View Full Version : Advice on Prop Shaft

19-03-12, 08:41 PM
Attached is an image of my rear prop shaft of my Grand.
As you can see it seems to be spraying some form of oil. This has been going on for many years (yes many) but now seems to have worsen.

I can not figure out where the oil is coming from as it seems to be "seeping" out of the joint some how. It does not run along the slip yoke outside as that's dry, unless some one can explain the workings of such a shaft. Is the slip hollow?

I'm confused.

Also I have yet to see anything in my research where a WJ has that disc thingy too. All others have a simple uni-joint



Steve F
19-03-12, 09:51 PM
The disc is a dampner to reduce any feel of vibration (The JK and KJ have them as well) and the oil is coming from the uni joint which suggets it has either been over greased and the grease has come out the seal or a seal has failed and the grease is coming out. My XJ ones splatter a bit of grease around when they are freshly greased up.


20-03-12, 06:31 PM
Thanks Steve for your reply and explanation
The joint is a sealed set up. There is no grease nipples and has never been greased. As mentioned this has been going on for years but seems to now spraying more and now on the exhaust which gives a smell as you'd expect. I just can not work it out unless T/C oil runs along the inside of the shaft. Would it? I suppose I could remove it and see but once off I'd like to get it fixed. Any advice?


Steve F
20-03-12, 09:01 PM
Even if the u-joint is sealed it's just a rubber seal, they eventually break down and leak. I'd still check it out as it's the most likely cause of the oil/grease.


21-03-12, 09:13 PM
Thanks for your advice Steve

I pulled the shaft off (takes five minutes only) and looked at the drive shaft yoke. It seems that T/C lubricates the inside of the slip shaft along the splines. There is no leaking from T/C with shaft removed BTW. There's a rubber seal on T/C which looks intact still.
Just can't see where exactly it's weeping from. I read somewhere that some systems have a weep hole to account for the movement of the shaft in/out but can't see one here.

I don't think it's the unis themselves as it just too much grease being flung around. While it's not major - it's time to address it.
I wonder how I go about fixing/replacing the yoke????