View Full Version : KJ tranmission problem

04-10-12, 12:18 AM
I'm getting error codes indicating. Inhibitor switch problem and 2nd gear slipping. I've been told I need a new gearbox. Is this true or is this a repairable problem. Obviously I don't want to fork out for a new gearbox especially as it's working almost completly OK around town. The only other symptoms are a delayed moving into drive when I start up and a slight thump when I kick down from overdrive to third. Currently I drive with the overdrive turned off. Where is a good reliable and exerpienced place for a repair.


04-10-12, 11:59 AM
Which model petrol or diesel - slightly different transmissions - 4 speed vs 5 speed.

When is the last time you had (or someone else had) the transmission serviced: ie filters and fluid replacement. How many's kms on it?

It could simply be a sensor problem and they are easily sourced and cheap. If it's in the valve body they can be rebuilt with a shift kit.

Be very surprised if you actually need a whole new gearbox.

04-10-12, 12:46 PM
Which model petrol or diesel - slightly different transmissions - 4 speed vs 5 speed.

When is the last time you had (or someone else had) the transmission serviced: ie filters and fluid replacement. How many's kms on it?

It could simply be a sensor problem and they are easily sourced and cheap. If it's in the valve body they can be rebuilt with a shift kit.

Be very surprised if you actually need a whole new gearbox.

Thanks for replying.
In summary
Petrol build second half of 2004. 4 speed auto . 121000 Km. Serviced last week.

Original error code related only to inhibitor switch. had this reset. Codes came back with inhibitor switch and slipping between third an fourth. Had servicing and codes reset. A week later codes returned which indicated inhibitor switch and second gear slipping while just motoring around town. I now drive with O/D turned off. You would be had pressed to notice a problem. In hindsight about six months a go I went up Saddleback Mt at the back of Kiama. A tared road but very very steep. I appeared to loose power and once I got to the top I could smell some burning. No error codes at that time and no performance problems since. I fact these recent error codes are the first I've ever had and I have had this kj since 38000 km.

thanks for your reply. Any extra help would be appreciated.

04-10-12, 08:09 PM
It's worth getting a transmission specialist to look at it. There was a transmission guy on the north side that Eddy has recommended in the past. I'll try to find the name.

04-10-12, 10:41 PM
It's worth getting a transmission specialist to look at it. There was a transmission guy on the north side that Eddy has recommended in the past. I'll try to find the name.

Thanks for that.

12-12-12, 01:56 PM
Alas I had to get a recon transmission.