View Full Version : The Next Big Trip

16-11-11, 01:53 PM
I must admit that part of me is still up the Cape and only a new challenge is going to cure my ills. So I am starting this thread for the dreamers, to share ideas for the next iconic SJC long distance trip.

16-11-11, 02:52 PM
I'm very interested... depending on date and how long the trip would be for. :D

16-11-11, 03:52 PM
At the last meeting, at Wooders. It was discussed (remembering that we have to run a Jambo next year as well). A couple of ideas were forwarded - 1) another Corner Country trip. 2) Little Desert (& area). or 3) Frazer Island (my favourite).

As there will be a few already at Camp Coffs the thought of doing Frazer Island straight from there was a strong idea as it would be about 6-7 hrs drive. Duration of about 10 days or so.
The thinking leave for Camp Coffs Thursday Spruik the Jambo for the weekend then Monday off to Frazer 5 days then the weekend to get home.

with the public holidays you would only need 4-5 day annual leave.

But as stated that was just an idea.

16-11-11, 06:12 PM
Yep - what Hunno said! I threw a couple of those ideas in, and can clarify a bit.

In the case of Corner Country, was thinking perhaps a "Darling River Run" from Balranald to Lake Mungo, to Menindee Lakes, then thru Broken Hill to Cameron Corner, Tibooburra, White Cliffs then back to Syd.

Little Desert is a Victoria / South Australia Border "Mallee Country" trip, South from Mildura. Sand dune driving, lotsa fun.

Another idea Glen had a while back was Flinders Ranges and back thru Corner Country. A chunk of Corner Country was missed on last years "desert" trip because of all the flooding!

Glen also said a while back that some people were thinking maybe a Vic High Country trip. Again, I don't really know the area well, but I'd think that would have to be January - Summer anyway - as you can get heavy snow as early as Easter...

Fraser Island was (I think) Hunno's idea, and a great one! Haven't been there but its "on the list".

All these ideas would be probably a week to 10 days Sydney to Sydney and I was thinking Easter School Hols next year (because I'm a school teacher) - still a few months before Jambo. Fraser Island, heading North after Camp Coffs could be a really good idea.

BUT when we chucked these ideas in, I said that I hoped that anyone interested in a trip, especially if anyone else has some ideas where and when, we could discuss at the December Club Meeting, when a few more longer distance trippers might be present to join in. So I hope we get a good planning session going in a couple of weeks. I'll bring some maps!

That's my 10 cents. Absolutely nothing nailed down from my end!


16-11-11, 06:17 PM
I suppose there is no reason not to run more than 1 extended trip a year.
Victoria high country looks awesome as Ive been through it only briefly. Fraser is Good too as is the whole Fraser coast (Im off there Jan/Feb 2012).
What time of year are you thinking of Glen?

16-11-11, 06:59 PM
I was thinking of from March 2012 onward (simply because I will be in my new house by then). On Fraser Isand, I have been there once before, and personally I would not go in summer Steve, but if you have to then its a great place to visit. To my mind it isn't really very demanding in terms of a 4wd tripbut it's a great camping destination.

As Dave indicated I have mentioned to him the Vic High Country and the 'unfinished business' from the Desert Trip. The Vic High Country could be done up to Easter but after that it would just get too cold, so I agree that's probably a better summer option.

Must consider that the Cape people (those that work that is) have used up a big chunk of their leave just a couple of months ago, so heading off again in the next few months might be hard, if not impossible for some.

I certainly support doing more than one extended trip per year, as the club is big enough and it seems there is enough interest now to do that. Perhaps if that's a direction we could explore then there could be a shorter one and a longer one. A week to ten days is a good timeframe for most of the trips that Dave mentioned: Little Desert, Corner Country, and probably Vic High Country. Phil Reid (SJC member) did a Vic High Country trip with the South Coast 4WD Club not too long ago (he also has an old tricked out Hilux) and is keen to go back in the Jeep.

As far as the a longer trip is concerned, I am hanging out to do the Red Centre; and a full Simpson Crossing, but that probably would not be in 2012.


22-11-11, 06:35 PM
I think it would be good if as many members as possible went to Camp Coffs next year - great prep work for Jambo!

Depending on my work situation we could be interested in adding a Fraser trip before or after Coffs.

22-11-11, 07:11 PM
I have 2 spare weeks before and after jeep jambo next year. I'm up for a roadtrip/camping trip hopefully with the misses. I've a;ready done most of the east coast of OZ with the exception on cape york.
Wouldn't mind going out west somewhere.

23-11-11, 04:12 AM
I would be keen to do Fraser island been wanting to go there for years..

Steve F
23-11-11, 09:15 AM
As Glen says Fraser is not a hardcore 4WD destination at all but it is a great spot, I've been three times, for me the best time is just after school holidays finish as it empties out then. We had the Orchid beach campground to ourselves last time we went up. If you do want to do something a litte harder on the island there is a central track that is a little tricky, nothing hard really but not all sand lile the rest of the tracks. If you haven't been before it's a must visit spot and would be a great social trip with some fun sand driving.


kiwi kev
23-11-11, 09:22 AM
Im doing another vic high country trip first week of April (weeke b4 easter) with other 4wd mates(annual trip) , Im happy to run one for the Club, but will be late April which is a good time, its cold, no bush flies, and most gates closed from May
I can do one week only , which is enough weekend to weekend to cover alot of ground

23-11-11, 10:03 AM
Wow! Sounds like we have interest in possibly three trips, possibly all Easter-ish, Fraser, Vic High-Country and even something out West! Hope everyone brings their planning hats to the December meeting. No reason why there can't be a couple of different trips running at same time. Going to have to look up when the school hols are next year, because if Kev is offering to run a Vic trip...

Hmmm, looks like the Easter long weekend is the start of the NSW Hols - Term ends 5th April, Good Friday is 6th April, back at school on Mon 23rd. Might not suit Kev's dates. D'oh!


23-11-11, 12:01 PM
Kev I'm in for vic high country. Need firm dates to confirm A/L.

kiwi kev
23-11-11, 01:54 PM
Dave, school hols not actually a good time as too busy down Vic , we generally leave as others arriving so plenty of space and quiet in camping spots

24-11-11, 01:59 PM
as SteveF said Frazer is not hardcore 4wding but heaps of fun with some challenging sections, ive been there 4times and would put my hand up to go again. 1 week on the island would be comfortable. Good thing is there is fuel on the island because us TJ's will need it.

i do like the sound of Vic high country but would love to be there when there is snow!!!

hopefully should make it to Dec meeting to hear a few ideas.

p.s. my avatar photo is on Frazer Island