View Full Version : Help needed pls

Touf kj crd
16-03-14, 05:56 PM
Guys would anybody know where I could buy the new fuel filter head for my 2.8 crd there not cheap from dealership

16-03-14, 07:23 PM
I'd try few salvage yards, Wooders may be able to help, Ebay ( even Ebay.uk) and usautoparts.com.au

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Touf kj crd
16-03-14, 09:43 PM
Thanks will try tomorrow would you know of any salvage yards that do diesel jeeps us want $565 if I can't find a salvage yard that has one prob bite the bullet and get it from us imports thanks again for your help

19-03-14, 08:20 AM
You could try these guys, a few of us have had useful trips there!


Touf kj crd
19-03-14, 07:26 PM
Thanks guys you wouldn't believe it but the cheapest I found was peter warren 280 with the wiring kit wasn't to bad but still getting air in the fuel a fair bit just don't know where else to look idles nice for abut 10 seconds and I can feel the air going in then idles up and down 750 to 760 rpm might have to be a trip into the stealaship and get violated !!!

19-03-14, 09:13 PM
Did you bleed the air out of the head when priming the system?

Touf kj crd
20-03-14, 02:02 AM
Yes lost count now on the amount of times I've bleed the pump lasts for about 10 sec then I can hear it pick up some air from somewhere

20-03-14, 09:27 AM
Maybe you'd better explain how your bleeding it because it sounds like your not doing it right or that you have a leak somewhere other than the bleed valve. Are you sure the beed valve nipple it tight?

Touf kj crd
20-03-14, 12:00 PM
Thanks glend mate with the bleeding pumping it till hard and releasing the nipple and repeating till steady stream of fuel I think the nipple wasn't tight enough did that this morning no leaks around the fuel head but still catching air from somewhere must be the connectors back at the tank but if I have to drop the tank to replace them might just fit a pump down there just incase it's not the connectors back to the bleeding after 20 min drive this morning bleed it again and the first cycle of opening the nipple was all air then started spitting a little on second time third was all fuel and I had just bleed it before I left for the drive

20-03-14, 12:32 PM
Sounds like its pulling air in from somewhere. Have a look at all the head connections, and make sure the filter is snug on the ring and the water sensor on the bottom is tight - did you replace the washer on the water sensor? Sometimes people accidently install the new washer over the old one and it can lead to leaks there. I'd also have a look at the lines where they go into the tank, around where they transition from the chassis to the top of the tank, you'll see a fuel stain if they are leaking. I don't think you need a lift pump, very few people in Oz have put them in as its not the problem here as it is in the US with their very low temps. That fact that it starts and runs indicates your getting fuel through the line. Look for a crimped line that maybe restricting flow. Its also possible that you have a leak in the fuel rail, check around that and the injection pump as well.

Touf kj crd
20-03-14, 03:30 PM
Will have to look into it further that's the prob it's a new fuel head last one was the old version was leaking around the heater plug so this one is the gen 2 must be from the connections I'll keep you posted thanks again