View Full Version : To sell car in parts or whole?

28-05-11, 02:19 PM
The Jeep dealership has said that my 97 ZG Jeep Grand Cherokee Ltd needs too expensive parts (ABS and maybe computer) to be worth-while to fix.

So, is it worthwhile to trade it in for say?$4K to $5K or strip it and sell the parts separately?

Any advice would be helpful!
Thanks! :confused:

Steve F
28-05-11, 02:37 PM
A trade on a dead 97 for $5K is pretty good, probably a better option than parting it out unless you have the time and space.


28-05-11, 02:50 PM
Why not look for parts at the wreckers. May be a cheaper option.

28-05-11, 03:21 PM
Could be cheaper to fix ( depends on how much you like the ZJ)................... Have parts you needed provided minor update to the 97 grand from the 96 grand C/Laredo parts match.......... Gee, happen to have a ZG computor ABS parts etc as well...... Check out the serial numbers on the parts you need to see if they match up.... A lot cheaper than any wreckers prices... Selling parts can be slow so if you are short of space/time, ?? .....But if you are trading up to a newer Jeep, good price for a trade offer but that will be covered in their profit margins anyway........................ PM details etc if interested.............Stephen T.

28-05-11, 03:23 PM
Thanks for that. I've checked through the wreckers and I'll be paying about the same as if I buy 2nd hand parts on ebay. Besides, rego's up next month, so I'll lose out $1k for rego and parts and she might not even work....... I'll try trading her in I think and hope for the best. Thanks for your help!!

28-05-11, 03:29 PM
Thanks for that. I've checked through the wreckers and I'll be paying about the same as if I buy 2nd hand parts on ebay. Besides, rego's up next month, so I'll lose out $1k for rego and parts and she might not even work....... I'll try trading her in I think and hope for the best. Thanks for your help!!
What are you getting??........... Have wife, WHO wants her space back.............. 1/2 or ono compared to elsewhere?............. Good luck with the trade if you go that way..........

28-05-11, 03:51 PM
I suffer from seeing things differently. Probably why i get myself into hot water alot. But maybe, just maybe it is cheaper to trade the wife in. Did that thought cross your mind? I bet you are picturing this aren't you?
I better go now before my wife comes in & has a look at what i am typing.

Good luck
