View Full Version : Clean Up Australia Day is Sunday 2 March, 2014

23-02-14, 06:36 PM
As our ongoing environmentally friendly and community spirited involvement, The Sydney Jeep Club has registered for Clean up Australia on Sunday 2nd of March. The clean up will start at 9:00 am Rydal Showground.
We will leave Richmond Mc Donalds @ 7:30
This is an excellent opportunity to show how environmentally aware we are.It is an opportunity to show we can walk the walk and not just talk the talk. We have also decided to contact other clubs that frequent the area and put a challenge out.
Dont let the club down put your name down now to volunteer for this worthy cause. Don't let the ricers show us up.


1) Stuart Gray (AKA Wolfe)
2) Handbrake And Hayley
3) Dan D
4) Rob S ?
5) Rob.79 ?

23-02-14, 08:55 PM
Here is our site


23-02-14, 09:02 PM
Do we actually need to sign onto that site in order to take part? The forms asks for a lot of details that I really dont want to give to them (ie my name, contact details of family members, etc)

23-02-14, 09:08 PM
Do we actually need to sign onto that site in order to take part? The forms asks for a lot of details that I really dont want to give to them (ie my name, contact details of family members, etc)
Only if you want to officially do so. Otherwise put you name down here.

23-02-14, 09:52 PM
Hey Wolfe,
counts us in
Handbrake and Hayley

23-02-14, 09:53 PM
Only if you want to officially do so. Otherwise put you name down here.

Awesome, will be in this :)

25-02-14, 12:30 AM
C'mon guys don't be shy

25-02-14, 08:30 AM
Apologies, I won't be able to help out due to a family commitment. Would have been there otherwise though!

25-02-14, 10:38 AM
Sorry Wolfe,

Day shift weekend for me.

25-02-14, 01:41 PM
I'll try to be there, but can't say for definite.

Cheers RobS

25-02-14, 04:42 PM
Sorry Wolfe,

Day shift weekend for me.
Darn could have used your ute :(

25-02-14, 08:58 PM
We are a 'maybe' I have work Saturday morning and a few jobs On the Jeep that need attention, If I get them done Saturday, I'll be there....

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

26-02-14, 12:50 PM
Hey guys we will meet you at Rydal showground on Sunday morning or at another spot if required, we will be in the area the day before so we are thinking of staying up there. So just lets know what time you would like us to meet.

26-02-14, 04:08 PM
Hey guys we will meet you at Rydal showground on Sunday morning or at another spot if required, we will be in the area the day before so we are thinking of staying up there. So just lets know what time you would like us to meet.
we can meet up near the old tip behind the show ground at 9:00 am

27-02-14, 06:42 PM
Sounds good to me - apart from work gloves, is there anything else that we need to bring?

Greg D
27-02-14, 08:02 PM
I plan to come, but don't wait for me at Richmond. If I'm not there on time, I'll see you at Rydal.

Greg D
27-02-14, 08:03 PM
I plan to come, but don't wait for me at Richmond. If I'm not there on time, I'll see you at Rydal.

27-02-14, 09:10 PM
Make sure you wear sturdy shoes, preferably long pants, sunscreen, a hat, plenty of water. I'm still waiting on the bags from the clean up Australia people so maybe some strong plastic bags just in case.

27-02-14, 09:13 PM
You could bring a trailer, also if you like.

27-02-14, 09:54 PM
Thanks for the heads up Wolfe, if its wet weather forecast over the weekend up there - dont forget a jacket to stay warm :)

27-02-14, 10:04 PM
Thanks great idea.

28-02-14, 04:12 PM
Don't forget SJC clean up Australia day on Sunday This is your club also.

WE NEED YOU for 3 hours on Sunday morning. Please note no excuses accepted unless accompanied by bribes and a letter from both your grandparents :-)

28-02-14, 04:33 PM
Would love to come, no seriously I would, even in this weather. I'm seriously overdue a day out in the fresh air. Not going to happen though as I've got to work on Sunday.

28-02-14, 07:26 PM
3 hours? is that all? I'll be bringing the snatch strap in case we need to wrench any tyres out of a certain area....

28-02-14, 09:03 PM
Thats all Dan, then we can go play. Sounds sweet doesn't it !!!

28-02-14, 09:11 PM
Actually it does sounds pretty fun hehe :D

01-03-14, 03:37 PM
See you there

02-03-14, 05:40 PM
Great day! Thanks Wolfe and all! Guess that virgin snatch strap had its proverbial cherry popped hey :P

03-03-14, 01:59 PM
Hey (http://Hey) Guys,
Great day yesterday, thanks very much.

03-03-14, 02:04 PM
http://www.flickr.com/photos/103884220@N03/sets/72157641783134214/ the Photos from clean up Australia day

03-03-14, 03:51 PM
Excellent work guys.

03-03-14, 09:49 PM
Great effort, proud of you all http://img.tapatalk.com/d/14/03/03/u5ejeryd.jpghttp://img.tapatalk.com/d/14/03/03/ajujy9ag.jpg

Greg D
03-03-14, 10:58 PM
Trip Report - Cleanup Australia Day at Rydal

I arrived at McDonald's Richmond at 7:25am ready for a 7:30am departure, and Wolfe reminded me that as I was last to arrive, the duty of the trip report fell to me. So Wolfe & I departed 'in convoy' to Rydal, where we arrived a couple of minutes after 9am, to find DanD watching Rupert changing his front wheel. Rupe said he thought it was a Tool Box day, but had rotated his wheels and had some death wobbles on the way out to Rydal, and thought using the spare might help, notwithstanding that the directional tyre was now going the wrong way!

http://s1215.photobucket.com/user/GRD54/media/P3020013_zps0973b809.jpg.html (http://i1215.photobucket.com/albums/cc502/GRD54/P3020013_zps0973b809.jpg

That was completed, and 'Handbrake' and Haley arrived, so we started cleaning up about 100 tyres - who would have left them there??? Some were even bolted together!! Rupert & I unbolted tyres as the others loaded and unloaded 4 trailers full - dropping them near the pub, as pre-arranged by Wolfe with council.

Tyre cleanup completed, we then took to cleaning up around the tracks - mainly bottles & cans. It really makes you wonder about the people who use the tracks and throw their rubbish into the bush. Very disappointing. We then headed off to collect what rubbish we could on the nearby tracks - see map.

http://s1215.photobucket.com/user/GRD54/media/Trackwithwaypoints_zpsd13589df.png.html (http://i1215.photobucket.com/albums/cc502/GRD54/Trackwithwaypoints_zpsd13589df.png

Not far in we found various car body panels & parts. We winched them out of the bush onto the track and loaded them on Wolfe's trailer. Dan contributed his brand new, pure white snatch strap to tie down the load, and Wolfe then returned to the tyre dump with Steve & Haley to unload, while Dan, Rupert & I continued to collect smaller rubbish along the way, meeting up again at the 4 way intersection at the top of a climb, under the powerlines.

We had intended to head down and ford the Coxs River, but a few minutes before we left a group of about 8 vehicles - newbys on a 4WD instructional day - headed down the same track. We waited about 10 minutes while they went one at a time down a transit section, then gave up and headed down the track back towards the quarry.

I led the way and tried to find the easiest path, as Wolfe had the trailer and the others hadn't disconnected (Rupe could have gone anywhere). I took a chicken track near the big tree in the middle of the track, and my front end just slid into the bush. So we set up to winch me sideways, but needed to secure the rear with a snatch strap and some manpower to ensure I didn't topple over sideways. All good for a combined effort, and we headed up to the road, for a final unload of the trailer, air-up and head off home, getting away at about 3:30pm.

All in all, a very productive day, and good fun. I just hope the council keep up their end of the deal and clear away our pile of rubbish.

In the final photo, I feel that I need to point out that the 'Hairdressers Wrangler' was part of the clean up team, not part of the results of the clean up!

http://s1215.photobucket.com/user/GRD54/media/P3020015_zpsf897515f.jpg.html (http://i1215.photobucket.com/albums/cc502/GRD54/P3020015_zpsf897515f.jpg

http://s1215.photobucket.com/user/GRD54/media/P3020016_zpsaec04e87.jpg.html (http://i1215.photobucket.com/albums/cc502/GRD54/P3020016_zpsaec04e87.jpg

Thanks for arranging Wolfe, and maybe we can turn this into an annual effort, with a big club contingent next year.

Greg D
03-03-14, 11:04 PM
I can't edit my post, so trying again to link the photos.

Trip Report - Cleanup Australia Day at Rydal

I arrived at McDonald's Richmond at 7:25am ready for a 7:30am departure, and Wolfe reminded me that as I was last to arrive, the duty of the trip report fell to me. So Wolfe & I departed 'in convoy' to Rydal, where we arrived a couple of minutes after 9am, to find DanD watching Rupert changing his front wheel. Rupe said he thought it was a Tool Box day, but had rotated his wheels and had some death wobbles on the way out to Rydal, and thought using the spare might help, notwithstanding that the directional tyre was now going the wrong way!


That was completed, and 'Handbrake' and Haley arrived, so we started cleaning up about 100 tyres - who would have left them there??? Some were even bolted together!! Rupert & I unbolted tyres as the others loaded and unloaded 4 trailers full - dropping them near the pub, as pre-arranged by Wolfe with council.

Tyre cleanup completed, we then took to cleaning up around the tracks - mainly bottles & cans. It really makes you wonder about the people who use the tracks and throw their rubbish into the bush. Very disappointing. We then headed off to collect what rubbish we could on the nearby tracks - see map.


Not far in we found various car body panels & parts. We winched them out of the bush onto the track and loaded them on Wolfe's trailer. Dan contributed his brand new, pure white snatch strap to tie down the load, and Wolfe then returned to the tyre dump with Steve & Haley to unload, while Dan, Rupert & I continued to collect smaller rubbish along the way, meeting up again at the 4 way intersection at the top of a climb, under the powerlines.

We had intended to head down and ford the Coxs River, but a few minutes before we left a group of about 8 vehicles - newbys on a 4WD instructional day - headed down the same track. We waited about 10 minutes while they went one at a time down a transit section, then gave up and headed down the track back towards the quarry.

I led the way and tried to find the easiest path, as Wolfe had the trailer and the others hadn't disconnected (Rupe could have gone anywhere). I took a chicken track near the big tree in the middle of the track, and my front end just slid into the bush. So we set up to winch me sideways, but needed to secure the rear with a snatch strap and some manpower to ensure I didn't topple over sideways. All good for a combined effort, and we headed up to the road, for a final unload of the trailer, air-up and head off home, getting away at about 3:30pm.

All in all, a very productive day, and good fun. I just hope the council keep up their end of the deal and clear away our pile of rubbish.

In the final photo, I feel that I need to point out that the 'Hairdressers Wrangler' was part of the clean up team, not part of the results of the clean up!



Thanks for arranging Wolfe, and maybe we can turn this into an annual effort, with a big club contingent next year.

04-03-14, 01:26 AM
It was very satisfying dragging the car body out.
I definitely think we should make it an annual event. By the way all the official gear turned up today

04-03-14, 01:27 AM
Great report Greg