View Full Version : New LED replacement interior lamps stay on - solution?

14-06-11, 05:24 PM
I recently replaced my rear cargo area interior incandescent light with a 12 LED festoon of the correct size, which made a great difference in the amount of white light available back there. I should add here that the light fade out circuit worked fine with that arrangement. Today my front Courtesy/reading LED festoons arrived and I tried to install them but there is a problem: they take a long time to go off after the door is closed (engine off) and when the engine is on they don't go off at all. When only one LED is installed in front next to an incandesecent it works fine. The LEDs are polarity sensitive and I have them arranged correctly. I spoke to another member here and we suspect the BCM is holding them on and there is not enough load across the two LEDs to allow them to shut off.
I do not get any dash lights or codes, the LEDs just stay on. As I couldn't drive around at night with them on I decided to remove them and go back to the incandescents - I don't want to kill my BCM $$$$$.

Anyone have any ideas how I can make this work? I was thinking of putting a small resistor (equivalent in R value to one incandescent) in series with the LED lamps in the Courtesy Lamp holder?

Interestingly, if you query "LED interior light stays on" in Google you will see many different makes seem to have the same problem, and many people just seem to drive around with them on dimly all the time.