View Full Version : WA Jeep Safari 2014

20-01-14, 07:57 PM

20-01-14, 08:02 PM
Ok fresh of the press.....................the answer to the question some of you have been asking since October is YES!

The WA Jeep Safari will be held in 2014 over the long weekend in September 26-29 at MOA.

Further details will be posted in time but I will give you heads up, numbers will be capped, registrations will have a strict cut off date so first in best dressed policy

Please give us time to get the ball rolling before you start asking us logistical questions, we just wanted to let you know that we are working on this event and hope it is as successful as the 2013.

Please share this among all your Jeep friends and we hope some of our friends from the East coast can make the journey.


21-01-14, 02:01 PM
Hi Hunno; I'm interested depending on cost after the Central Australia trip and Brigida health.

How much did it cost to train your jeep across to WA?

Cheers Rob

21-01-14, 07:31 PM
I trucked it over $1421. I have seen better deals since, also cheaper from Melbourne.
I will be heading over with or without a car.

22-01-14, 05:11 AM
I'll drive between Sydney and Adelaide then freight my jk by rail between Adelaide and Perth, its cheaper that way. If anybody wishes to come with me either way and share the fuel cost, we'll fly between Adelaide and Perth.

Cheers Rob

22-01-14, 10:38 AM
Jeez I wish I could, but have a nasty feeling that I'm going to be a bit tapped out for time and money after going to Uluru in July :-(

Rob, if you had plans to head North from Alice Springs in July, then West through the Kimberley, then you might still be on the West coast and not need a train at all. That would be an awesome trip (lifestyle).

If you do need a train, you'd better check what they allow you to leave in the vehicle. When Hunno trucked the XJ last year it had to go empty, no camping gear, tools, spares etc at all - we had to buy everything in Perth on arrival.

Hope it's as great as last year!


28-05-14, 02:12 PM
hunno, Do you have details on the trucking company to get a quote to send it over on? i want to start planning this

28-05-14, 09:22 PM
Are you coming???

Lord Help Me I'm in to JEEP!

28-05-14, 09:25 PM
I will look into it tomorrow as the emails are at work.
But all I did was to email all of the companies that I could find on Google.

Lord Help Me I'm in to JEEP!

22-08-14, 07:25 PM
Hi Chris, is booking closed for WA? I like to go if it possible, I'll have Brig's memory about how she enjoyed trips that were not too offroadish, while I'm travelling.

Regards Rob

23-08-14, 03:26 PM
Rob, no drama if you want in I can arrange it. We'll just change my booking to with car & passenger.
Ps it's not want you know, but who!

Lord Help Me I'm in to JEEP!

24-08-14, 05:44 AM
Chris, who going across beside you? Just wondering if anyone driving across or freighting their vehicle over. I'll let you. know in a couple of days.

Cheers Rob

24-08-14, 09:17 PM
Alex & Danni with bub. They are trucking their JK over & that is all from SJC.

Lord Help Me I'm in to JEEP!

01-09-14, 11:20 PM
Woo Hoo, bring on WA...!

Glad you can make it also Rob... :smile-new:

04-09-14, 03:39 AM
Hunno put me down as a definite.I just need to work out my stops as I'll be driving across. Also whats the cost and how fo I get thede money to you, or the organisers.

cheers Rob S

12-09-14, 07:30 AM
Hi rob,

just bring some cash, Murchison offroad park only accept cash, it's $35 a night from memory.

and registration including a roast dinner is $60.

look forward to seeing you over there

12-09-14, 12:01 PM
Yep, what Alex said. Also I will ring and speak to Bev (MOA) & add you to Sunday nights dinner.

Lord Help Me I'm in to JEEP!

12-09-14, 03:57 PM
Enjoy yourselves peeps. Congratulations Alex and Danni on becoming parents, better late than never! Haaa... Haaa.

Please bring home lots and lots of Jeepers from WA to Jambo. :highly_amused:

23-09-14, 03:05 PM
Woo Hoo, bring on WA...!

Glad you can make it also Rob... :smile-new:

Hi Alex and Hunno,

Unfortunately I won't be able to join you this time. My later partner daughter has asked me to accompany her to their tradional Timorese 40 days post burial celebration church service and supper for her mum.

While you're in WA, could you please find out “when, where and if “ WA may hold a jambo in 2016. I'm looking at a possible top end Savannah Way, AND, Central Aust return trip, to attend their jambo.

Have a good time, cheers Rob S

24-09-14, 10:30 AM
Oh no, sorry to hear rob...

all the best mate and will do

24-09-14, 02:42 PM
No problems Rob, gotta do what you've gotta do. No there will not be one in 2016, maybe 2017. Will know more as you said after the event.

Lord Help Me I'm in to JEEP!