View Full Version : Daniels Point Road - Charity Run

29-07-14, 07:43 PM
Dear Fellow Members,

Many of us have been touched by cancer. For me it was my Grandma Joan. My Grandma had a large impact on me growing up. Always generous, fun and loving it was devastating to find out in December 2007 that she had terminal cancer. Being able to care for her at home till the end remains one of my most proud achievements.

In October this year I will ride 200km to raise money for the Chris O'Brien Lifehouse at RPA. The Lifehouse is a world class cancer treatment and research facility providing integrated care and support services to public and private patients.

I have had personal experience with the Lifehouse and the wonderful support they provide patients and their loved ones throughout their battle with cancer. For anyone that would like to join this trip please visit my homepage and support my ride at http://sy14.conquercancer.org.au/site/TR/Events/Sydney2014?px=1268800&pg=personal&fr_id=1143

Thank you all for your support and I hope you are all well. Trip details as follows!

Thanks and regards,

Thomas Kramer

Where: Daniels Point Road (Watagans) – if the weather is poor an alternate route will be chosen.
When: Sunday 31st August 2014
Meet: Thornleigh McDonalds (Pennant Hills Rd)
Time: Meet at 7:30 for an 8am departure
Grade: B+
Requirements: Recovery points front and rear, Minimum 2" lift, decent tyres (muddies preferably), rock sliders, winch (preferably), recovery kit, radio, food and drink of choice and a camera!

Due to the difficult nature of this track I would truly appreciate if an experienced member of the club would support spotting and technical aspects of this run. I have watched a number of recent trips on youtube and read a couple of recent reports - whilst a very challenging trip it is apparently achievable. Numbers will be limited to 10 cars.

1. nuclear_jk (Thomas)
2. richhenning (Rich)
3. Steven . Boyd
5. Jimm
6. Jbrad
7. BlackZook
8. Jeep11 (Steve and Hayley)
9. Uncaged (Rob S - to be confirmed)
10. Dru (Dru and Kerry)

02-08-14, 09:48 PM
I'll join you Thomas. Don't have a winch yet but hopefully there will be some in the group. Cheers.


02-08-14, 10:00 PM
Awesome! I have a winch so we should be able to help one another out. Thanks Rich!

02-08-14, 11:42 PM
Thomas, Please put me down, Doggy Dave..

02-08-14, 11:45 PM
thought I could go now I cant.

02-08-14, 11:46 PM
Whale Watching that day, sorry.

03-08-14, 06:02 PM
Thanks for the interest Dave. I could stick a picture of a whale on the car in front of you...

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk - now Free (http://tapatalk.com/m?id=1)

03-08-14, 07:22 PM
Whale Watching that day, sorry.
That's just the full length wall mirror, in your bedroom Dave!! LOL

07-08-14, 06:06 PM
HI Jeepers,

After some discussion last night at the club meeting I thought it would be good to clarify what we will do in the event of poor weather. If there is considerable rain in the days prior to the run, or on the day of the run, another less challenging track within the Watagans/Ourimbah will be picked.

Prior to posting up the trip I did a lot of research and the general (recent) consensus is that the trip is achievable for mildy/moderately modified jeeps. JK Affinity did the trip in late June 2014 and there are clips on youtube showing the track.



07-08-14, 10:48 PM
Hey mate. Put me down. Keen to get back to the watagans. I should have the TJ up an running again by then. I have done it a few times. Hope we don't get any rain as it is a tuff track in the wet

08-08-14, 08:52 AM
Please put me down too
Thanks rupicon

08-08-14, 09:39 AM
I might also have a mate come along with a stock rubicon. I have got one though there before. There is a bypass on the last rock climb.

08-08-14, 11:35 AM
Thomas, please count me in for this.

08-08-14, 12:01 PM
Everyone's been added to the list! Thanks for joining in everyone.


08-08-14, 02:50 PM
Hi Thomas, would you please add me and my son (Josh) in for this trip. Both vehicles are lifted Rubicons on full muddies.

08-08-14, 03:03 PM
Hey Thomas please put me down brother

08-08-14, 05:47 PM
List updated! Thanks for joining in.

08-08-14, 06:30 PM
Hi thomas is there a donation fee attached, if so I would love to be involved either by donation or tag along on the day (depending on how I'm coping). I lost my dearest friend/soul mate and companion 3 weeks ago to cancer, and like you cared for her until her passing.

Cheers Rob S

08-08-14, 06:45 PM
Hi Rob,

Firstly I am truly sorry for your loss. Many people in the club are thinking of you.

I have asked those joining the run to sponsor my ride to conquer cancer. (Thanks for being in first Rich). I haven't set an amount, it's totally up to each person what they are able to do.

You are more than welcome to join on the day. Hopefully we can support you through this tough time.



10-08-14, 08:45 AM
I'm hoping you are OK to blood a new Club member on this trip? Vehicle is a stock Rubicon (3 door). With winch and recovery gear. If yes, count me in... Dru and Kerry.

(ps we are sorting out club membership over the next couple of days).

11-08-14, 12:05 AM
Hi Dru and Kerry - happy to include you in! List updated.

11-08-14, 08:06 AM
Excellent! A big thumbs up Thomas.


12-08-14, 12:57 PM
A big thank you to Rich and Ritesh for donating! You're champions!

13-08-14, 08:53 PM
Thanks Dru!

21-08-14, 11:38 PM
With all this rain we have had I think it would be wise to look for alternative tracks. Having been there after rain it's not an easy task to do Daniels point rd

22-08-14, 03:58 AM
I don't have. rock sliders fitted as yet, and I'm not quite over my partner passing if we need a clear mind to tackle this tracks. If you don't change to an alternate track as Steve Boyd suggested, I may put out for mine and all yours safety. Don't wish to put any other members at risk due to my wandering mind.

22-08-14, 07:01 AM
I also have been thinking that a change is wise. Any suggestions or tracks you would like to do?

22-08-14, 10:25 AM
Good to hear. It's a lake up here at the moment

Lord Help Me I'm in to JEEP!

22-08-14, 11:34 AM
Good to hear. It's a lake up here at the moment

Lord Help Me I'm in to JEEP!
Where abouts are you at the moment Hunno???

22-08-14, 01:04 PM
I am easy, hayley has already bailed, she seen the lastest 4wd action DVD .....LOL that ended her coming on this one, she said that it looked even to hard to walk .

22-08-14, 01:12 PM
She could always jump in the TJ Steve haaahaaa.

My mate has had to pull out as he will be away with work.

There is always ourimbah. Few good tracks in there.

22-08-14, 02:15 PM
I was wondering about the constant rain. Great to see the thinking going on. We remain confirmed, looking forward to the weekend. Completely happy for changed route etc as necessary.

Dru and Kerry

22-08-14, 03:29 PM
The Watto's drain really well. However it drains straight to the bottom of Daniel Pt Rd

Lord Help Me I'm in to JEEP!

22-08-14, 03:50 PM
Wattos has heaps of tracks in there that drain fast. I am happy to go anywhere. I have a winch so all good

22-08-14, 06:28 PM
Steve, in not having rock sliders matter much?

22-08-14, 06:54 PM
Most of the tracks have rock steps but we can always do some road building. No one wants damages

23-08-14, 05:56 PM
I was thinking we could do Lemon Tree Rd and maybe another. The real purpose of the day was to have a great time and raise some money for cancer treatment. We definitely don't want car damage.

23-08-14, 06:06 PM
Thomas, please put me on the Reserve list please (bump me up if someone drops out). Has been a while since I have had the Jeep dirty. Thanks, Jason

23-08-14, 08:17 PM
I've added you onto the list Jason as Steven's mate can't make it. See you next week

23-08-14, 09:12 PM
I did lemon tree road a few weeks back and the last half was just a big mud pit and that was before any of the rain. I say we have a look at Daniels point road and go from there

24-08-14, 08:20 PM

24-08-14, 08:23 PM

Is this why they call you "deep fried" ?

24-08-14, 08:31 PM

27-08-14, 01:49 PM
Hey guys, just a heads up are we all still all good for the weekend???? And what are the plans ?? Re location

27-08-14, 03:17 PM
I am still going,
Daniels Point road is a fun one in the wet, The only issue (from experice) is the valley holds water like a dam. Last time i did daniels point rd was about 2 months ago and the vally part of the track was still holding water even after no rain for months. I guess we just go for a drive and see what the track conditions are like

There are heaps of other tracks in the area that hold up better after rain

At the end of the day it is the trip orgnisers call

27-08-14, 03:42 PM
I've just been messaging with Rich Henning. We're still definitely in for a good day out. If any track looks too hard we'll give it a pass, there are plenty of them up there.

27-08-14, 05:23 PM
I'm still keen

27-08-14, 07:03 PM
Great count me in

27-08-14, 08:02 PM
Count me in too

27-08-14, 08:30 PM
Fantastic! Looking forward to seeing everyone!
For those that haven't sponsored my ride can I please ask that you keep it in mind.

Getting excited!

27-08-14, 08:58 PM
I've asked Facebook about Daniels point road and it ain't pretty!


27-08-14, 09:29 PM
We may not end up doing Daniels Point Rd Rich. We'll check it out on Sunday.

Steve F
27-08-14, 10:29 PM
If you do Daniels Point Road just make sure there are plenty of winches for the rock steps at the end, after all the rain the bogholes will be bad enough but the steps will be the killer I reckon :)


28-08-14, 11:48 AM
Hi Thomas, I'll unfortunately have to bail out this weekend, I've got the flu and a sore throat. I'll catch you up on the next trip, or at the next meeting. How do I get the sponsorship money to you?

Regards Rob S

28-08-14, 09:33 PM
Hi Rob,

I am sorry to hear that you're not feeling well. I hope you don't get the nasty version that hangs round for ages. Here is the link to my ride page: http://sy14.conquercancer.org.au/sit...nal&fr_id=1143 (http://sy14.conquercancer.org.au/site/TR/Events/Sydney2014?px=1268800&pg=personal&fr_id=1143) Thank you so much for your support.

I hope you are travelling well all things considered.

Take care,


29-08-14, 12:09 PM
Looking forward to this see you guys Sunday!

29-08-14, 03:48 PM
Just confirming we are still in. See everyone Sunday.

Dru and Kerry

29-08-14, 05:49 PM
Fantastic!!! Thanks for coming.

31-08-14, 07:02 PM
Hey guys, just got home thanks for a great day out...... We maybe didn't cover as many km's as we would've like but hey it all part of the adventure......... I do again in a heart beat. Thank you again.

31-08-14, 07:18 PM
What was it? 4 or 5 hours to travel 10 cars about 400m?

Woohoo! Winches at the ready.

Great intro. Great support. Fantastic first outing with the club. Thanks all.

31-08-14, 07:56 PM
Awesome day, Nic and I loved it. Had a great time and stayed on my feet most of the time.

01-09-14, 07:27 AM
Thanks everyone for a great day. I am always amazed at the willingness of everyone to jump in and get involved, even the random passers by. Thanks Thomas for organising and nice to see club friends and meet new ones. I'll get some pics up soon.


01-09-14, 07:36 AM
Here's some pics and vids. Works best with wifi or strong coverage.



03-09-14, 10:32 PM
Here is a link to a video from the day. It's in two parts - the first is called 'SJC daisychain saves bikers from the mud' also known as 'Thomas this is the best trip EVER'.
The second part is called 'Rup has a mud bath and becomes an unwitting winch anchor point'. The video is only about 4 mins long.


03-09-14, 10:35 PM

04-09-14, 06:07 PM
Great vid rich

04-09-14, 09:04 PM
Trip Report:

On Sunday 31st August 2014 10 Jeeps (all Wranglers) departed Thornleigh McDonalds at 8am for the Watagans. Due to the constant rain for three weeks prior to the wheel it was decided that Daniels Point Road would be suicide so another route was picked. After a brief stop at the twin servos on the M1 Steven Boyd led the convoy through a little known track from the highway to Hue Hue Rd. A brief run on the tarmac led us to the start of Lemon Tree Road in Olney State Forrest.

We aired down and disconnected at the beginning of the track and headed off shortly after 9:30am. The first few kilometers were quite uneventful with nothing challenging the Jeeps other than the occasional puddle. Then a corner was turned...

The following 300m took the group close to 4 hours to get through! Steven Boyd was the first Jeep to make it through with a couple of winches, followed by myself. Rup tried to take another line which didn't work out so he ended up taking this one:

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v305/nuclear_mini/Lemon%20Tree%20Road%20Aug%2014/IMG_0782_zpsf311e9a2.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/user/nuclear_mini/media/Lemon%20Tree%20Road%20Aug%2014/IMG_0782_zpsf311e9a2.jpg.html)

Once another couple of cars winched through a couple of trail bikes came around the corner and promptly got themselves bogged! Being a helpful group of Jeepers we formed a human chain gang (due to the incredibly slippery conditions) and pulled them both out. Not long after that a few other 4WD enthusiasts wandered down the track and after some friendly banter about their Toys and Nissans arriving to pull our Jeeps out they settled in and helped out when able.

Rich Henning was the last Jeep to come through the bog and despite probably being the most nervous out of us, it was agreed that he drove the lower line the best! As Rich was being winched back onto the right line to exit the bog the winching car's battery died. As the helpful Nissan driver came down to jump the Jeep he diffed out and was pulled out by Boyd's Jeep!

After Rich made it out the of bog we collected our recovery gear and headed on. We made it to the end of Lemon Tree Road without further issue and whilst some stopped for lunch a small group of Jeeps headed down Cut Rock Road for an explore and some mud-less rock crawling. At approximately 4pm we decided to call it a day and headed down Watagan Forest Dr towards the M1.

I would like to thank everyone that came along on the day and particularly thank those that have contributed to the Ride to Conquer Cancer. The aim of the trip was to have a tonne of fun and raise some money for those with cancer and I think we achieved this.



04-09-14, 09:05 PM
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v305/nuclear_mini/Lemon%20Tree%20Road%20Aug%2014/IMG_0766_zps6a3c2549.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/user/nuclear_mini/media/Lemon%20Tree%20Road%20Aug%2014/IMG_0766_zps6a3c2549.jpg.html)
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v305/nuclear_mini/Lemon%20Tree%20Road%20Aug%2014/IMG_0776_zps0e91bd1c.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/user/nuclear_mini/media/Lemon%20Tree%20Road%20Aug%2014/IMG_0776_zps0e91bd1c.jpg.html)
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v305/nuclear_mini/Lemon%20Tree%20Road%20Aug%2014/IMG_0759_zps6efafdcc.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/user/nuclear_mini/media/Lemon%20Tree%20Road%20Aug%2014/IMG_0759_zps6efafdcc.jpg.html)

05-09-14, 06:02 PM
Trip Report:

On Sunday 31st August 2014 10 Jeeps (all Wranglers) departed Thornleigh McDonalds at 8am for the Watagans. Due to the constant rain for three weeks prior to the wheel it was decided that Daniels Point Road would be suicide so another route was picked. After a brief stop at the twin servos on the M1 Steven Boyd led the convoy through a little known track from the highway to Hue Hue Rd. A brief run on the tarmac led us to the start of Lemon Tree Road in Olney State Forrest.

We aired down and disconnected at the beginning of the track and headed off shortly after 9:30am. The first few kilometers were quite uneventful with nothing challenging the Jeeps other than the occasional puddle. Then a corner was turned...

The following 300m took the group close to 4 hours to get through! Steven Boyd was the first Jeep to make it through with a couple of winches, followed by myself. Rup tried to take another line which didn't work out so he ended up taking this one:

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v305/nuclear_mini/Lemon%20Tree%20Road%20Aug%2014/IMG_0782_zpsf311e9a2.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/user/nuclear_mini/media/Lemon%20Tree%20Road%20Aug%2014/IMG_0782_zpsf311e9a2.jpg.html)

Once another couple of cars winched through a couple of trail bikes came around the corner and promptly got themselves bogged! Being a helpful group of Jeepers we formed a human chain gang (due to the incredibly slippery conditions) and pulled them both out. Not long after that a few other 4WD enthusiasts wandered down the track and after some friendly banter about their Toys and Nissans arriving to pull our Jeeps out they settled in and helped out when able.

Rich Henning was the last Jeep to come through the bog and despite probably being the most nervous out of us, it was agreed that he drove the lower line the best! As Rich was being winched back onto the right line to exit the bog the winching car's battery died. As the helpful Nissan driver came down to jump the Jeep he diffed out and was pulled out by Boyd's Jeep!

After Rich made it out the of bog we collected our recovery gear and headed on. We made it to the end of Lemon Tree Road without further issue and whilst some stopped for lunch a small group of Jeeps headed down Cut Rock Road for an explore and some mud-less rock crawling. At approximately 4pm we decided to call it a day and headed down Watagan Forest Dr towards the M1.

I would like to thank everyone that came along on the day and particularly thank those that have contributed to the Ride to Conquer Cancer. The aim of the trip was to have a tonne of fun and raise some money for those with cancer and I think we achieved this.


Thomas Mate,

Please send this to Jose for the Wave Mag!

11-09-14, 01:53 PM
If people came along on the day and still have not donated - please do! The ride is in 4 weeks time and I am still working hard towards achieving my $2500 goal - i'm 75% of the way there! Please donate via: http://sy14.conquercancer.org.au/site/TR/Events/Sydney2014?px=1268800&pg=personal&fr_id=1143

Thanks everyone for your support.


14-09-14, 11:18 AM
Great trip report