View Full Version : Spring Spacers

03-10-12, 04:40 PM
After Jambo and seeing the limitation of the tyres on my TJ (31'' AT)

I am looking at 33" MT tyres.

after playing on the test track and travel ramp with my current tyres they just clear the guards so with 33 I would need to put in bigger bump stops limiting the upward travel

I was thinking instead of doing the bigger bump stops i was thinking of putting spring spaces in 2'' or 1.75'' would this work? (Much cheaper than new springs)

I am currently running Rancho 9000XL shocks, I have spoken to the supplier and the ones i am running will allow for the extra travel as they are used in the 2" and 4" kits

Any suggestions would be appreciated

Steve F
03-10-12, 05:22 PM
If you put coil spacers in you will still need to bumpstop to stop the coils in the springs touching and damaging them, basically they will over compress and sag quicker. Typically you bumpstop an additioanl amount which is the same size as the coil spacer you put in.


08-10-12, 02:56 PM
Ok, Thanks Steve

What are the best spacers to go with?