View Full Version : Watagans C Grade 22-10-16

06-10-16, 03:47 PM
EDIT:​ We can't avoid branches on this one. We do avoid the known overgrown tracks like "Borneo" (our name, I'm sure you can guess why). And we avoid all the bog hole "challenge" tracks. But you can't avoid mud at the Watagans. We remain completely comfortable that stock jeeps are completely comfortably fine for this trip.

Here is a novelty - Dru'n'Kerry doing a C grade! What is the world coming to!! It is a bit of a "what is where" tour of the Watagans with a focus on the day on easy cruising to pretty spots. We also cruise past some more challenging tracks. If you want to find out where they are, this trip may help!

General: Consider this an introduction to the main access routes through the 4WD playground north of Sydney. Depending on how the itinerary works out we may have a bit of a look at the viewing point at Muirs Trig and Burma Road (hold on to the kids!), find our way through the back end of Farrels (now with broken bridge diversion), and maybe spend a break at Wave Rock. The spot at wave rock we have dubbed "Staghorn Gully" for obvious reasons - we met Lyrebirds here on our last visit - and a goshawk this time. Many parts of the Watagans have bell birds - think about dropping the roof if the weather is good.

Note, the wet weather and trail damage reported out west isn't replicated in this area. The main trails are graded but rarely, corrugations are not comfortable so you will want to air down. Update - if anything the bogs and puddles are as low as we have ever seen them. Great time to visit the Watagans.

Where: Wattagans

When: Saturday 22nd October 2016

Meet: M1 Motorway services travelling North, just past Wyong. On Google it's called F3 Wyong North bound (Twin Servos). There is a Macca and a healthy fast food as well.

Time: 8:00 am for 8:30 departure. Please be fueled and fed.

Grade: C Grade - easy.

Generally graded trails. Most of the route on our Navigation tool shows speeds of 20 km/h. Not a lot of low range though we might add a couple of "off piste" alternates - just because we can. Generally the track conditions are similar to Black Fellows Hand Trail in Newnes.

The Watagans are famous for mud. Not much I can do about that but we are carefully avoiding all known bog hole challenges, I just can't guarantee you wont need to wash your Jeep afterwards. Likewise for overgrown scratchy bushes - we are avoiding all known scratchy tracks, just can't guarantee it. Wave Rock entry may have some small wet spots and some branches, still C grade and definitely worth it.

Requirements: Radio, food/drink of choice, camera. Full fuel tank. If you have recovery gear please pack it - no need to race out and purchase if you don't have any yet. Stock jeeps are fine.

This run is limited to: 10 as a guide. The turn around on the Wave Rock entry is tight otherwise numbers should not be an issue.

Contact: Dru Spork 0419 855 121 (tel:0419 855 121)


1. dru: Dru'n'Kerry: JK
2. richhenning: Rich: JKU
3. dobbo56: Doggy Dave: JK
4. atto: Wayne & Julie
5. jaden124: Jaden, JK
6. technickster: Nick: TJ
7. Flatfender: Ian: Willies classic
8. Argawal-rahul: Rahul: JKU

Reserve list: none, tails over to a second trip on 29.10.16

06-10-16, 04:10 PM
Some pics from "Staghorn Gully"



Steve F
06-10-16, 04:49 PM
Put me down :)


aza mof
06-10-16, 10:48 PM
At this stage put me down

07-10-16, 09:51 AM
Please put me on the list, cheers

07-10-16, 12:01 PM
Hi Dru n. Kerry, please put me down for this trip. Its been quite a while since I've been.able to get out on the trail. Would love to bring my new companion, if her recent medical procedure has healed her stomach problem.

Cheers Rob

07-10-16, 01:15 PM
I, also would like to tag along, so please pop me on the list. Cheers Doggy.

Steve F
07-10-16, 01:47 PM
Ooops take me off, just been reminded I am off to Monster Jam that day :)


07-10-16, 07:55 PM
Please add us to the list we would like to join you.

08-10-16, 10:48 AM
Please add me to the list as well. Would be awesome to come and introduce myself [emoji106]

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08-10-16, 06:58 PM
Hi Dru,

If it's not already full I'd love to tag along. I'm in a lightly modified TJ

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08-10-16, 08:43 PM
Jaden and Tech! You are most welcome. SJC encourages a couple of trips to make sure you like us before you join up. [And you will join up :highly_amused: ]. jades can we have Name and vehicle? Technickster - name?

OK the fabulous Kerry insisted we do a dry run. We have done all these tracks, just not pinned together the way we were intending. So we had a solo play today testing the route. Well done Kerry because look what we found:


So that is Old Mill Rd - didn't even realise it had a bridge. So we re-traced, found a diversion - and we have to rescind from our initial intent to avoid branches that can get scratchy. Sorry, but it's the Watagans, if you want to get off the graded D grade (2WD) tracks we have to take what comes. A Little mud, a little bit of branches or lantana. Just the way it is. But this also means we can work hard on "interesting bits". I think you are going to like this trip. Still C Grade (easy) but getting really into some remote spots that show off the Aussie bush.

The rest of the trip we just kept crossing wildlife. Felt like Kerry should be re-named Kerry Attenborough.

No pic of the echidna we found who just dug in deep trying to ignore us. But check this:



We're calling that a carpet python - pretty thin coming out of winter slumber, Kerry says 5' long. I think that's being conservative.


Looks like a large seagull? We think it might be a goshawk. Bit bigger than say a galah. Sorry the pic isn't better, but as we approached it flew off in a lumbering struggling low flight, carrying something heavy. Ultimately it dumped it's load and flew freely.


That's dinner, an adult ring tail possum for goodness sake. By the time we returned dinner was gone. The hawk was not letting dinner go easy!

Anyway. See you on the trail!


09-10-16, 10:25 AM
I'm up for this one Dru, if you still have a space.
Ian W.

09-10-16, 04:33 PM
Awesome thanks, my name is Nick. See you guys then

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09-10-16, 04:48 PM
Hi Dru

Can you please include me as well?


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09-10-16, 09:25 PM
Rahul welcome. It's fabulous to have some new faces on board.

OK on to reserve list now.

cheers all


11-10-16, 01:37 PM
Name = Jaden
Vehicle = JK

11-10-16, 04:34 PM
Name = Jaden
Vehicle = JK

Thanks Jaden. :encouragement:

11-10-16, 04:47 PM
Map for the twin servos (Caltex) called F3 Wyong North bound. First servo AFTER the Wyong turn off.


Also, if anyone who has Hema Explorer would like copies of the trail plot and notes let me know, we can email them.



12-10-16, 08:00 AM
Hi Dru. Please add Amy and I to the reserve list.

Cheers, Ben

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12-10-16, 09:04 AM
You're welcome Ben.


Steve x
12-10-16, 11:30 PM
Hi Dru,

Please add us to the reserve list.
Steve C and Lisa.

15-10-16, 06:08 PM
Hi all,

Would really like to give it a crack :)

Please add me to the reserve list if theres a spot

Stock JK. Not a member yet.. but attended the last meeting :)


15-10-16, 08:17 PM
OK guys, along with Qaanita (welcome!) we have another name in the background. The tracks are fine for large numbers, BUT there are two "out and back" drives to pick up views and the gully, they are both tricky to turn around with a big group. We dont want to lose these bits.

SO, we will rerun the trip the next Saturday. Could guys on the reserve list possibly swap over?

Over to you guys!


16-10-16, 04:23 PM
Updated - could the reserve list please note that we have put up a second trip the weekend after?

@Steve C - we have nominally put you on the front list on the second trip - could you confirm that is OK?
@Qaanita - same, we have nominally put you down on the front list on the second trip - could you confirm that is OK?
@Rich H - Pm sent mate, but I would appreciate swapping you over too.



16-10-16, 08:41 PM
Thanks Dru, happy to join on the 29th thanks!

aza mof
20-10-16, 10:06 AM
Its Looking to be a wet day satday and we had good rain in the afternoon early this week

20-10-16, 01:36 PM
Its Looking to be a wet day satday and we had good rain in the afternoon early this week

It's all good. We always keep a watch on MetEye at the BOM. It could settle the dust. On the C grade trip there are few water concerns if any. Windy conditions can get interesting, less so rain.

so MetEye is predicting 90% chance of rain (ie it will rain) 15mm to 25mm expected. Thems the breaks. Will keep watching, perhaps the weather change will be quicker or slower than expected.

Wind is not much.

aza mof
21-10-16, 10:09 AM
Ok i will not be able to make it now as will not get car back in time from doing timeing belt and water pump

21-10-16, 11:19 AM
Cheers Aza mof

21-10-16, 01:02 PM
If it is heavily raining tomorrow what will the plans be? Will we still be heading in?

21-10-16, 01:18 PM
If it is heavily raining tomorrow what will the plans be? Will we still be heading in?

It's now or cut the trip, so yes. BOM is saying (still) 10mm to 25mm of rain. Not too bad. Wear clothes to suit. Watagans can get cold too when raining. We dont mind if people want to bail out - but please let us know by text etc.

The trails we are doing should be quite fine.



21-10-16, 01:21 PM
Sweet :) Can't wait!

21-10-16, 02:48 PM
Hi Dru, sorry I'll be pulling out of this trip. I had my right arm caught between a car and a wall last Tuesday week, which took some skin off and bruised my elbrow. It should have been better by now but still very painful when knocked. I'll have my doctor take another look at my xrays.

Cheers RobS

21-10-16, 03:19 PM
It looks like I will have to be soft and put on my bikini top tomorrow (not on me on the Flatfender).
Still, no doors and no side windows - can't beat it!

Ian W.

21-10-16, 03:59 PM
It looks like I will have to be soft and put on my bikini top tomorrow (not on me on the Flatfender).
Still, no doors and no side windows - can't beat it!

Ian W.

I'd rug up with the waterproofs as well!

21-10-16, 05:13 PM
@Ian - PM sent.

21-10-16, 05:17 PM
Can't do next Saturday Dru, picking up family at airport from overseas trip.
Thanks anyway
Ian W.

aza mof
21-10-16, 05:23 PM
Im not happy about missing out
Wood have love to play in the mud and rain

21-10-16, 05:41 PM
OK - Latest BOM MetEye forecast: still 90% chance of rain, BUT now it's 6mm to 20mm - so dropping. Also, Likelihood of rain is highest early in the day (before we get there) and lightens up through the day. Not to bad I reckon. Ian - bring a change of clothes mate, you might be able to be dry after lunch!

We have also checked NSW Parks - no road closures on the intended trip. All good.


22-10-16, 06:54 AM
Please text if you wish to drop out - thats all good. Ian, suggest you think about it, the trip up at leadt will be miserable in the Wllys.

Weather update!

yes its been pissing down for hours. BOM has REMOVED severe thunderstorm warnings in Act and NSW. There is a remaining belt of storm that runs from Mudgee through to Wyong.


i dont pretend to be a weather expert but this looks to me like its moving through relatively early in the day. Rain should back off after that.

We have a risk of trees down (risk of not being able to get in to spots) but if winds are dropping as predicted not much risk of them falling behind us and locking us in (risk of having trouble getting out).

We've swapped our entry point -was to be near CPT80, now to be at Cut Rock - to avoid a big puddle which could be deep right now. We may avoid some "off piste" if this looks adviseable.

otherwise we'll meet up as planned.


22-10-16, 01:04 PM
We came out via the puddle on Prickly ridge on Sundsy Dru.
Was kneeish deep.Seems to have been some earth works done on the farm side.Always use to be able tip toe around the edge of it , not so now.

22-10-16, 07:22 PM
Another enjoyable trip - thanks Dru,nKerry, and it wasn't as wet as it might have been.
Good to meet some new faces too, now if only I can remember the names....
Cheers, Ian W.

22-10-16, 07:57 PM
Thanks Dru n Kerry, it was a lovely trip, had lots of fun.
Came home and found my jeans had big stains of blood and my right leg was bleeding from two places and some dead sticky stuff, looks like two leaches got drunk and died 😂😂

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22-10-16, 09:23 PM
Thanks Dru n Kerry! We had an awesome time :)

Will definitely be attending more trips and hopefully some club meetings too!

22-10-16, 10:54 PM
Thanks for a great day Dru and Kerry. Really appreciate the prep and research you do for these trips.

Here's a Dropbox link to some pics from the day.


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22-10-16, 11:06 PM
Great trip! Kerry did a great job trip leading and as navigator I only got lost twice. Or thrice. Or something. Not much anyway! (Its my story and I'm sticking to it.)

Hey team, good day. Rain dropped away in wonderful obedience to MetEye. The Farrells were way more "overgrown" with shrubs down etc, but otherwise the trip was much as advertised.

First time EVER Kerry and I have done a whole trip in the Watagans without being confronted by motorbikes.

Special thanks to TEC (Tail End Charlie) Rich Henning. Rich has a history with us in this forest and we really appreciate your work Richard!

Thanks to everyone who joined us, especially in weather conditions, though not so bad in the flesh, were sounding pretty poor the night before. Let alone the cats and dogs rain as we were all leaving Sydney.



23-10-16, 09:46 AM
Too much of a PITA struggling with Photobucket to drop pics here. Will drop a couple into the SJC Facebook page. Rich, will sreal a couple of yours too.

