena Pound and Waraweena for 5 days or so, we stay the night at Cameron corner on the 17th so might see you guys between there and Wanarring on the 18th :) From there we're off to Dubbo for two nights so the kids can spend a day at the Zoo and then home on the Saturday.


Sounds great! Limited accommodation in Broken Hill at the moment as there are lots of contractors in town building a wind farm. Could not get a cabin in any caravan park, although I know Hitesh managed to find a motel room. I'm camping at Broken Hill Tourist Park, 142 Rakow Street, Broken Hill - Ph 08 8087 3841 / 1800 803 842. Dinner at the Musicians Club (opposite railway stn) after the sunset sculptures.

We are booked to camp at Wilpena Resort - camping on Monday 9th, Wilpena Pound Camping & Caravan Park – Ph 08 8648 0004. On the 17th we'll be driving to Tibooburra from Innaminka, lunch at Cameron Corner. Staying at the camping ground at Tibooburra Granites Motel & Caravan Park - Ph 08 8091 3305, dinner at the Family Hotel! If youre camping I imagine you'll be there too :)


Steve F
28-03-18, 05:48 PM
Sounds great! Limited accommodation in Broken Hill at the moment as there are lots of contractors in town building a wind farm. Could not get a cabin in any caravan park, although I know Hitesh managed to find a motel room. I'm camping at Broken Hill Tourist Park, 142 Rakow Street, Broken Hill - Ph 08 8087 3841 / 1800 803 842. Dinner at the Musicians Club (opposite railway stn) after the sunset sculptures.

We are booked to camp at Wilpena Resort - camping on Monday 9th, Wilpena Pound Camping & Caravan Park – Ph 08 8648 0004. On the 17th we'll be driving to Tibooburra from Innaminka, lunch at Cameron Corner. Staying at the camping ground at Tibooburra Granites Motel & Caravan Park - Ph 08 8091 3305, dinner at the Family Hotel! If youre camping I imagine you'll be there too :)


We're also camping at Broken Hill tourist park that night so we'll join you guys for dinner and sculptures :)


05-04-18, 07:19 PM
Post April Meeting Update,

All 13 definites have confirmed for the trip, and on discussion with Wayne and Julie I have added one more brand new member/Jeep - Greg and Candace - who are very keen to come along, so closing the trip at 14 Jeeps and 24 people (huge - I didn't hear back from any of the Maybes...) and Julie, Wayne and I will get on with the bookings.

1. Wayne & Julie
2. DaveG
3. Sean & Daphne
4. AdrianB
5. Dru & Kerry
6. John & Di
7. Hitesh & Family
8. GregD
9. Dusan
10. SteveT
11. KevinF
12. Nick & Pam will join us from Wilpena to Innaminka.
13. Greg and Candice
Trip Full!

13 weeks 'till we head West!

Thanks all,

PS, The cabin I booked in Cobar is now fully shared, so if anyone else needed accommodation in Cobar on Sat 7 Jul please make own arrangements. Thanks.

06-04-18, 10:06 PM
As indicated at the recent club meeting, we have chosen to travel to Broken Hill NSW via an alternate route to Dave and our proposed itinerary is set out below for anyone wishing to convoy with us:

Day One: Sydney NSW to Hillston NSW

Departure Date: Friday 6th July 2018
Travel Distance: Approx. 648 km / Travel Time: Approx. 7hrs
Travel Route: Sydney - Marulan - Yass - Temora - Griffith - Merriwagga - Hillston
Departing: Sydney at 5:00am / Arriving: Hillston at Approx. 4:00pm
Overnight Accommodation: Hillston NSW

It is our intention to have our breakfast at Marulan, morning tea and a visit to the Aviation Museum (home to a collection of flying vintage warplanes) at Temora, lunch at Griffith and a drink/possible early dinner at the iconic Black Stump Hotel in Merriwagga before heading into Hillston.

NB. We have chosen to stay at the Hillston Motor Inn on High located on 198-206 High St, Hillston NSW 2675. However, accommodation options to suit all budgets are available in Hillston CBD and surrounds.

Day Two: Hillston NSW to Broken Hill NSW

Departure Date: Saturday 7th July 2018
Travel Distance: Approx. 467km / Travel Time: Approx. 5.5hrs
Travel Route: Hillston - Ivanhoe - Menindee - Broken Hill
Departing: Hillston at 7:30am / Arriving: Broken Hill at Approx. 3:30pm
Overnight Accommodation: Broken Hill NSW

It is our intention to have breakfast prior to leaving Hillston, top up the fuel tank at Ivanhoe and have some morning tea roadside on our leg to Menindee. We will have lunch and do some sightseeing at Menindee Lakes before heading into Broken Hill.

This itinerary allows for additional sightseeing at Broken Hill prior to the desert run. We are happy to meet anyone who wishes to join us at the Marulan Service Centre, but ask that you be fuelled, fed and ready to depart at 7:00am. Please post any expressions of interest.

Wayne & Julie

10-04-18, 01:17 PM

Let's hope things drain in time!

10-04-18, 02:15 PM

Let's hope things drain in time!

Yes! As I mentioned last week, the Lake Eyre Yacht Club has indicated that the Warburton Creek crossing - our way into the desert - is closed. However the Desert Parks info does not say that, so not sure. None of the websites say that Eyre Creek is wet - our way out of the desert - so, fingers crossed.
SA roads had closed the Birdsville Track due to the flooding of the Diamantina, but the waters have peaked and should recede soon.
I Hope [emoji41]

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...and an update. I spoke with Phil at Mungerannie on the Birdsville Track. Warburton Creek crossing is not closed (yet at least). He's been living out there for ages and believes that the Lake Eyre Yacht Club may be being a bit optimistic. Water has reached Innaminka down the Cooper Creek, but he doesn't think it will get as far as the Birdsville Track. So, we'll wait and see, but isn't sounding too bad atm.

16-04-18, 05:38 PM
Howdy fellow travellers
John n I will be leaving Sydney Saturday morning early ish....6-7am heading south then west through Wagga Wagga and stop over in Griffith Saturday night this is exactly 1/2 way to broken hill and have booked a room at the “Griffith hotel”. If any one else is interested in driving this way...cheers Di n John

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20-04-18, 11:39 AM
Hi All,

Eleven weeks tomorrow and we are heading West to Broken Hill! Julie, Wayne and I have been on the phone and internet since the April Meeting, and all the bookings that we can make are now done!

I have emailed everyone a list of Bookings and Prices - I’ll bring copies to the May Club Meeting. We have booked everything from Broken Hill to Nyngan, but there are a few things that we all have to do separately.

The first is to pay Birdsville Caravan Park. They are the only caravan park who have asked for payment up front, and I guess that is because we get there just after the Big Red Bash and they need our money to reserve our sites in this busy time. The price is $70 for the two nights 14 and 15 July, for 1 or 2 people on an unpowered site. Please call Birdsville ASAP, they require payment by 15 May, Ph 07 4656 3214. Say you are from the Sydney Jeep Club group, they have all our names. I called them today and paid my $70.

The second thing we all have to pay for is our Desert Parks Passes, but I will remind everyone about that at the May meeting. There is no need to purchase this before May, but there is also a three week delivery, so we need to order by early June!

And the last things you need to do is organize your own accommodation at Broken Hill, and however you choose to get to Broken Hill. I’m going via Cobar on Saturday 7 July and have booked a cabin at Cobar Caravan Park, 101 Marshall Street Cobar – Ph 02 6836 2425. I’m sharing that cabin with Sean & Daphne and GregD so it is full. If anyone else would like to organize/share a cabin there, we can discuss at the May meeting.

We have two other ‘convoys’ heading West by different routes, Wayne and Julie via Temora Aviation Museum and Hillston see post 39 on page 3 of this thread, and John and Di via Griffith see post 42 above.

I think most of us will camp at Broken Hill Tourist Park, 142 Rakow Street – Ph 08 8087 3841 / 1800 803 842 on Sunday 8 July. We leave from there at 7.00am on Monday (longish drive that day), and we will go out to do the Sunset Sculptures and dinner at the Musicians Club from there on Sunday night.
I know that Hitesh managed to get a motel in Broken Hill “Gateway Motor Inn – they had a room for $160 for the 4 of us” so you can look around for alternate places, as long as we have the convoy together at 7.00am on Monday :smile-new:

Thanks to everyone who gave me their $6.50 each for camping in the Qld bit of the Simpson Desert National Park. I have made all those bookings – and for the few who weren’t at the April meeting and owe me a beer or two!

So, apart from 1 and 2 above, I think we are all organized. Big thanks to Julie and Wayne for all their help!!

I called Phil at Mungerannie on the Birdsville Track, and he definitely will have fuel! So 100 litres for 479km high and low range in the desert should be okay (you know your car) – unless water/flooding becomes an issue. We will know closer to time.

If anyone has been following the ‘floods’ out that way, the good news is that Birdsville is now accessible again https://www.dpti.sa.gov.au/OutbackRoads and Lake Eyre Yacht Club changed their mind about the Warburton Crossing being closed – although they still expect water there soon http://www.lakeeyreyc.com/Status/latest.html. Other track conditions reports from Mt Dare http://www.mtdare.com.au/outback-track-and-road-conditions-including-simpson-desert and the Desert Parks Bulletin https://www.environment.sa.gov.au/parks/entry-fees/parks-passes/desert-parks-pass at bottom of page.

Hopefully it is all starting to dry out and we will have a clear run in 11 weeks.

Oh, and don’t forget the Rosehill Caravan and Camping show starting on Tuesday, unless you already have enough gear (is that even possible?)

Best wishes,

21-04-18, 12:08 PM
Quick update from us.

The single stint to Broken Hill doesn't bother us - we do the trip Sydney to Brisbane several times a year and would rather get the first big stint of bitumen done quickly. Different once we are off the bitumen. We have chosen Menindee as a starting spot to explore and booked a room for the Saturday night. Expect to try some fishing from the banks of the Darling on Sunday - I've not caught a golden perch yet.


See you all in Broken Hill Sunday evening.

24-04-18, 10:17 AM
Getting excited!


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24-04-18, 10:27 AM
We’ve also signed up for a full day of first aid training on May 14th.

If anyone wants to join us its course code HLTAID004 at CBD College in the Dymocks building on George street.


It’d be fun to know others there on the day.


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24-04-18, 09:35 PM
Getting excited!


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Nice! Doing the opposite right now, in Bright, heading over Hotham to Omeo tomorrow. Back to desert planning next week [emoji41]

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25-04-18, 09:07 AM
We�ve also signed up for a full day of first aid training on May 14th.

If anyone wants to join us its course code HLTAID004 at CBD College in the Dymocks building on George street.

www.firstaidtrainingsydneycbd.com.au (http://www.firstaidtrainingsydneycbd.com.au)

It�d be fun to know others there on the day.


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Hey Nick,

We did the first aid course at that college a couple of months ago. Really informative. Don't forget to do the online workshop and get your USI before you go.

We are also busy building our drawer system in the Jeep. So many things to do and the weeks are counting down!

Sean & Daf

27-04-18, 01:19 PM
Johns had the prado ready since before we joined the Jeep club!!!! Sheesh....

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05-05-18, 04:02 PM
A bit of an update since Wednesday night's meeting.

I reminded everyone that attended that there are a few bookings that individuals need to make, including Birdsville Caravan Park by 15 May, then your Desert Parks Pass by the start of June to allow time for postage. I know many of us have done these, I hope that everyone I haven't seen lately did get my email with all the details on 20 April. If you need it again, please let me know ASAP.

A bit of bad news, the Warburton Crossing is now flooded and closed. It is still nearly 10 weeks until we get there, so fingers and toes crossed that the Warburton River will go back down and it'll dry out before we get there.

If it doesn't re-open we have a couple of options. I can call Phil at Mungerannie mid June to see if we can cross into the desert further South through Cowarie Station. It is private property, but he organised permission for a group to go through there last year. They followed their GPS North from Cowarie as there is no track on my map from the station to the bottom of the K1 line. Sounds great! I will also ask if that route would need additional fuel, but it is about the same distance as our planned route. Maybe more low range...

If that doesn't work, we will head straight to Birdsville and go into the desert from there. We may not get to Poepple corner, but we would still do plenty of big dunes (starting with Big Red) on the way in an out again, and bush camp in the desert as planned. Or if we decide to cut our stay in Birdsville short by one night and spend two nights in the desert, we could! (yeah, I know, we only paid for one night in the desert, but last resorts and all... :)

We won't change ANY plans until much closer to time, when we know which routes are open/possible, so please continue with your preparations and please call me if you have any questions. There are a few people that I have not heard from since March and it would be good to know if they have made bookings etc.

The good news is that everywhere else we are planning to go is open, so we will definitely see the Flinders Ranges, Lake Eyre, Birdsville, Innaminka... So totally worth going!

Hope everyone is doing well! (I know a few are on pre-trip holidays haha)


05-05-18, 10:57 PM
Dave, I reckon Mungerannie sounds so cool just contact them.

(Toss a coin for leading it out!)

06-05-18, 10:36 AM
Dave, I reckon Mungerannie sounds so cool just contact them.

(Toss a coin for leading it out!)

Agree, it sounds good! But I'll give it a few weeks before I call. No point in changing plans now if it gets flooded later and we can't cross there either. The amount of time it has taken to get to the 'usual' crossing, it could take another few weeks, or not at all...

It would still be my second choice, with a convoy of this size and not knowing how much extra time or fuel the Cowarie Station route - if passable - might take. Third choice would be in and out via Birdsville...

06-05-18, 07:32 PM
Dave, had a look over the BOM river levels report today. There is plenty of water upstream, just plenty. But all of it is less than minor flooding, in fact everything is below bridges etc. So not flooding, just flowing.

It actually sounds pretty positive for us seeing a spectacular part of the world in spectacular conditions.

So far, I think it couldn't be better.


06-05-18, 08:59 PM
Dave, had a look over the BOM river levels report today. There is plenty of water upstream, just plenty. But all of it is less than minor flooding, in fact everything is below bridges etc. So not flooding, just flowing.

It actually sounds pretty positive for us seeing a spectacular part of the world in spectacular conditions.

So far, I think it couldn't be better.


You bet! Can't wait to get out there. 9 weeks tonight, sunset sculptures at Broken Hill :)

It's this one that has closed the Warburton Crossing http://www.bom.gov.au/fwo/IDS60250/IDS60250.517013.plt.shtml

But Lake Eyre Yacht Club http://www.lakeeyreyc.com/Status/latest.html is thinking it might be down in three weeks, then it just has to dry out... http://www.lakeeyreyc.com/Status/FloodAssessment.html


14-05-18, 11:12 PM
I emailed around a last reminder yesterday that tomorrow - Tuesday 15 May - is the deadline day that Birdsville asked for payment for camping. Hope that is all done now.

I ordered my Desert Parks Pass after the last meeting and it arrived last Friday – so only 9 days for delivery. I’ll do another reminder for this one at the June Meeting, but if you haven’t ordered by the July meeting it will be too late!

The water level has started to drop in the Warburton, so hopefully it’ll dry up in the next few weeks, http://www.bom.gov.au/fwo/IDS60250/IDS60250.517013.plt.shtml
And we’ll be all systems go!

8 weeks tonight and we'll be round the campfire at Wilpena Pound :)


23-05-18, 09:46 AM
This is from the twitter-verse. Recent pic from Lake Eyre.


23-05-18, 05:31 PM
I emailed around a last reminder yesterday that tomorrow - Tuesday 15 May - is the deadline day that Birdsville asked for payment for camping. Hope that is all done now.

I ordered my Desert Parks Pass after the last meeting and it arrived last Friday – so only 9 days for delivery. I’ll do another reminder for this one at the June Meeting, but if you haven’t ordered by the July meeting it will be too late!

The water level has started to drop in the Warburton, so hopefully it’ll dry up in the next few weeks, http://www.bom.gov.au/fwo/IDS60250/IDS60250.517013.plt.shtml
And we’ll be all systems go!

8 weeks tonight and we'll be round the campfire at Wilpena Pound :)


I’ve tried to reach Nora so many times but she’s too busy says she’ll call back last messsge was she would email or text me bank details to make payment...she wasn’t concerned as we were part of a bigger group being sjc

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27-05-18, 11:47 AM
I’ve tried to reach Nora so many times but she’s too busy says she’ll call back last messsge was she would email or text me bank details to make payment...she wasn’t concerned as we were part of a bigger group being sjc

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Sorry, who is Nora? I don’t understand what you are trying to do.
If it is pay Birdsville, they took my credit card over the phone. If it is book your desert parks pass, that is an online booking...
Let me know what you need to do if I can help.

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27-05-18, 12:56 PM
Sorry, who is Nora? I don’t understand what you are trying to do.
If it is pay Birdsville, they took my credit card over the phone. If it is book your desert parks pass, that is an online booking...
Let me know what you need to do if I can help.

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Nita runs the park every time I ring to book in and pay she’s too busy

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27-05-18, 12:56 PM
Nita runs the park every time I ring to book in and pay she’s too busy

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27-05-18, 03:45 PM

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Bloody Nora!!

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27-05-18, 03:49 PM
Bloody Nora!!

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Yep, can't think of anything better than that!

27-05-18, 04:35 PM
Bloody Nora!!

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Omg [emoji23] [emoji23] too funny!!!

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10-06-18, 11:12 AM
June Reminder

Hi All,

There were a few of us at the Club meeting last week, so we were able to have a chat about trip preparations. Everyone who was there had contacted and paid for Birdsville caravan park, and everyone had ordered their Desert Parks Pass, so all good!

If there is anyone who has not ordered their Desert Parks Pass, now is the time!
They recommend three weeks for delivery, and in 4 weeks from today, we will all be meeting up in Broken Hill!
If you haven’t ordered by this week, you might not take delivery in time. https://www.environment.sa.gov.au/parks/entry-fees/parks-passes/desert-parks-pass

There are a few people that I haven’t caught up with in the last couple of months. Steve? Greg & Candice? Hope everything is on track. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

One more thing that I said I would organise before we get there is meals in Copley! We will be cooking for ourselves at Wilpena on Monday night 9 July, and at Muloorina / Lake Eyre on Wednesday night 11 July.
But we can go to the pub in Copley on Tuesday night 10th, and even have a cooked breakfast at Copley Bakery (in the caravan park) on Wednesday morning before we head North to Maree.

But they need numbers. If you could email me with how many of you might want a pub meal on Tuesday night and a cooked breakfast on Wednesday morning, I will let them know our numbers on Sunday next week.

One last thing. I called Mungerannie this morning to see if they have a ‘best guess’ about the Warburton Crossing. As you know it did flood, and water made it all the way to Lake Eyre. At the moment there is no way across the Warburton to the K1 Line, which is our planned route. This is at the mapped crossing and at the possible station crossing to the south as well, which was cut off by water reaching Lake Eyre and was always a bit iffy as there are no tracks on the maps…

The water level is still dropping. Poothapoota Waterhole, just downstream of the crossing has dropped from 4.7 metres and is now at 1.5 metres. https://www.waterconnect.sa.gov.au/Systems/RTWD/Pages/Default.aspx

The best guess at Mungerannie is that in a month, maybe, we will be able to cross. It is all black soil around the river, so not only does the river need to drop more, but the land around has some drying out to do.
I’m keeping my fingers crossed that the main crossing will re-open. But if it doesn’t, the fall back plan is to drive straight to Birdsville from Mungerannie up the Birdsville track, arrive about lunch time, refuel and head into the desert from there.
IF we do that, we could just bushcamp between the dunes for 1 night, then head back to Birdsville for our booked 2 nights, OR we could decide to go all the way to Poepple Corner and back, then we would be 2 nights in the desert and back in Birdsville for an afternoon and one night.

I know we have already payed for 2 nights in Birdsville and only 1 in the desert, but this is a maybe, when we get there... We could split the convoy, those who want to go to Poepple (2 bush camps) and those that just spend the 1 night in the bush and return to Birdsville. Would still much rather do what is planned, just need the Warburton to dry up and be re opened!!

Please let me know numbers for Copley, or if you need to talk anything over.
Best wishes,

10-06-18, 08:09 PM
Hi Dave
We are good to do the pub dinner and brekky too...count us in ... and our parks pass arrived last week
Still need to pay for Birdsville will try bloody Nora again this weekend....lol
John n Di

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11-06-18, 08:04 PM
Hi Dave
We are good to do the pub dinner and brekky too...count us in ... and our parks pass arrived last week
Still need to pay for Birdsville will try bloody Nora again this weekend....lol
John n Di

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13-06-18, 10:44 PM
Hi everyone,

As a few of you that were at the last club meeting already know, I have created a couple of graphic decals for the trip. Thought it will be nice to have something to remember it, besides the sand you will be forever trying to vacuum out!

I'm waiting for the sample decals to come. In the meantime, I just want to see how many of you will like one.

The cost is $15 per decal.

The decal will be in white like the one in the photo on the rear window. The size is 210 x 137mm.

If you would like one, please message me by Wednesday 20/06/2018.

We will bring the decals in the July meeting or can pass it to you on the trip.


PS: 23 days & counting
https://scontent.fmel1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/35082841_10156515194726057_1902509459444334592_n.j pg?_nc_cat=0&oh=8e7b6d8f61c1c981b7fc1e1de6c2c01f&oe=5BC360F5

https://scontent.fmel1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/35196930_10156515194616057_5510682171662139392_n.j pg?_nc_cat=0&oh=4ac528defb0d8ab9ef229ceab93cb2f9&oe=5B7B7C37

https://scontent.fmel1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/35330755_10156515203236057_8599977518323204096_n.j pg?_nc_cat=0&oh=47a1fda8f4e3c128403e34735b2331a9&oe=5B7B7EC8

18-06-18, 07:29 PM
In case you didn't believe me that it can be cold out there...

-1 in Broken Hill expected tonight.
And -1 in Marree.
And just 2 degrees in Birdsville!

Make sure you pack your Winter sleeping bag. And perhaps the thermals :)


23-06-18, 09:19 AM
Hi All,

Another update, and this time not as hopeful.

I've been in touch with "SA Parks" to see if they had any thoughts as to re-opening the Warburton Crossing, after the Yacht Club said it was passable over a week ago. This is the reply I got yesterday.

Hi David,

Ive spoken to some people in Birdsville and have some updated info on Warburton Crossing.

Still the same as I expected, the crossing is still impassable and its looking to stay that way for quite some time.
Goyders Lagoon still has water in it and that’s what is leaking into Warburton.

When Goyders first flooded it took out Warburton by about 6-7 metres wide and since the weather is quite cool up there it’s not drying out like they had hoped.

The Ranger and Police officer from Birdsville only checked again this week and have said it definitely won’t be opened the whole of July. But they are planning on checking it again every couple of weeks, so if there are any changes we will definitely know.

She mentioned that a lot of tourists are still going to have a look at the crossing and getting stuck because the flood area was far larger than would be expected.

Hope this info helps you, sorry it’s not any better news.

Have a great trip,
Sam Butler
Desert Parks Administration Officer
Department for Environment and Water

So unless there is a significant change in the next two weeks, it looks like we might be going all the way up the Birdsville Track and into and back out of the sand from Birdsville. Whether we go as far as Poepple, two bush camps in the desert and only one night in Birdsville, we can decide on when we get there. Not to worry though. We will still do PLENTY of big sand dunes and get at least one night under the stars in the middle of nowhere :)

Two weeks until the trip West!


26-06-18, 09:31 AM
Some marvelous work by the ABC showing what is going on with the desert and water at the moment. Well worth checking out.


Dave I know we are targeting the Simpson, but honest, given we may have to change route to avoid crossing the Warburton can we find just a little time to check out the Goyder?


26-06-18, 06:14 PM
Some marvelous work by the ABC showing what is going on with the desert and water at the moment. Well worth checking out.


Dave I know we are targeting the Simpson, but honest, given we may have to change route to avoid crossing the Warburton can we find just a little time to check out the Goyder?


Hi Dru,

The Birdsville Inside Track goes through Goyder Lagoon - which on a map is just a large area of land with lots of channels. The Inside Track is nearly always closed as the 'lagoon' is nearly always at least damp.

You are right that unfortunately we likely won't be able to cross the Warburton. We will probably have to take the main Birdsville Track which goes around Goyder Lagoon, not sure what the view will be like. We can stop and have a look at the track where we had hoped to cross the Warburton, and at the Inside Track where it splits off from the main, but I'm not planning to go in if they are closed/bogs. There are not many tracks that link the main Birdsville and Inside tracks, and those there are will probably be impassable.

They had quite a bit of rain in Birdsville and Innaminka last night, with more expected today. The Birdsville Track north of Mungerannie is closed, as are all tracks to Innaminka, but they should re-open in a couple of days.
If they had rain over the desert, it might affect how far we can get into it even from Birdsville (Eyre Creek can flood) we'll see over the next few days.

If we choose to just spend one night in the desert and two in Birdsville as planned, you can do scenic flights from Birdsville over the desert and Goyder Lagoon... to be considered http://emoji.tapatalk-cdn.com/emoji41.png
You can also get on to the north end of the Inside Track just West of Birdsville. If we have a whole day in Birdsville, we could easily drive down and have a look.

I know that some people only want one night bush camping on the QAA line between the dunes. We can decide whether any of us want to push to Poepple or just have that one night, when we get there!

We can chat more about possibilities at the meeting next week. See you there :encouragement:


PS, thanks for the ABC Link, it was a really good presentation!

29-06-18, 06:22 AM
Omg .... a week to go!!!! A tad excited now.....

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29-06-18, 03:10 PM
Just spoke to Phil at Mungerannie, who suggested I speak to Birdsville Police, so I did.
They reckon that the Warburton has dried out a lot.
The Policeman said I should call back next week, he is waiting on some advice from some people heading in there, but if things look okay, he will advise Desert Parks to re open the track.
There is still hope!!

Oh, and the main Birdsville Track has re opened, they reassess the Innaminka roads on Monday.

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30-06-18, 06:46 PM
Super news there Dave!

01-07-18, 03:25 PM
My son still talks about how cold it was the night we camped at Wilpena Pound, back on that first trip. Good luck everyone, a great experience awaits.

01-07-18, 03:26 PM
A week from now, we are all meeting up in Broken Hill. Before then, I wanted to make sure everyone knows how they are getting there.

I know John and Di have a plan, as do Wayne and Julie, and I think some others are tagging along with them.

I'm meeting Greg, Sean and Daf at Cobar Caravan Park on Saturday evening, pretty sure Kev will meet us there too. Dinner at the bowling club!

SteveT is meeting me on the way out of Sydney on Saturday morning. Possibly Lithgow or Mudgee.

Anyone else wanting to tag along, we can chat on Wednesday...

If we don't all catch up on Wednesday, drive safe!


And watch out for the goats around Cobar as well, especially near dawn and dusk!!

We will all meet in Broken Hill, and all the addresses and my contacts are in the Itinerary etc.

All the best,

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01-07-18, 05:52 PM
Good luck and safe travellers Jeepers
Steve C

01-07-18, 08:02 PM

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03-07-18, 07:35 PM

The meals are sorted ... [emoji23]

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03-07-18, 07:59 PM
We have been pushing the wire trying to get ready in time. Fortunately Frank and Jonathon at ATV Automotive have pulled out all stops - really impressed with their knowledge, detail, care and ability to rebuild around some old and entrenched issues in the JK.

It was a close run thing, but we are ready to rock and roll! Bring on the Simpson.

:smile-new: :smile-new: :smile-new:

03-07-18, 08:07 PM
Awesome guys! A working vehicle and a pantry for 4! Bring on Saturday :)


04-07-18, 09:54 AM
Yep, mine is with Frank and Jonathon at ATV this week. Ball joints and new track bar required to fix wobbles. Just as well we went on that shakedown trip last week! I wasn't shaking down for Simpson but rather for the Training weekend on 14 July in Wagga. The jeep hadn't been used for a while, so just as well I went along otherwise I wouldn't have uncovered how serious the wobbles actually were.
A bit disappointed that the Synergy ball joints are less than two years old and covered less than 10k km.

04-07-18, 10:09 PM
3 more sleeps to go....[emoji99][emoji79]

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04-07-18, 10:31 PM
3 more sleeps to go....[emoji99][emoji79]

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Sleep? Who can sleep? Too much anticipation.

Steve F
05-07-18, 08:11 PM
See you guys on the road as we head to the Flinders, most likely catch you for Dinner at Broken Hill (we're in the same van park as Dave). Drive safe :)


05-07-18, 09:11 PM
See you guys on the road as we head to the Flinders, most likely catch you for Dinner at Broken Hill (we're in the same van park as Dave). Drive safe :)


Nice! See you there on Sunday! Drive safe, watch out for the Roos early and near dusk, and the goats round Cobar!
Have fun,

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05-07-18, 09:27 PM
Packing List... may have to drop a few things out...[emoji23][emoji3]https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20180705/d192b08e25df4eefb77c502e4d3f12cf.jpg

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06-07-18, 04:02 PM
Last update before the off - probably (maybe)

Unfortunately Danny and Sharon are not able to come with us for family reasons :(, so we are down to 13 Jeeps and 22 people - still one heck of a Jeep convoy :)

I think that I have heard from everyone about getting to Broken Hill! I'll be meeting several people at the Shell at Lithgow (at the turnoff to Rydal - Magpie Hollow Rd) at 9.00am tomorrow. If there aren't any Jeeps there when you get there (after 9) then look for us at the Honey Haven in Mudgee around 10.30. Otherwise its the road to Dubbo, then turn left onto the Barrier Hwy after crossing the river at Nyngan, then see you in Cobar! We'll be on UHF 15 (Club Channel) and my mobile number is on just about every email or piece of paper I have handed out including the Itinerary :)

Greg and Candice emailed me that they are going via Griffith on Saturday night, so if John and Di are also on Channel 15 you might meet there or on the road.

The most important update that I have been waiting for is still not 100% there. Sam from Desert Parks SA called me this morning and thanked me for my email on Wednesday. In that email I had advised her that Birdsville Police considered the Warburton Crossing to be passable. She is contacting Clifton Station (the closest property to the crossing) to ask their opinion. If they agree that the crossing is passable, she will update the track information and we will be okay to go the way we planned!

But, if they do not agree, then the crossing stays closed, and the fine for getting caught using a closed track last time I asked was $1000 per wheel (so worse if you tow)...

We won't know the result until next week, she said she would email or text me - but even Telstra doesn't work everywhere - so hopefully we will have an answer by Marree on Wednesday or at Mungerannie on Thursday arvo.

But hey, there is still hope :)

Drive safe everyone! Look forward to seeing everyone at Broken Hill Tourist Park, or at the Sculptures just North of town at sunset, or at the Musicians Club opposite the railway station for dinner about 7.30 (I'll book a table when we get to town).


06-07-18, 04:07 PM
Safe Jeeping everyone.

Have a great time.

Looking forward to stories and photos.


06-07-18, 04:29 PM
Have a great time everyone. Lots of pics and stories please!

06-07-18, 07:52 PM
So Kerry and I had a lazy pack and headed out quite late. Currently having dinner in Dubbo. On to Menindie tomorrow to check out the Darling River wetlands.

We’ll catch with everyone for dinner on Sunday.


07-07-18, 07:59 AM
On our way .... yippee

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07-07-18, 08:10 AM
And unfortunately Dusan has chucked a sickie ☹️, and it’s not even as if we’re going to work.
Down to 12 Jeep’s, and I’m in Lithgow. Think it’s just Greg I’m meeting here now.

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Dru and Kerry
08-07-18, 01:47 PM
The people you meet.... Belle droving her cows on a quad bike outside Nyngan and Russell and Rob, part of a 40 Model T Ford trip from Cameron’s Corner in Wilcannia.


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08-07-18, 04:42 PM
And unfortunately Dusan has chucked a sickie ☹️,

I am slowly coming back from the special weight loss program :hurt:. Have a good one everyone!

10-07-18, 10:07 PM
I am slowly coming back from the special weight loss program :hurt:. Have a good one everyone!

Glad to hear it, sorry you are missing out...https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20180710/265b87cbabf7d4d892c803eb06d525f4.jpg

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Dru and Kerry
16-07-18, 08:05 PM
More pics from the trip


Sunset at Lake Eyre

Campsite outside Lake Eyre at sun rise, bloody cold!

Poeppel corner where the K1 Line (parrallel todunes) intersects the QAA line (crossing over the dunes)

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21-07-18, 03:12 PM
OK Dru'n'Kerry are safely home. Think Wayne and Julie, Adrian, Pat and Hitesh, SteveT should not be far behind - and that should be everyone home.


21-07-18, 05:27 PM
Not quite :) I’m in Wagga, home tomorrow!
Really glad everyone else made it, and hope the second half of the trip was as good as the first!

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21-07-18, 05:33 PM
Hi all,

Wayne & Julie home safe, car unpacked ready for the big cleanup to start tomorrow.

Thanks all for such a great trip.

22-07-18, 10:48 AM
Apologies Dave, I left out our prodigal WK2. Oops!

Do sign in when you are home.


22-07-18, 11:50 AM
For those wanting info on the trip, here are the salient points - obviously from our own experiences. This is just an outline, the bones as it were. You would write a book to cover the joy, the fascination, the comradery and the amazing scenery. Big shout out to Dave for pulling together such a fantastic trip. It isnt possible to do an outline without missing heaps - please forgive me for the omissions.

Clean start from Broken Hill, it got interesting very shortly after hitting dirt - several flat tyres that seemed to come in groups. Sorted at Copley - more on them shortly.
Road in and out of Lake Eyre was the worst corrugations - option tracks necessary for some corrugated sections. Sunset over the lake won't be forgotten quickly.

Flinders Ranges should not be forgotten.

More flat tyres on the Birdsville "track" - which may be dirt but is a Road Train Highway. Sorted at the fabulous Mungerannie.

K1 Line "closed access" signs had been withdrawn - status resolved, on to the Simpson! Where Greg had suspension issues, suspected air bag issues in the front end? And Dave collected a mound for a broken front strut. Following many sat-phone calls, Copley (nearly 600km away!) agreed to send a recovery vehicle for Dave. Discretion finally got the better of valour and Greg turned home having gotten as far as Poeppel Corner.

The convoy had to be split during the vehicle issues. Wayne and Julie, Kevin, Dru'n'Kerry stayed with Dave on an un-named salt flat waiting for the Copley driver. The main group was lead out varously by SteveT and Sean and Daphne. The two groups overlapped for an evening in Birdsville before the main group continued to the original Dave itinerary. The smaller group rested an extra day, then deviated with a 550k between fuel stops drive to pick up the third of the State corners. Nick and Pam headed north on their year long tavels, headed for dinosaur country.

All met up and convoy was reunited at Innaminka.

On to Tibooburra and White Cliffs. About 50k before White Cliffs Dru'n'Kerry had the tyre blow out of the trip. Completely shredding a Mickey Thomson. :grey: The ensuing recovery really needed convoy assistance - somehow I managed a dislocated shoulder and we would not have managed without the group. Nurse and Royal Flying Doctor Service sorted that out, OK for the trip home, albeit with Kerry doing more hours behind the steering wheel!

After that (Bitumen from there), the group gradually splintered as different parties had different deadlines back in Sydney.

I've hardly touched on half of the places or even things like "Big Red" or the number of Wedge Tailed Eagles or surnrise sunset or the incredible desert night sky. Kerry and I are resting up, shoulder is coming good, and dreaming about three corners (Poeppel, Haddon, Cameron) and three deserts (Simpson, Sturt's Stony, Strezlecki).

We'll see if we can post some more pics, they do better at explaining I think.

See you at the next SJC Meeting!


Steve F
22-07-18, 12:16 PM
Great to see you guys out there, we crossed paths with the trip, or some of it, a few times. Other than dinner at Broken Hill we dropped in on Dave at Copley to see if he needed anything as we passed through, got there about an hour after he arrived with broken grand, and then saw another SJC'r at Bourke in the servo but the name escapes me (it'd been a long trip for our little). We had our own dramas, I got a tent peg through the tyre at 80kmh just on the dirt at Yunta (replaced at Hawker) and then a rock through the back window on the Strezlecki (replace with garbage bags until Tibboburra and then card board from the post office). Soft top goes on today until I can get a new window. Then, 350km from home, the pathfinder traveling with us blew it's clutch and had to make the rest of the trip home on a flat bed.

Great time out there though, and looks like you guys did too.

https://lq2taa.dm.files.1drv.com/y4mEeywHkqwxdh2uVc3ZiSgVtdIxkNurW6pVYdXuulB61BHuFe AZTRo3lv2hAHX-Za03FaSvaW714oVdKGlqFMJyCm9VJ822gnU1ApzRnvge-ZSQAjP2eMEpm6abkh2dMUy2-eF8zYS5exL1xPjS8UVeXprTuTPmKnkTMo1hNRnFb6fudwApPTB 1czRtRqiUfMJ4iX3PqN3pgbS414eLja-Lw?width=1024&height=250&cropmode=none


Dru and Kerry
22-07-18, 12:20 PM
Some more pics:


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22-07-18, 05:34 PM
Great to see you guys out there, we crossed paths with the trip, or some of it, a few times. Other than dinner at Broken Hill we dropped in on Dave at Copley to see if he needed anything as we passed through, got there about an hour after he arrived with broken grand, and then saw another SJC'r at Bourke in the servo but the name escapes me (it'd been a long trip for our little). We had our own dramas, I got a tent peg through the tyre at 80kmh just on the dirt at Yunta (replaced at Hawker) and then a rock through the back window on the Strezlecki (replace with garbage bags until Tibboburra and then card board from the post office). Soft top goes on today until I can get a new window. Then, 350km from home, the pathfinder traveling with us blew it's clutch and had to make the rest of the trip home on a flat bed.

Great time out there though, and looks like you guys did too.

https://lq2taa.dm.files.1drv.com/y4mEeywHkqwxdh2uVc3ZiSgVtdIxkNurW6pVYdXuulB61BHuFe AZTRo3lv2hAHX-Za03FaSvaW714oVdKGlqFMJyCm9VJ822gnU1ApzRnvge-ZSQAjP2eMEpm6abkh2dMUy2-eF8zYS5exL1xPjS8UVeXprTuTPmKnkTMo1hNRnFb6fudwApPTB 1czRtRqiUfMJ4iX3PqN3pgbS414eLja-Lw?width=1024&height=250&cropmode=none


Wow, sounds like a hard trip for lots of people this year! It was great to see you at Copley - although I had been there since 11.30pm the night before :)

More fab pics there Dry and Kerry, wish I had't missed out on some of them... next time haha.

Home now!


22-07-18, 06:46 PM
Must be great to be back Dave. All the best.

22-07-18, 09:36 PM
Another fabulous adventure orchestrated by David G and Wayne n Julie
Can�t thank you all enough for some amazing memories and story�s
Can�t wait fir thx next trip
John n Di 15HERZ

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23-07-18, 04:22 PM
Thanks Dave and Julie/Wayne for an excellently planned and executed trip. One more item off our bucket list [emoji106][emoji3]


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27-07-18, 05:03 PM
Must be great to be back Dave. All the best.

OMG! I saw the pics on the mobile, this is the first time I've looked at the whole thread and saw your trip report. Glad you are recovering from your shoulder injury, sounds terrible! I'm guessing getting spare off the roof :(

We are going to have some stories to tell at the meeting next week!

Best wishes,

28-07-18, 08:09 AM
Dave - I thought I would knock out a "skeleton" - everyone's stories will be much better! Predictably I missed stuff EG should have spoken about the brilliant work by Wayne and Julie leading the second trip and continuing when the two groups er-merged.

Shoulder will do fine. Nothing time wont solve. Look forward to the stories!


04-09-18, 11:16 AM
Hi everyone,

Took awhile but finally got a chance to load the photos on dropbox.

Below is the link:


Sean & Daf

04-09-18, 11:59 AM
Thanks, great photos as expected and well worth the wait.

04-09-18, 12:52 PM
Absolutely brilliant. Thanks Sean!

04-09-18, 05:31 PM
Wonderful, thanks Sean!!

Loved revisiting all those flat tyres :)

...and all the other beautiful shots!


04-09-18, 08:44 PM
Hi everyone,

Took awhile but finally got a chance to load the photos on dropbox.

Below is the link:


Sean & Daf

Neat photos!