View Full Version : Real Jeep Assist - Sydney Jeep Club helping the public😉

06-07-15, 08:50 AM
Time & time again I hear of our members helping the general public. (Hunty)
I'm not talking on trail recoveries( but they're great too). I'm talking about over & above the the expected duties of a 4wders.

So come people show/tell us all what you how you helped someone in need with your Jeep.
ps - not bashing...

06-07-15, 09:00 AM
I'll get the ball rolling,
last night( Sunday evening) on the freeway heading into Sydneythe traffic stopped. Approximately 20 minutes of crawling about 4km I came across the problem.
A Parado had come to a stop in the centre lane. There was 2 ladies & 3 kids in the car & very nervous of their situation ( with all these idiots abusing them as they drove past).
so I stopped in front spoke to them & was advised they had called the police & a tow truck was on the way..... I was already caught in traffic for 20 minutes by this stage & now running late for work. However just to get them to a safe place off the freeway I connected a tow strap and pulled the to the breakdown bay about 50m further up the road.
all in all it didn't even take 5 minutes. They where in a safe place & the freeway was clear to run.http://images.tapatalk-cdn.com/15/07/05/843c15b67968d29d3e519979c95ce3c9.jpg

07-07-15, 02:29 AM
Good work Hunno, we all should follow similarly if we encounter others in trouble. It would show that not all motor clubs/associations are made up of DH.

Cheers RobS