View Full Version : Aircon is jammed on

22-03-12, 06:31 PM
Greetings all,
I've hardly used my aircon since buying my TJ seeing as I have a removeable roof but the other day I did. Now it won't switch off. Despite turning the dial through all the fan settings not the aircon settings, it still runs the aircon. I had it in demist mode but it's never switched back. Annoying and draining on the fuel supply.
Any tips other than a swift kick up the exhaust pipe? Old cars....can't live with 'em, can't afford 'em, but gotta love 'em.

PS looking forward to the jamboree!! :-)

PPS: It's still clanging (from my last post in 2011) but it's not the bash plate. Grrr.

22-03-12, 06:43 PM
Worse case pull the A/C fuse this should be a sort term fix.

22-03-12, 06:45 PM
Just thinking about it when you pull the fuse you should hear a click as the it disengages from the pully. If there is a problem here & the circuit is alway on you may start to have flat battery issues as well.

23-03-12, 10:19 AM
[QUOTE=gonewalkabout;32120]Greetings all,
Old cars....can't live with 'em, can't afford 'em, but gotta love 'em.

A 2001 model sounds pretty new to me!
My "Full Suround Air Con" is on all the time as well - but it has no switches to play with and can't flatten the battery.
Ian W.

23-03-12, 10:48 AM
is it the air con or jsut the fan?

i think the early tj's had an issue with a fan resistor jamming?