View Full Version : Mount Airlie Saturday 9.4.16 B Grade

09-03-16, 03:32 PM
Apologies but this trip is full and the reserve list is closed.

Please ensure your jeep is washed and mud-free to avoid risk of phytopthera infection in this sensitive State Conservation Area.

Where: Mugii Murum-ban AKA MOUNT AIRLIE

Grade: B Grade

When: Saturday 9th April

Meet: Capertee Convenience Store

Owned by the family of an SJC member, I'm sure they'd appreciate you getting in early and starting with breakfast.
(Will, hope the coffee is good!)

Time: 9:30am for departure 10:00am sharp - it's a three hour drive from Balmain for us, but that's plenty of time to get there guys. If you wanted to stay on Friday night there is a pub in Capertee that I believe offers rooms.

Convoy up: Dave has offered to lead a convoy up from Richmond Macca's. 7:00am leaving 7:30am. If you want a Macca brekkie make sure you get there early enough to not hold up departure.

Requirements: This is a B grade trip so attendees should understand - even with a well prepared jeep, damage is possible. To be fair, most of the track is C+ but there are definite B grade pinch points and there are no bypasses and no chicken tracks, and precious few spots to park up.

Recommended is 2" lift, Muds or good ATs, robust rock rails (I have never managed this trip without at least seriously testing the rock rails!). Good articulation is advised. Required is: recovery points Front/Rear; recovery gear. Radio, food/drink of choice, camera. The final track through the stunted she-oak forest is overgrown (before we park up at the heath), expect scratchy branches.

This run is Limitedto : now over-subscribed - list closed.

Contact Details: Dru Spork 0419 855 121 (tel:0419 855 121)

Further info:
There is a reasonable chance that this trail will be forever lost to us some time this year. If you haven't run it, I can tell you that you do want to. The trails were carved by Col Ribaux, diamond miner who has championed responsible access. NSW National Parks have reclaimed the mining lease and the draft Plan of Management looks to close the best part of the challenging drive.

The track is only 7k each way but it is a lot of fun, and can take a whole day if we need to do a lot of guiding. If not we get longer for lunch and get out a little earlier.

It's about a 2k walk at the top though a unique highlands heath - Endangered Ecological Community. At the end are the critically endangered wild pea Pultenaea sp Gonowlan Point and the most spectacular views west of Sydney. The track winds it's way through rock Mesa formations which have been dubbed "the 300 Sisters" a reference to the lessor Blue Mountains.

Mugii Murum-ban means "mopoke owl" in the local dialect and was the Aboriginal name of Charlie Reilly who the State Conservation Area is named after.

My sincere thanks to Manni (TRBN8R) for introducing us to this one, we hope to pass on the favour to others.


1. dru: Dru'n'Kerry, JK
2. stevet: Stephen Taylor, TJ
3. Will98: Will, JK
4. Jeep11: Steve and Hayley, JK
5. uncaged123: Rob, JKU
6. dobbo56: Doggy Dave, JK
7. redrubi: Andy and Charl, JK
8. Xjeepers: Stu, JKU
9. Isherz: "Mako Shark" aka John and Di, JK
10. Nekked: Alex, JKU
11. Rupicon: Roop, TJ
12. Mohawk: Nick, JK
13. Hills4x4: Sam, JK

Reserve list: Closed, no more takers on this trip guys, sorry about that.



09-03-16, 03:37 PM
Nice one Dru. Would love to come along but thinking the old XJ might be a little under the requirements for the trip.

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Steve F
09-03-16, 07:49 PM
Don't want to miss out so put me down for now but I may need to pull out a little closer.


09-03-16, 08:18 PM
Yes please!!.......
Stephen T.

09-03-16, 08:24 PM
Sounds great Dru, put me down!
I'll have the coffee machine ready to go!

Cheers Will

09-03-16, 08:53 PM
Please put me down, I have rescheduled my hairdressing appointment. Hopeful the jeep is in one piece still after camp Coffs
Steve and Hayley

Steve F
09-03-16, 09:25 PM
Pulling out already!!! Just realised we are going camping at Colo that weekend.


09-03-16, 10:57 PM
Names on the list already. Pity Steve (F)
Nash, I think you'd be fine mate.

10-03-16, 07:30 AM
Sorry Dru can't attend as we will be at Bylong with work mates. But will like to add for the people who haven't been there before that coffee and food at Will's servo is brilliant. We had lunch there on the way back from camping with workmates and it is also worth stopping for brekky in the morning and a coffee and brownie on the way back.....

10-03-16, 12:37 PM
Hi Dru, should be well enough to tackle this trip. Please put me down as a likely possible. I'll get your opinion on my rock sliders at the next meeting.

Cheers Rob

10-03-16, 01:34 PM
Please add me to your list thanks Dru. Doggy.

10-03-16, 02:08 PM
Names on the list already. Pity Steve (F)
Nash, I think you'd be fine mate.

Go on, put us down then.

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10-03-16, 03:06 PM
Rob, happy to look under your skirts, bloke. :eek-new: But you need to be happy yourself.
Nash, sounds like a dare. :indecisiveness: Too late! List updated!! For what it's worth, I think you'll find that many more WKs have done this trip over the years than JKs.

10-03-16, 06:59 PM
Put us down too - let's add a WG to the tracks history!

Ben & Amy

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10-03-16, 09:30 PM
Andy & Charl would also like to be put on the list thanks Dru.. Doggy.

11-03-16, 08:27 AM
Thanks Dave. Welcome Andy & Charl!

11-03-16, 09:38 AM
Nash, sounds like a dare. :indecisiveness: Too late! List updated!! For what it's worth, I think you'll find that many more WKs have done this trip over the years than JKs.

XJ mate, you'll get there ;-)
I think Ben & Amy may have put their hand up before Andy & Charl? (Eclectism)

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11-03-16, 11:56 AM
XJ mate, you'll get there ;-)
I think Ben & Amy may have put their hand up before Andy & Charl? (Eclectism)

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We normally have some fall out. As Club Trip Coordinator, and trainer, Andy is first on the list! If we get another 3 or 4 names, we'll end up splitting into two trips. Otherwise we will cope with the numbers. It's all good, no one misses out.

11-03-16, 09:10 PM
Cheers Dru,

It'll be good to flex the new suspension and new improved brain!! LOL:highly_amused:

C U there Mate! :pirate:

11-03-16, 09:36 PM
Aaaargh! Pirates rule.

OK, we have a couple of weeks up our sleeve. We are about to wheel into extraordinary country. I'm going to do my best over the next few weeks to explain why we should value this place. We step into environmental sensitivity, the repercations of global warming, and a VERY delicate environment that I personally believe is best visited by vehicle.

IF we retain access going forward, it will be on the basis of being environmentally aware.

I'm starting now. Well with this trip. Watch this space.

12-03-16, 08:07 PM
I've always been a fan of the tread lightly philosophy, sadly so many aren't.

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13-03-16, 11:18 AM
The first thing to note is that Mount Airlie is actually the name of the diamond mine activities created by Col Ribaux. His main activities were on a plateau slightly to the south of the famous track which we call Mt Airlie. It is actually named Point Genowlan.

Col Ribaux excited with nearly 30 jeeps climbing his tracks at Jeep Jambo.

This is the key critically endangered species that requires environmentally subtlety by 4WD clubs. It's pretty much the same as a generic Bush Pea, but there are only 200 plants that still exist, and they are all at the end of our track in a 200m radius. For obvious reasons it is called Pultenaea species Genowlan Point.


The ecologist reports suggest that it is pretty rare to find it in flower.

The bush pea is reasonably prevalent as far as i can work out, and while I am not an evolutionary ecologist, what seems to be the process is - eons ago a rather widespread species has been broken into discrete populations as the landscape changed and gets weathered away. As these discrete populations are separated and can not cross pollinate, they become candidates for technical identification as a distinct species. So Pultenaea sp Genowlan Pt
is by definition critically endangered because it is almost, but not quite, identical to a generic bush pea.

Seems to be a living dodo, attempts to transplant it into horticultural gardens in the Blue Mountains have failed. There is suggestion that the seeds require fire to become fertile. Of course no-one is game to do it. Under global warming theory, this is an exemplar situation for the challenge to bio diversity. In theory as things get warmer species can always migrate further south, or to higher altitude. But this requires a replicating population and somewhere higher to go. Dodo.

But don't judge me as an environmental troglodyte, there is a lot more going on in this very special place and we most definitely need to protect this pea. Each one is protected behind a cage and the area is trellised. It is where the very best views are, so noting that everyone will be on particularly aware environmental sensitivity, we still get to see this:


More to come...

13-03-16, 02:38 PM
Just replaced my shockies with tough dogs, on the recommendation of the mechanic who services my jeep . I'll be keen to see how they perform on the track.

I'll be seeing my friend Luis (who generally come along with me on most trips) regarding making a second set of sliders to fix to the chassis.

Cheers Rob

13-03-16, 02:51 PM
This one will have to wait until I can fit a set of sliders and get some more lift (it is possible on a KL, apparently).

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14-03-16, 10:18 AM
I will be in for this if anyone drops out Dru. Or if you want to throw commonsense out the door and increase the numbers :P

14-03-16, 01:03 PM
Stu, we wouldnt leave you behind. List updated.

OK team, from here additional names means splitting the group.

Dru and Kerry

14-03-16, 09:34 PM
Hey Dru John & I would love to come put us down in reserves and if someone drops out we might get the opportunity thx Di

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15-03-16, 10:35 AM
Updated, Di.

15-03-16, 12:11 PM
Part of what makes this part of the world so special is the underlying rock. Largely sedimentary sandstone, but with thin layers of ironstone. Ironstone is just a sandstone with ironoxide in it. The ironstone is tougher and weathers more slowly leaving mushroom shape caps over the rock. They are very friable - look, don't touch!

Looking over the mesa from Genowlan Point mesa to Mt Airlie mesa in the background.


The track runs through the pagodas.


Nature Conservation Groups, eg Colong Foundation would like to see vehicles banned to avoid damage to the pagodas. What they miss is that it is a track. Wear on a track is not damage to the pagodas. They might have argued against the building of the track in the first instance, but it isn't growing back now. We'll need to take care in spots to avoid scraping the rock walls. And tread carefully to minimise wear and tear on the track.

And as we can see different rules apply to the tree huggers - apparently damage is acceptable if you tread on it. :grief:


We of course, will avoid any damage to these beautiful natural structures. Everyone needs to avoid walking off piste, and definitely no driving other than on the track.

Hope everyone is looking forward to this as much as we are!

More to come...

Steve F
16-03-16, 09:51 PM
Here's a decent bit of video from just a couple of weeks ago showing the track.



17-03-16, 09:18 AM
Thanks for that Steve! Stephan does fabulous work with these vids. Interesting to see him link up with Rob from the Lithgow Club. If we can meet Rob's standards of responsible driving we'll be doing very well.

for the first timers to Mt Airlie watching this, a couple of notes:
1. Yes, as usual it is actually steeper than it looks on camera
2. Much of the wheel lift we saw isnt as bad with the articulation that a jeep has.
3. When we get to the step at "Roof Rack", we'll keep the no of attempts to, say, three, then move to a snatch. It just keeps everything moving. Sometimes everyone gets through, other times not.
4.i've taken note of a couple of lines that Rob used. Those lines will be the "A Plan"
5. Interesting to see the spot with artwork, "Pappys Pass" not "roof rack" as I had thought.

this is the sort of track that owning a jeep is all about!

17-03-16, 01:39 PM
Please put me down for the reserves Dru. Hope to fit the new TJM sliders before then.

Thanks, rich

18-03-16, 08:19 PM
Btw we have muddies as of today and a 2 1/2 inch lift [emoji79] o and disconnects....keen!!!!!

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23-03-16, 07:58 AM
Put me down as a reserve please.

27-03-16, 10:13 AM
I won't be able to attend anymore, please take me off the list Dru, thanks very much. Rich.

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28-03-16, 11:12 PM
please put me on the reserves bench
happy to help guide people up the steps etc
cheers Roop

29-03-16, 08:08 AM
Thanks guys, reserve list is building. Anyone with changing circumstances please let us know as early as possible so we can make adjustments.


29-03-16, 08:43 AM
Please add me to the reserve list too!

My confidence is up, having just returned from Camp Coffs :)


29-03-16, 07:07 PM
We'll have to bow out of this one sadly. WG has a fuel line issue which is currently being fixed (4 weeks and counting due to wrong parts being sent). Issue occurred after our Monkey Gum run in Feb, though was not a result of the track thankfully! Although we're hoping to be ready by Mt Airlie trip time, I doubt we'll have time to properly test the issue has been fixed before embarking on this track. We had to miss Camp Coffs too which was devastating, but did go to Coffs for some R&R and saw a couple of members driving back :)

Ben & Amy

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30-03-16, 12:43 AM
Yeah I think we're out too Dru, still a little while away to get my chassis reinforcement plates prototyped and after the long weekend got close to 1/4 turn of free play in the steering wheel thanks to the flex at the steering box. Makes for an interesting drive at 110 to keep it in a straight line [emoji15]

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30-03-16, 03:02 PM
Hi Dru what time are we meeting at caper tree? Thx J & D

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30-03-16, 05:45 PM
John and Di - please check the details on the first post with list etc. (But here is the bit you are after!)

Meet: Capertee Convenience Store
Time: 9:30am for departure 10:00am sharp - it's a three hour drive from Balmain for us, but that's plenty of time to get there guys. If you wanted to stay on Friday night there is a pub in Capertee that I believe offers rooms.

Nekked, would you mind getting back to my PM? :smile-new:
Mohawk, PM sent as well. :smile-new: :smile-new:

Thanks everyone!


30-03-16, 05:52 PM
9.30 at Capertee, for a 10.00 departure, I will be at Richmond Macca's at 7.00am leaving at 7.30 for Capertee. Doggy Dave.

30-03-16, 06:17 PM
So, I'm going to ignore "the Grotto" and "Jurasic Park" areas at the base of this trip - wait for the trip. But up again on the Genowlan Point plateau we have ANOTHER ecological wonder - Allocasuarina nana Heathland - or we can call it the Nana Heathland. Often described as "other-worldly" it's a special experience. And another check in the whole global warming thing. Unlike the bush pea, this is an entire ecological community - an endangered ecological community to be sure. But as a community with some considerable bio-diversity, we hope this one is no dodo and will have strength to survive.

The grass trees particularly add interest to the heath. heaths do pop up across the central tablelands, but this one really does stand out.


Threats are 4WD vehicles (which will NOT be us) and a bug/virus phtopthera cinnamon. This virus can be tracked in by foot and on vehicles. This means All jeeps must be washed and mud free. And please avoiding travelling through any parks and other tracks before we head up the mountain. Any travel dirt from driving up is fine, but no bog holes etc before we exit the bitumen to Mt Airlie.

One final community for everyone to think about. Not critical, threatened or endangered, quite common, but something we will want to conserve. The "Grey Gum Shrubby open Forest" which wraps around the nana Heath. This provides woody vegetation for termites. And means there is a healthy community of these guys:


All photos are actual photos from trips to Mt Airlie, though we have only seen the echidnas on one trip. You will definitely see where they have been foraging if you look for it.

This is a very special place, we are delighted to share it. By the way - the driving challenge is huge fun as well!

All the very best


31-03-16, 02:02 AM
Put me down please..

31-03-16, 10:27 AM
See front page for updated trip list. Previous reserve list has been added to the group - down to and including Jose, and the list is now closed. And no, there is not room for replacements if someone pulls out, just the group gets a little "less large".

If anyone's situation changes and you can't make it after-all, that would be great to know. It's turned into a larger group than is probably ideal for this track - as a positive though, the group includes an impressive number of very experienced jeepers. So, knock on wood, we'll be absolutely fine. LOL. :highly_amused: :pirate: :excitement:

The only real challenge is if others are on the trail. So we need to be underway on time and try to be the first on the mountain.

See you all there!


01-04-16, 02:21 PM
Looking forward to this planning to meet at capertee in the TJ
Cheers Roop

01-04-16, 11:08 PM
Jose, pumped to have you on the trip!!! Hopefully bringing rampage?

Will, excited to be meeting at the servo/cafe, there better be brownies! I'm saving up to buy a slab. I think this is what I'm most excited about...

01-04-16, 11:11 PM
Haha, yeah I'll have plenty ready for you Alex!

02-04-16, 09:40 AM
We will need a good scrub down prior as we have plenty of Camp Coffs mud after 5 days of wheeling....

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02-04-16, 07:27 PM
We will need a good scrub down prior as we have plenty of Camp Coffs mud after 5 days of wheeling....

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That's really great guys. Appreciate it! We are hoping we can use this SJC trip to support responsible access when the Plan of Management is discussed for adoption. Not far away I suspect.

We are just back from a shake down (new suspension components) out from ZigZag. Avoided mud like the plague, but the JK will get a full gernie jet blast and wash tomorrow. :shame:


02-04-16, 08:06 PM
That's really great guys. Appreciate it! We are hoping we can use this SJC trip to support responsible access when the Plan of Management is discussed for adoption. Not far away I suspect.

We are just back from a shake down (new suspension components) out from ZigZag. Avoided mud like the plague, but the JK will get a full gernie jet blast and wash tomorrow. :shame:


15herz has scrubbed up a treat! Bush pinstripes n all...

04-04-16, 11:23 AM
Will, how heavy was the rain over the last weekend? The rain was meant to be centred on the coast, did you get much/any?

We will need to keep an eye on the weather. The National Parks "Plan of Management" intends to close these trails in the wet. While the plan is not yet enacted we would like to stay as close to the intentions as is sensible.

Thursday/Friday/Saturday at Capertee is predicted for light rain. Very light. 1-2mm. My thoughts are that rain this light can actually help by damping the dust. Though we wouldn't want to damage anything in the lower reaches and the Grotto.

We might have a chat about this on Wednesday at the Club monthly meeting.



04-04-16, 11:43 AM
Hi Dru, I unfortunately will not be able to stay for the meeting on Wednesday. I'll get yours and Andy advice on my sliders before the meeting, when I drop off the James Craig gift certificate, for the raffle drawer. Being down one car has restricted family pick up vehicles.

Cheers Rob

05-04-16, 08:57 AM
The BOM long forecast continues to get better. I dont think there is any problem here.


link takes you MetEye, type in "Capertee". Saturday 20% risk of rain, predicted 0mm. Perfect.

05-04-16, 04:33 PM
I just spent 3 hours all over my Jeep, with the hi-pressure washer, removing all the fun we had on Sunday in the Ourimbah State Forrest, all ready for Saturday now.

05-04-16, 04:48 PM
:encouragement: Our Ruby is clean, polished and looking smick too.

Dave, I will hunt for those ratios tonight and try to remember to bring them thomorrow.

05-04-16, 10:24 PM
Hey Dru,
We haven't had any rain up our way for a while so it should be dry at the moment

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06-04-16, 08:31 AM
Cheers Will, thats excellent. ZigZag last Saturday was dry as a bone. Didnt know whether the coastal torrents on Sunday got that far. Should be fabulous conditions for Mt Airlie this weekend.


06-04-16, 07:16 PM
Awesome... will be making this trip. I will have Telia so Should get great footage .. Alex Yes Rampage will be there... Room can we meet up somewhere and travel up together?????

07-04-16, 08:40 AM
So now we have the Rampage Film crew on board!

We've had to let the Rampage crew off the hook, its a long trip from the 'gong. Hopefully we catch these guys next trip.

07-04-16, 04:35 PM
Sounds like a good turn out though 14 vehicles will be a handful. shame I missed it

08-04-16, 08:13 AM
Yep, 14 jeeps will be interesting. We had 24 at Jambo with another group of 6 joining later and a group of 4 in front.

and the obligatiory group of 4 Toyota's in everones way needing Jeeps to recover them.


08-04-16, 09:43 AM
Accommodation booked! Max and I are keen as mustard!

10-04-16, 12:33 AM
Thx to all ... What a fabulous day...your a legend Dru!!!http://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20160409/53712fa8908be433a630d95f9b255b78.jpg
Some great pics n videos to follow good night!!!

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10-04-16, 09:24 AM
Put me down as a reserve please.

Alex can you call me re your roof bars? Thx Di n John 0419403399

10-04-16, 09:51 AM
Great day. Longer than anticipated. For people who couldnt make it, Steve (Taylor) managed to rip off the panhard bracket. Welds tore out from the chassis. Ie lost all steering. We managed to twice jury rig to get the TJ further down the mountain but a collection will be needed.

We ended up all back at the air up point in the dark.

otherwise a fabulous day with plenty of entertainment.


10-04-16, 12:58 PM
Was a great day , besides destroying a rim I'll have photos up very shortly , sorry in advance for anyone missed .!

Dru and Kerry cannot thankyou enuff for a great day .!

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10-04-16, 01:17 PM

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10-04-16, 01:20 PM

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10-04-16, 01:31 PM
Thanks Dru & Kery for running an awesome trip! Had a great day,

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10-04-16, 01:34 PM
Thx to all ... What a fabulous day...your a legend Dru!!!http://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20160409/53712fa8908be433a630d95f9b255b78.jpg
Some great pics n videos to follow good night!!!

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Hahahahaha im hiding

10-04-16, 01:43 PM

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Awesome pics Sam!!!

10-04-16, 03:55 PM
Thank you for a great day and a trip to remember

10-04-16, 04:28 PM
Again, A Big thank You to Dru and Kerry for all the effort that you both put into running this trip, Im pretty sure everyone had a great time. So little Damage for such a tough trail is testament to a well run trip. Thankyou to all the Spotters also, without you we would all still be there. And my first night run too, that was fun, just glad we cleared the main obstacle's before dark. I hope Steve T, got all sorted out. Doggy..

10-04-16, 09:02 PM
Again, A Big thank You to Dru and Kerry for all the effort that you both put into running this trip, Im pretty sure everyone had a great time. So little Damage for such a tough trail is testament to a well run trip. Thankyou to all the Spotters also, without you we would all still be there. And my first night run too, that was fun, just glad we cleared the main obstacle's before dark. I hope Steve T, got all sorted out. Doggy..

DITTO my sediments to you Dru n Kerry. It was a great day/trip.

Cheers RobS

11-04-16, 08:15 AM
Hope this works - first time we have used Vimeo. Video from our dash-cam. Editing by Kerry so I'm ducking for cover.


By the way, we really appreciate everyone's input on this day. I think for a couple of guys it was the first time out in a bit. Kerry really enjoyed the log humour.

Edit: I read the embed on my PC but not on my iPad - here is the link if you can't see it:https://vimeo.com/162253267

11-04-16, 04:35 PM
Nice production Dru and Kez..

11-04-16, 07:42 PM
Hi, Made it home finally this morning... Long story...... Please accept my apologies for causing delay for all trying to get home from the run.......... Stephen...

11-04-16, 08:01 PM
Steve, I'm just irritated that we weren't able to get you out. Fabulous news that its sorted. ��✌��

12-04-16, 09:02 AM
Glad you finally made it out Steve. Nothing to apologise for, could have happened to anyone.

12-04-16, 09:27 AM
Did it end up being a welder job or did u come up with another way stev

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12-04-16, 11:46 PM
Welded where it was...... My young fella came across a guy on Facebook whom has just set himself up for off road recovery as in my case, Allen Mitchell - Cartwright Fabrications and Welding at Emu Heights - 0450-990994 - He met us at Lithgow then followed us to Mt.Airly, then he took us back up to the TJ and repaired the damage as best as possible... Out to Col's house to call for a tow home from his front gate.... Col's a real champion...... Cost would you believe $200.00 + his fuel there and his generator fuel.....
Allen is just getting into this so he can actually get off road instead of working at what he does all the time plus he can get paid for it doing as well... He was hanging out to check out his new muddies on his Patrol........ I was his first off road recovery job........... I can not recommend him enough for his work.............

13-04-16, 10:16 PM
glad you had some luck that's good value
as soon as I got home I started gathering up some chain and bolts that I think would have got it to Coles ,so it probably will never happen again

14-04-16, 08:34 PM
glad you had some luck that's good value
as soon as I got home I started gathering up some chain and bolts that I think would have got it to Coles ,so it probably will never happen again
Good value yes..... There's a character up that way that will charge you $500.00+ for a recovery from a bog hole, then whatever else that comes along will be charged for on top...........

15-04-16, 03:45 PM
Dru & Kerry,

Thanks for another great trip! hadn't been there for a couple of years. Good therapy!!:encouragement:



16-04-16, 03:35 PM
After bellying my jku on that rocky step and probably going down that rocky bit of track in the dark has resulted in an oil leak, heated and noisy gearbox/diff.

The jku is going in for repairs during week. This I expect will leave me a little short in the pocket, so I'm proposing to postpone the Barrington Tops trip till I'm better financed.

Apology to those who were intending to do this trip. I'll check suitable future dates and put up a new thread regarding it.

Cheers RobS