View Full Version : Club Display 25th & 26th March from 10:00am – 4:00pm

10-03-17, 01:25 PM
Looking for Jeeps for the club display either Saturday or Sunday or both days at the Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences Discovery Centre! We can have at least 10-15 jeeps on the site each day so lets make it a real club social event.

Sounds like a great day with food trucks, camel rides, rock climbing wall and a few other activities plus free access to the Museum so invite family and friends to come and meet you there!

Your jeep will be need to be on site before 9:30am and can not leave until after 4pm. You can leave it over night if you want to - the site will be secured.

The theme is adventure so think of how we can translate that into our display! Open to idea's. Would be good to have all sorts of jeeps on the stand especially some older ones!

NOTE the site is the Museums Discovery Centre which is in Castle Hill, it’s address is 172 Showground Road.

1. Brian and Izzy
2. Steve T
3. Piero and Evonne
4. Chris C

1. Heidi, Brian and Izzy
2. Steve F (plus trailer)
3. Dave G
4. Nick (mohawk)
5. Steve & Hayley
6. Dennis and Eleni

10-03-17, 04:20 PM
Available either day...............

Steve F
10-03-17, 04:45 PM
Can do the 26th, bring the trailer, give it that adventure feel?


10-03-17, 08:01 PM
Sunday would suit me best if that's okay!


11-03-17, 09:48 AM
Steve T - i have put you down for Saturday - you can do both days if you want though

Steve F - yes I thought of your trailer and mentioned we might add trailers to the display

11-03-17, 01:02 PM
Steve T - i have put you down for Saturday - you can do both days if you want though

Steve F - yes I thought of your trailer and mentioned we might add trailers to the display
Cool for both days but wait till see what other responses you get for the Sunday...........

12-03-17, 10:42 PM
Lots to do on Saturdays, but I can bring our Jeep on the Sunday.

Hopefully with the rooftop tent mounted.


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13-03-17, 08:38 AM
Apologies I can't make it. The Jeep is going in for Pre-Camp Coffs service and front driveshaft replacement on the 25th, and will be out of action for the week.

14-03-17, 10:17 AM
I will send an "all members" email about this, hope we can get a few more along.


... and I got a reply from Steve and Hayley for Sunday.

If you need more on Saturday, I could move days. Just let me know.


14-03-17, 03:22 PM
We are trying to free up Saturday for this. Confirm later this week.


14-03-17, 06:29 PM
We can do Sunday if that works.
Dennis & Eleni

14-03-17, 08:49 PM
We can do the Saturday.
Piero & Evonne

14-03-17, 10:53 PM
I might be able to do the Sunday, have a service weekend with Scouts in Heathcote so need to see what plans are for that first.

18-03-17, 09:16 AM
Heidi, would you mind if I took a leave of absence on this one? Got my dates wrong - the Association is meeting with Parks on 25.3 regarding Mugii Murum-ban (Mt Airlie) on the back of the responses. Dont want to miss that.

I could still make Sunday but would rather take a day break on the w/end.

18-03-17, 11:42 AM
No worries Dru. Hence why I removed my name from Saturday as well!

20-03-17, 08:27 PM
Still plenty of room for more jeeps to be on display....

21-03-17, 12:43 PM
I should also add you can drop your jeep off at 9-9:30 and pick it back up at 4pm if you can't stay for the day!

Steve F
21-03-17, 12:44 PM
Are we going to meet somewhere before hand? I don't mind either way :)


23-03-17, 05:44 PM
I think just meet there? They want to stop movement by about 9:30 so that would be the absolute latest you could arrive. Maybe aim for 9:00

24-03-17, 08:49 AM
Do we need to prep the car in any way ?

24-03-17, 09:45 AM
Do we need to prep the car in any way ?

Hi Peo,

When I spoke with them, they said not. Can be clean, or can be looking like it has been on an adventure... Think Heidi said "Adventure Theme" too, so you could chuck on some accessories if you like. I might bring my sand flag and shovel on Sunday :)


24-03-17, 12:32 PM
yes does not need to be clean!
We are going to bring the camper trailer

24-03-17, 07:48 PM
Have we anything to hand out to plug the club eg pamphlets etc... Are we using the club banner or gazebo there...... Just curious............

24-03-17, 10:07 PM
We have some of the club banners and the gazebo's
You will need to bring a chair
Jeeps need to be in place by 9:30am

Our area is near store E - where the cars would normally park if there was not an event on. (parallel to Showground RD)

Stephanie Ferguson was the site contact

You need to access from Windsor Rd - the Showground Rd entrance will be closed.

- Please arrive from 8:45am and enter via the WINDSOR ROAD GATE ONLY. Security will guide you to park along Stores A, I, behind Store G or by Store F. Please see map below. If your vehicle is to be used as part of the activities, please drive to your area.
- All vehicles must be removed from the public areas by 9:30am. Parking is located by the green arrows.
- Each supplier is responsible for their own bump in and set up. Set up should be finished by 9:50am
- Public access is only via the pink dots.

25-03-17, 05:58 PM
Real sorry team but I've got to cancel for tomorrow.

Too much remains to be done before we can head out on our big trip.

Hope you meet some great folks and potential new members.


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25-03-17, 06:11 PM
Real sorry team but I've got to cancel for tomorrow.

Too much remains to be done before we can head out on our big trip.

Hope you meet some great folks and potential new members.


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That's a pity! Was looking forward to the finished "set up"!

Glad you are not heading to North Qld with a cyclone due to hit there on Tuesday!

Have a great time,

26-03-17, 08:49 PM
Thanks every one that made the effort to come out with their Jeeps. The staff at the museum where very impressed with our display and the reactions from the attendees. They said they had over 3000 people over the weekend!
A great goodwil PR opportunity for the club!

26-03-17, 10:03 PM
Thank you! Great to catch up with everyone.. The museum definitely worth a visit.

27-03-17, 06:29 AM
Yes, it was a really nice day out! Thanks everyone :)

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30-03-17, 01:22 PM
Dear Heidi andfamily

On behalf of theMuseums Discovery Centre I would like to thank you for your participation atour Open Weekend! Over the weekend we have over 3500 people attend! More thanwe had expected.

The layout of theJeeps was commented by an ex staff member who said they had never had a cardisplay set up as 'awesome' as yours.

I wouldlike to comment on your members - they were tremendous. Everyone whospoke with the Jeep Club commented how friendly everyone was.

Heidi I wouldlike to say both to you, thank you for being so helpful overthe process of setting the Open Weekend up and for communicating toyour club as well as coming out to the site. You were a pleasure tocollaborate with.

Please let usknow if you and those who attended the Open Weekend would liketo come for a tour of our car collection in our private areas. We do not haveJeeps but we have a range of cars such as Stanley Steamer, RollsRoyce and err the Leyland P76.

Thank you againfor being part of the Open Weekend and please let us know if you wish to be onour supplier list for future events e.g car weekends.


Steve F
30-03-17, 02:54 PM
Id be keen for the tour, maybe a Sunday after Easter some time?


30-03-17, 03:42 PM
What a FABULOUS piece of PR for the club!

well done to everyone involved.