View Full Version : Cape York Trip - Sept/Oct 2011

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06-09-11, 12:06 PM
so jelous..... im considering building a tourer jsut for trips like this.......

06-09-11, 04:07 PM
so jelous..... im considering building a tourer jsut for trips like this.......

You need a transformer! LoL

06-09-11, 04:14 PM
doesi t count if i put a transformer badge on the car? haha

Steve F
06-09-11, 11:04 PM
Palm creek is looking like fun, heres a vid from a week ago :)



07-09-11, 10:51 AM
Yer saw that on Ausjeep. going to be fun!!!!!

07-09-11, 10:55 AM
Glen just forwarded me that video, a good one! That is Palm Creek - the first creek we hit on the OTT - heading North (pretty sure). I wish they had shown the exit!


09-09-11, 06:44 PM
Possibly dodgy news from Cairns Council;

Due to the rain over the weekend which has caused slippery/dangerous conditions, Council has temporarily closed the CREB track from Monday 5 September 2011.
Closure signs have been posted at both the southern and northern extremities of the track.
At this stage, the road will remain closed for at least 2 weeks, pending weather conditions.
For further information call Council on 40443044 or 1 800 070 444.

So, it should reopen a week before we get there, if! I'll keep a copy of the ph so we can call before we head out.



09-09-11, 07:17 PM
My weather forecast model shows that we're likely to get a little rain for a few days whilst we are up there......I'll be taking the muddies.

Decided to drive up rather than take the train - this is my intended route north - Click here for map (http://maps.google.com.au/maps?saddr=Turramurra,+New+South+Wales&daddr=Narrabri,+New+South+Wales+to:Roma,+Queenslan d+to:Barcaldine,+Queensland+to:Hughenden,+Queensla nd+to:-18.94366,144.49596+to:Cairns,+Queensland&hl=en&ll=-24.686952,146.557617&spn=32.899939,49.570312&sll=-20.910134,145.700684&sspn=8.542423,12.392578&geocode=FVtE_f0d2AYCCSlrzlJlOagSazGwzTIWaH0BBQ%3BF b9GMf4dxYHtCCnllubRQdKgazHwukOQtAkGBA%3BFQqMav4dg1 zeCCl5crGpgCS6azEApCB_8e4ABA%3BFS2emP4dSe2oCCmzSn6 7dtU0ajEAlSB_8e4ABA%3BFcX3wf4d3VOYCCldm4yYqMUtajGw bCB_8e4ABA%3BFVTx3v4dWNWcCCkXQxS9iWoqajFR6v948e4AE w%3BFfnE_f4dG1WwCCkTJKJbVWJ4aTFgeCB_8e4ABA&vpsrc=6&mra=dpe&mrsp=5&sz=7&via=5&t=h&z=5) - will post the satellite tracker details next week

Fridge has been test run for a few days and is maintaining a healthy -12 degree, so it should cope with the tropics................only big thing left on my list is upgrading the rear seat entertainment system.

09-09-11, 08:33 PM
The MySway Cape Trip 2011 - Trip Report is now up on their website, might be interesting reading for you - they managed to bend the chassis on a Triton Ute, and many misc campertrailer problems. Hope the campertrailer people are well prepared. There are some good links out to videos of the various crossing (on page 2). They seem to do alot of doubled up snatching across the creeks, and the guy diving into Nolans is just nuts. Enjoy:


Video stuff they have setup for their DVD:


Moral is "everything is harder with a campertrailer"

IMHO too many people standing around in the water during these crossings.

09-09-11, 10:16 PM
Yep, we are sure to get some showers over the two weeks. When I was up in '08 (in a Patrol not the KJ) they were all at night, and tents dry really fast in the tropics. We had no trouble on the tracks (but didn't try CREB). AT's did okay - and we are going a couple of months after the MySwag guys, so hopefully a little less mud. That said, I think I will be doing Bloomfield with the Disco and trailer, and perhaps anyone else on AT's, leave CREB to the MT's! Meet up at Lions Den for a beer!

Miraz I'm guessing from your prep notes that you are now a definitely definite, so all sounding GOOD! Even Hunno sounded pretty happy when I spoke to him up at Wooders today!

Thanks again to Glen for more excellent notes and videos, and I agree about too many people in the creeks! Don't know if the crocs get up that far, but we didn't swim in the deep pools at Dalhunty, and kept a good eye out when wading the creeks!


09-09-11, 10:38 PM
Getting excited !!!!!!
my route north http://maps.google.com.au/maps?saddr=Sydney,+New+South+Wales&daddr=Cairns+North,+Queensland&hl=en&sll=-25.335448,135.745076&sspn=64.025322,114.257813&geocode=FZsz-_0dszwDCSnFAZBWlpcSazFgqDIWaH0BBA%3BFYkH_v4dyRywCC m9_GJneWZ4aTHQBiF_8e4ABQ&vpsrc=0&mra=ls&t=m&z=5

Steve F
09-09-11, 10:41 PM
Cant wait, doing the fluids and hoses this weekend and taking the old as spares. Went to the Show at Penrith today and picked up a folding square frypan designed for those single burner gas burners. It fits in the case with the burner :)


Also picked up 3 cheap duffel bags, one for each of us (Me, Bec and Emmy) so I can find my clean socks and undies without digging through hair product and baby wipes ;)


Steve F
09-09-11, 10:50 PM
Here's my trip North

Trip (http://maps.google.com.au/maps?saddr=mount+colah,+New+South+Wales&daddr=Harrington,+New+South+Wales+to:Jacobs+Well,+ Queensland+to:Rockhampton,+Queensland+to:Townsvill e,+Queensland+to:Cairns,+Queensland&hl=en&ll=-25.284438,149.633789&spn=26.324711,53.569336&sll=-25.288575,148.487295&sspn=26.324711,53.569336&geocode=FY85_v0d9tQBCSnVjD4TL1gNazFAwjIWaH0BBQ%3BF eWtGf4duMMZCSmr4U01VNt1azGAokOQtAkGBA%3BFSIaWP4dNh 4kCSlpq2KLOW2RazFQjN7zWqMCBQ%3BFQlJm_4dmJn4CCnLGJe LmgDDazFQlCB_8e4ABA%3BFeom2v4dV0PACCmXZIpVKfDVazGw gSB_8e4ABA%3BFfnE_f4dG1WwCCkTJKJbVWJ4aTFgeCB_8e4AB A&vpsrc=0&mra=ls&t=m&z=5)

Leaving Monday after work for the first stop of Harrington (holiday house) then each following night, Jacobs Well (Sister In-Law), Rockhampton, Townsville planning to get in Cairns around lunchtime Friday.


10-09-11, 04:56 PM
Nice one Steve, although I'm told traffic thru Brisbane is hell! Going to aim to head up the New England from Armidale thru Toowoomba to avoid that.

Not adding a map as I can't work out how! My aim is to leave Monday morning; Mond night at Glen Innes, Tues night Bundaberg (ish) - probably Gin Gin Cara Park to avoid going in to Bundy, and then having to come back..., Wed night Mackay (ish) - Hunno suggested the Jolimont Cara Park 38km North of Mackay at Kuttabul, run by a friend or relative of his, then Cairns on Thurs evening. Not making bookings because distances covered will depend a bit on traffic etc, will just look for VACANCY signs when we get far enough to say "that'll do"! Hoping to find Motels at least in NSW, because I'm only taking Tropical camping gear!

Plan to come back the way Hunty is going up. On the way back, I have been recommended to stop at Carnarvon Gorge National Park - great scenery and camping. It's just off the "Inland Route" south from Undara, so might be worth an afternoon and overnighter there. Ed has canned his plan to go to Fraser Is, so we may still have a couple of Jeeps together.


11-09-11, 01:35 PM
Just finished uploading my Waypoints to the GPS!!! Anticipation is terrible!


13-09-11, 04:21 PM
D'oh, D'oh & D'oh

My Jeep is in at Jeep getting a service - I asked them to take a look at the rear main seal (again - 4th time) and D'oh this time its not the rear main seal that is causing my Jeep to loose oil all over my clutch and out onto the floor of my driveway its some kinda welsh plug for oil up high (rocker high) on my block and joy of joys its not covered under the extended warranty D'oh, Do'h & D'oh! - hopefully I will have my Jeep back later this week- bring on the Cape trip!......sorry for the blurry iphone pix - its all I had on me!


13-09-11, 04:53 PM
thats crap hunty, your motor should be covered (didnt you have it replaced).......id be causing hell with them, looks like svm artarmon, raise hell with rizwan and raj and you shold not only get it covered, you should have the car back for the trip......

13-09-11, 05:48 PM
Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaate (Rey)

I will mention to Riz that the engine has only been in for less than 20,000km and 9months and perhaps this is not my responsibility - to be honest I was so relieved to finally know that I will not have oil on my clutch anymore...... that has been pissing me off for over a year, my old engine leaked at the rear main as did my second and third engine - in fact I had to replace my first clutch not because it was worn out but because it was drenched in oil! - D'oh D'oh D'oh!!!!!! :(

13-09-11, 07:41 PM
Crikey Hunty (yep, going thru Steve Irwin country) hope they get it fixed quick smart!!! Still three working days this week, should be done in less than that (unless there is a parts issue).

Nothing like owning a Jeep to keep you on your toes!

See you tomorrow at Wolfies?


13-09-11, 11:43 PM
Yep, I know that view. Mines still on the hoist, no diff's, drive shafts, no upper rear arms, no brakes or even wheels. It's all organized but it's just a waiting game.

14-09-11, 12:21 AM
Here's my trip North

Trip (http://maps.google.com.au/maps?saddr=mount+colah,+New+South+Wales&daddr=Harrington,+New+South+Wales+to:Jacobs+Well,+ Queensland+to:Rockhampton,+Queensland+to:Townsvill e,+Queensland+to:Cairns,+Queensland&hl=en&ll=-25.284438,149.633789&spn=26.324711,53.569336&sll=-25.288575,148.487295&sspn=26.324711,53.569336&geocode=FY85_v0d9tQBCSnVjD4TL1gNazFAwjIWaH0BBQ%3BF eWtGf4duMMZCSmr4U01VNt1azGAokOQtAkGBA%3BFSIaWP4dNh 4kCSlpq2KLOW2RazFQjN7zWqMCBQ%3BFQlJm_4dmJn4CCnLGJe LmgDDazFQlCB_8e4ABA%3BFeom2v4dV0PACCmXZIpVKfDVazGw gSB_8e4ABA%3BFfnE_f4dG1WwCCkTJKJbVWJ4aTFgeCB_8e4AB A&vpsrc=0&mra=ls&t=m&z=5)

Leaving Monday after work for the first stop of Harrington (holiday house) then each following night, Jacobs Well (Sister In-Law), Rockhampton, Townsville planning to get in Cairns around lunchtime Friday.


As someone who drives to Cairns almost every year the trips maps from Miraz and Hunty are without a doubt the way to go with Hunty's being my choice

Dave think twice about the new england you will lose at least half a day if not more in slowing for towns and caravans via Goondiwindi is the best road out of all of them

Pacific highway is a day and half or more slower and 100% more cops/camera and weird speed zones

As the song says go west young man !!!

Pizza for dinner at Gunnedah at the place painted black with flames on it on the northern end of the main street is highly recommended for the 1st night one of the best old fashion pizza's with a ton of toppings and home made bases I have had in years

Steve F
14-09-11, 12:25 AM
We're seeing family on the way so dont have much choice, normally I'd go the same way as Hunty :) Normally I do it in 2.5 days but this time I'm allowing 4.5


14-09-11, 08:33 AM
Steve I noticed you talked about vacuum bagging your meat (in another thread) and had the equipment for that (that takes room, adds some weight, and uses power obviously). When I was up there in 2008 I saw cryovaced meat in the supermarket. I have also heard that there are butchers in Carins that will do that for you when you buy your meat. I think I saw it mentioned on MySwag or ExporOz but it might be worth checking out as an alternative to carrying still more gear with you.

Here is a quote on the subject from ExplorOz:

"Whenever we travel as a family to Cape york (http://www.exploroz.com/TrekNotes/FNQ/Cape_York.aspx) we buy our meat in Cairns (http://www.exploroz.com/Places/30020/QLD/Cairns.aspx) and get it cryovaced there. One butcher we have used is in Smithtown (or maybe Smithfield - over the Kamerunga bridge) Shopping Centre.(a northern suburb of cairns (http://www.exploroz.com/Places/30020/QLD/Cairns.aspx)) There would be others its just a matter of asking or making a phone call. We buy enough meat to last us till Weipa (http://www.exploroz.com/Places/28738/QLD/Weipa.aspx), there is a big Woolies supermarket there & they will cryovac if you ask and there is also another butcher in that centre we use.Alternatively you can buy meat that is already cryovaced in Lockhart River, Bamaga (http://www.exploroz.com/Customers/Top_End_Camper_Trailer_Rentals____HIRE___SALES_.as px) Supermarket, Umagico Supermarket and Seisia (http://www.exploroz.com/Places/28611/QLD/Seisia.aspx) Supermarket, though it is usually in larger quantities. "

Here is the link to the discussion:



14-09-11, 12:11 PM
"Dave think twice about the new england you will lose at least half a day if not more in slowing for towns and caravans via Goondiwindi is the best road out of all of them"

Thanks for that. I picked the New England as the longer route North, just to see the scenery. Got 4 days Sydney to Cairns planned @ 700km per day, so I hope it will work out! Coming back using Hunty's route, south from Undara, also not repeating the way up.

Anyway, will keep your note. Heading thru Goondi could get us back to the coast (hopefully some scenery) around Rockhampton...


Steve F
14-09-11, 02:55 PM
So close to ready now :)

Just did the oil changes and flushed the radiator etc, I was going to replace the hoses but they are only 12 months old so will just take a spare set with me just in case. I also made up a 3 legged Octopus of Led lights to permenantley attach to the 3 cross bars in the roof top tent, they come across the roof, down the legs to a central switch. I also made a lead with a cigarette lighter style socket and a hella style socket on it which plugs into external power on the jeep (from the second battery) up to the roof top tent where I can plug the lights in and charge the phone or Emily can watch a DVD :)

Also dragged out the little butane stove and gave it a clean and once over to make sure I take the good one, I have two but one burns with a much lower flame and takes forever to heat anything, the other one is much better.

Are people planning on cooking on the camp fire or stoves?


Steve F
14-09-11, 03:01 PM
Steve I noticed you talked about vacuum bagging your meat (in another thread) and had the equipment for that (that takes room, adds some weight, and uses power obviously). ....<snip>

Thanks for the info but I'm also going to use it to reseal anything that gets opened like cheese etc, I want everything nice and water tight and tidy. Even at home I reseal hotdogs etc so I'll do the same on the trip :) As for weight and size, it all adds up but it's small and light and not too much of a concern and I really hate manky wet fridges etc so I hope this will help with that.


14-09-11, 03:44 PM
Stoves are the go Steve! At most places of course we are in caravan parks / campgrounds. Not sure if all allow fires apart from in BBQ's. Some places have the gas BBQ's for us to use. Also it is going to be pretty warm, so we may not even want a fire (don't know about fire restrictions either). We'll just see how we go I guess, the only place that a fire will be 'easy' is on the Dalhunty R. Stoves are heaps quicker and cleaner anyway.


14-09-11, 07:22 PM
Are people planning on cooking on the camp fire or stoves?

I'm going to be have equipment for both....I've also vac packed food, but mainly ready meals for Beth - portions of pasta, stew, etc that can just be dropped into hot water whilst setting up camp. I see you bought one of the Hill Billy fry plates....give it a really good clean and seasoning as the oil that they coat it with is pretty nasty stuff.

Service will be done tomorrow, muddies went on today, Fixed an electrical fault with the Waeco, entertainment system going in on Friday morning, storage on Friday afternoon, awning and tent on Monday...then we should be good to roll. Decided to leave the full sub-tank at home, so I'll only have 90 liters of diesel and 3 x 10 liter jerry's for emergencies.

Pleased with the entertainment system - bought a Clarion NX501 from the US at a little less than a quarter of the local price, after a little persuasion it is now running all the local Australian software including the full HEMA offroad map set...

Steve F
15-09-11, 06:09 PM
Aaaargh, flushed the radiator yesterday and then had to replace the water pump today, actually turns out the gasket for the water pump had rotted away and the leak was around the pump but since I'd already bought the pump from Wooders I put it on anyway. Now to go get some more coolant.

I guess on the upside it died today and not this time next week, or worse the week after. I can only assume the freshen up of the rest of the system meant a little more pressure which was enough to show up this weak link.

Anyway, another 30 minutes to finish it off tomorrow and I'm done......... again.


15-09-11, 11:16 PM
I am Just starting to look into the costs for hiring a sat phone and there is a company in Cairns that will hire me one for $250 for the 2 weeks + Calls - I dont plan to make or receive any calls just for emergency use! - maybe those interested in a little bit of extra security (air ambulance / flying doctor comes to mind) would be interested in splitting the cost with me?

I am going to post up a facebook add tonight to see if any of my friends have a sat phone I can borrow - anyone got any thoughts - am i being to "Nanny" / "woosey" lol?
cheers Hunty

Steve F
15-09-11, 11:57 PM
I think Daves mate is bringing a SAT phone anyway :) He mentioned someone on the trip owning one.


16-09-11, 12:13 AM
That is Sweet!

16-09-11, 06:24 AM
My satellite tracker can be used to get help if need be, but I'm more concerned about some of the more remote areas n the way to/from Cairns....

Steve F
16-09-11, 08:33 AM
My satellite tracker can be used to get help if need be, but I'm more concerned about some of the more remote areas n the way to/from Cairns....

That was one of my concerns and another reason why I'm going the coastal route this time :)


16-09-11, 08:44 AM
jsut take some man vs wild dvd's....... bear grilles will be able to help you in times of need,,,,,,,

16-09-11, 10:01 AM
Folks, it looks like my 'personal issues', that had caused me to withdraw from the trip awhile back, maybe resolved enough that I should able to go to the Cape after all. I had been keeping Dave in the loop on progress on clearing these things up. I have continued my preparation just in case, and I retained my caravan park booking at Cairns (just in case). So as of today it looks like I will be heading out on Tuesday for my son's place at Dysart, and then be in Cairns by mid-day next Friday. Hope no one minds my rejoining at the last minute.


Steve F
16-09-11, 10:55 AM
Folks, it looks like my 'personal issues', that had caused me to withdraw from the trip awhile back, maybe resolved enough that I should able to go to the Cape after all. I had been keeping Dave in the loop on progress on clearing these things up. I have continued my preparation just in case, and I retained my caravan park booking at Cairns (just in case). So as of today it looks like I will be heading out on Tuesday for my son's place at Dysart, and then be in Cairns by mid-day next Friday. Hope no one minds my rejoining at the last minute.


Glad to here the personal issues are sorted and it's great to have you back on the trip :) See you in Cairns on Friday :)


16-09-11, 11:01 AM
Haven't you folk's gone yet....:p.......:).... Really hating this greenish colour...:D... Be safe and have fun....;D.......O0..........:)

Steve F
16-09-11, 11:05 AM
Most of us are heading off on Monday at some point :) It'll only get worse with pics and things getting uploaded instead :)


16-09-11, 12:32 PM
Yep, got Glen D back on the list (pages 1 and 25), so that is 9 cars and 15 people at least for Cairns to Seisia! Renato may be staying there longer than the rest of us, he may catch us up at Undara... we shall see. I'll bring an updated personal contacts list.

He does have a Sat Phone, and the 'toughest' driving (OTT etc) will be on the way North when he is with us. There will also be enough of us, and with a Roadhouse every 150 to 200km ish, we should not have too many comms problems. Telstra mobile phones should work in some places. No guarantees about other networks.

Last day at work today!!!! Come on Monday!!!!!!!


16-09-11, 08:08 PM
Most of us are heading off on Monday at some point :) It'll only get worse with pics and things getting uploaded instead :)

Just had to rub it in...................Lol.............

16-09-11, 08:23 PM
Most of us are heading off on Monday at some point :) It'll only get worse with pics and things getting uploaded instead :)


Yes please keep us posted with events, pics and vids.... Preferably daily as I really wanted to join you guys.

I am here: http://maps.google.com/maps?ll=-34.388458,150.876163

16-09-11, 08:43 PM
Got my Jeep back from Jeep a few hours ago - it feels better than ever - bring on the Cape trip :)

16-09-11, 08:59 PM
Onya Hunty! Great news. Now what about Hunno? On Wednesday evening, he hoped to have the Jeep running by tonight!

Work is done, now just have to pack everything. Roll on Monday morning!


16-09-11, 10:52 PM
I saw Hunno tonight, he has some work to do from what he told me lol

17-09-11, 08:00 PM
Hey guys. Just some bad news.... just spoke to Eddy tonight and he is DEFINITELY not going for this trip. Since I'm his passenger, I'm not going too. I understand Eddy's predicament. Well, its sad but that's the way it is. We'll make this trip some time in the future. Good luck... enjoy yourselves, drive safely and don't break your Jeep.

17-09-11, 08:09 PM
In behalf of our group, our heartfelt condolence to EDDY and his family.

17-09-11, 10:17 PM
Sincere condolences to Eddy and his family from all at Sydney Jeep Club

18-09-11, 04:01 PM
Well, the Jeep is packed with just about everything, so am ready to set off first thing tomorrow. Sadly without Eddy. I spoke to him this morning and he is heading to Adelaide to be with his family.

I'm sorry that this means that James has missed out as well. If you call Peddells and Undara you should be able to get refunds.

I have spoken to a few other trippers, even Hunno, who hopes to be "wheels on the ground" first thing tomorrow, and heading north on Tuesday. It sounds like everyone else is ready.

Don't think I've ever known a trip with so many changes and last minute... Anyway, I hope everyone has a safe drive and I'll see you all in Cairns on Thursday or Friday...

Best wishes,

Steve F
18-09-11, 04:33 PM
I'm half packed, just got some things in the washing machine and they'll get thown in the clothes bag tomorrow and I'll finish the packing. I'm also going to open the tent up again tomorrow sometime and put the pillows and sheets etc in it. Pretty much done though and a tight squeeze for 3 of us in the XJ when I'm trying to keep pretty much everything behind the cargo barrier.


18-09-11, 06:27 PM
Did a little test run to Young and back via Yerranderie over the weekend....need to change a front balljoint and fix a few niggles in the morning....still getting 900km out of a standard tank even with the tent and all the other gear loaded...

18-09-11, 06:41 PM
I'm ready to go on Tuesday (early), put the muddies on today, setup the solar system on the roof rack and it was slammin amps into the Aux battery. Just a few little things to do tomorrow, then 'on the road again' (reminds me to load the stacker).


20-09-11, 07:35 AM
I'll be activating my satellite tracker when I set off later today....you should be able to follow progress here - SJC - Cape York Trip 2011 (http://www.spotadventures.com/trip/view?trip_id=279056)

20-09-11, 08:37 PM
Made it as far as Dubbo, spending the night in the zoo....not sure the tracker is doing it's thing, so will have a fettle later tonight...


20-09-11, 08:48 PM
Made it as far as Dubbo, spending the night in the zoo....not sure the tracker is doing it's thing, so will have a fettle later tonight...


Yep as far as I could tell your somewhere off Africa, old bean

20-09-11, 09:04 PM
Yep as far as I could tell your somewhere off Africa, old bean

Might be accurate - spotlighting for possums, found an elephant..

20-09-11, 09:04 PM
Made it as far as Dubbo, spending the night in the zoo....not sure the tracker is doing it's thing, so will have a fettle later tonight...


All the best on the trip... And thanks for the update. Will be keenly checking this thread once you hit the tracks up north. Hope you and Beth have a great time...my girls are keen to catch up again when your back.... They loved her!

I am here: http://maps.google.com/maps?ll=-34.388449,150.876106

20-09-11, 09:05 PM
Better with pic

20-09-11, 09:12 PM
Better with pic

Telia wants to know is that in a cage/safe for you guys? Lol sweet

I am here: http://maps.google.com/maps?ll=-34.388449,150.876106

20-09-11, 09:29 PM
I've stopped in St George Qld for the night. Came up through the Hunter Valley, Narrabri, Moree, Mungindi, to St George - very little traffic once out of the Hunter area, and no big towns to slow me down. The winds today were very strong and mostly on the nose heading north. Mobs of Roos trying to commit suicide on the Canarvan Highway into St George at dusk. Heading off for my son's place at Dysart in the AM. Spoke to Dave tonight while he was having his Chinese meal in Bundy (I think that's where he was).

21-09-11, 07:32 AM
Telia wants to know is that in a cage/safe for you guys? Lol sweet

I am here: http://maps.google.com/maps?ll=-34.388449,150.876106

No, no cage for the elephant....this guy was caged up though...


21-09-11, 08:54 AM
Better with pic

no more self shots please geoff :P:P

21-09-11, 01:37 PM
Hi Mrs Miraz here
Geoff asked me to post a link to his location page http://share.findmespot.com/shared/faces/viewspots.jsp?glId=03UFvY7ppRdvUmXezesUx2c6zi1fSQb 5M

21-09-11, 06:33 PM
Whoa that's way west (Bourke) but a great road the Mitchell Hwy, how do you plan to cross over Geoff?

I am sitting in my son's house at Dysart, after washing the bugs off the KJ LOL.

Steve F
21-09-11, 08:45 PM
We're camped on the river in Rockhampton at
the moment. I forgot my usb modem so will
post some pics i took on Friday when we get to Cairns.
Loving the trip already


21-09-11, 09:10 PM
Hi Mrs Miraz here
Geoff asked me to post a link to his location page http://share.findmespot.com/shared/faces/viewspots.jsp?glId=03UFvY7ppRdvUmXezesUx2c6zi1fSQb 5M

Whoa that's way west (Bourke) but a great road the Mitchell Hwy, how do you plan to cross over Geoff?

I am sitting in my son's house at Dysart, after washing the bugs off the KJ LOL.

We're camped on the river in Rockhampton at
the moment. I forgot my usb modem so will
post some pics i took on Friday when we get to Cairns.
Loving the trip already


Sensational Guys, love the tracking Miraz, aaaaah I can just feel the serenity

21-09-11, 11:26 PM
Made it up to Cunnamulla for the night, plan is Longreach tomorrow then the Kennedy development road into Atherton...

22-09-11, 01:19 PM
Middle of nowhere...


22-09-11, 06:54 PM
Nice, I love the vastness. I ran up the Gregory Development Road to Charter Towers then downhill to Townsville, ended up in Ingham today, just a short run into Cairns tomorrow am. You can tell where the flood relief money has gone, they must have hired thousands of traffic lollipop people - road works every where on the coast it seems. I didn't see one of them on the inland route, not many backpackers or grey nomads either (of which I am one so I can disparage them). No word from Dave today. Where is everyone else? Did Hunty leave Sydney yet?


Steve F
22-09-11, 07:42 PM
We are about 50km south of Glen (60km north of townsville), camped 20m from the ocean
listening to the surf roll in while i dtink a xxxx :)

We should be in Cairns arond midday as we'll have a lazy breakfast before we head off


Steve F
22-09-11, 07:49 PM
hunno is on his way but not in a zj, its a long story. Dave is in cairns or will be today/tonight.

No idea how Hunty is travelling :(


22-09-11, 08:28 PM
I spoke to Dave on the mobile tonight, he and John arrived around 4pm at Sunlands Caravan Park. It took them longer than they thought it would, and he warned me that there are many more of those road works up ahead (understandable since the cyclone damage area is between us and Cairns). I heard the story about the CJ8, hope if came with some spares (and runs).

22-09-11, 11:06 PM
Hi Guyz
Just left Sydney! YaY...... will try for Gunedah tonight! (tomorrow am LoL)- See you guyz Sat Arvo (all being well)

23-09-11, 12:47 PM
Arrived Cairns this morning at 10:30 to find John and Dave. Dave's KJ is having some diff work done (binding clutches) and John is going on a Croc cruise this afternoon. Expect SteveF and family to arrive shortly. Weather is hot and humid as you'd expect. Guys coming in later - the Sunlands Caravan Park is not easy to find, make sure your GPS is looking for Little Pease St and not Pease St, the online booking forms seem to all say Pease Street.

23-09-11, 02:30 PM

400km of featureless savannah this morning, nice to see some hills again....heading off through porcupine gorge this afternoon, will be in Cairns tomorrow...

Steve F
23-09-11, 02:34 PM
We're here :) Wasnt a bad run from Rollingstone to Cairns. Now it's time to go get some board shorts and some beer and jump in the pool :)


23-09-11, 03:47 PM
Hunno has arrived in Cairns in his 'new' CJ8, which he picked up on the Sunshine coast yesterday. He already has the doors off. Will try to get a photo up soon, if I can find the camera cable.

24-09-11, 08:54 AM
Soo Jealous guys, have fun, and keep us posted with pics as often as possible.

24-09-11, 12:11 PM
Tried to upload some photos but it's just too slow. Sorry.

Steve F
24-09-11, 12:20 PM
I'll try and post some pics later tonight, the internet conection tethered through my mobile is sooooooooo slow :( The mobile signal is pretty average as well.


Steve F
24-09-11, 12:31 PM
Ok, lets see if this works.

The ones on the river were the campsite in Rockhampton, pretty much right in the city and only $25 for the night. The beach side ones were at a place called Rollingstone, about 50km North of Townsville and our last stop before we got to Cairns.

As an aside the Jeep got 14.9lt/100km in the run from Rocky to Ingham :) That's with the 35" muddies and the rooftop tent etc. Cant ask for better than that :)


24-09-11, 01:49 PM
Ok, lets see if this works.

The ones on the river were the campsite in Rockhampton, pretty much right in the city and only $25 for the night. The beach side ones were at a place called Rollingstone, about 50km North of Townsville and our last stop before we got to Cairns.

As an aside the Jeep got 14.9lt/100km in the run from Rocky to Ingham :) That's with the 35" muddies and the rooftop tent etc. Cant ask for better than that :)


Magical photos.
Have fun and keep us boring people down south updated.
Be safe

I am here: http://maps.google.com/maps?ll=-34.388502,150.876431

24-09-11, 04:16 PM
Hi all,

We are all in Cairns, except for Hunty, who no one has heard from! We will set off at 8.00 ish tomorrow, and the other 'tech' savvy people are doing a great job at keeping this updated, so you should all know where we are up to.

Hope everyone that isn't here still has some fun, but not as much as us haha!


24-09-11, 06:34 PM
Where's Hunno Dave?

24-09-11, 06:39 PM
Where's Hunno Dave?

Is that like where's Wally?

I'm waiting at the Cairns airport for you.

24-09-11, 09:09 PM
Hi all,

We are all in Cairns, except for Hunty, who no one has heard from! We will set off at 8.00 ish tomorrow, and the other 'tech' savvy people are doing a great job at keeping this updated, so you should all know where we are up to.

Hope everyone that isn't here still has some fun, but not as much as us haha!


Just Arrived! in Cairns! and i am totally fubar lol cant wait till we set off in the morning!

25-09-11, 01:25 AM
Is that like where's Wally?

I'm waiting at the Cairns airport for you.

Where are the pics of your new cj ?

26-09-11, 03:24 PM
Got off to a good start @ 8am,
took a look at the Daintree National park then headed to the start of the "Creb TRack", aired down to 18psi and rigged up my sons GoPro.

First river to cross was the Daintree so I did the manly thing and Bra'd up the JK- pitty the water was so low that the bra didnt even get wet LoL.

Hunno's new CJ8 went like a ripper until it died going up the first hill climb - D'oh - so we - the 4 1/2 amigo's that challenged the Creb (Miraz, Beth, Hunno & Jax Hunty) in 3 vehicles decided it was time for some bush mechanic / bodging! - it looked like the float was sticking so Miraz suggested Hunno see if driving it up the hills backwards would help to keep the float valve working - which it did for a while then it died good and proper -so we decided we wanted to get on our way so Miraz hooked up the CJ8 and we began to tow until it was obvious that Miraz Transmisison (Auto Pajero) was getting to hot and there were some seriously steep mountains still ahead, so the CJ8 was hooked up to my JK - which did an amazing job to get itself and the CJ8 up some of the steepest trails I have ever driven, we caught up to some other 4x4ers in Toymota's - they had got out to film "their remarkable 4by's hill climbing" I guess they realising that my JK pulled another Jeep up the same hill was not such an accomplishment LoL. My beautiful wife Jax got herself hanging out of my Jeep to shoot the vid's - she got hit in the back of the head a few times because her dumb@ss husband failed to warn her of approaching trees D'oh (sorry sweetie)! the attached vid's never really show how steep anything is but there were time when I had my foot almost to the floor in low range 1st.

My Jeep got so hot under the bonnet I could see heat haze coming out of my bonnet scoop - then blue smoke - I said "Cr@p" or something similarly rated G as I grabbed my fire extinguisher! fortunately it was just an overheated battery that let off a little H2sO4 which fell onto my exhaust manifold and made a little bit of blue smoke!

By the time I got my battery out to have a look and make sure it was ok underneath, Hunno's Jeep had cooled down and was kinda drivable so we set off again!

Well we finally arrived at the Lion's den Hotel to find all the others relaxed, chillin & pissed! LoL - not concerned at all as to why we took 7 hours to cover 100km's or so! LoL - the "others had a lovely day, caught the car ferry and enjoyed a counter lunch!




26-09-11, 09:00 PM
Nice reporting guys. We, the people left behind, will just imagine all your experiences and activities there. Keep sending those email updates and video clips.

27-09-11, 12:32 PM
You guys are now annoying me..........:(

but please keep sending the vid and images.

Looks awsome, wish you all the best

28-09-11, 10:41 PM
great vids, the cj8 going up the track in reverse is one of the funniest things i have ever seen

01-10-11, 03:09 PM
Hi everyone, we have arrived in Seisia and have setup camp overlooking the Coral Sea and the Torres Straight Islands. Hunno made it to Seisia in the CJ8 but the auto gearbox is playng up now. Miraz and Hunty tried to cross the Jardine late yesterday and have some great video of the attempt. We finished the last of our trip on the Old Telegraph Track yesterday, including doing Gunshot, which everone got through without damage. Hunty has heaps of video footage. Having a great time, and we're off to the very "Tip" tomorrow and a few days of site seeing before the return trip starts. Corrugations! Corrugations! We have all had enough of corrugations!

Cheers Glen

Steve F
01-10-11, 05:55 PM
Couple more pics

Fruit bat falls, 32oC and lovely :)


Bec doing some wheelin'


Gunshot spare parts (Me, Hunno and Miraz took the hard track :) videos soon)



Steve F
01-10-11, 06:01 PM
And one more



02-10-11, 12:20 PM

Time to go south again...

04-10-11, 09:33 AM
Hunty and I are skipping Weipa and heading South today....watch the satellite tracker to see our progress...telegraph track this morning!

04-10-11, 08:33 PM
I left Seisia on Monday when the others went on the cruise to Horn Island, had to get back for some things that need my attention early next week. I accomplished everything I went on the trip for and had a great time. So yeah, I skipped Weipa as well, and headed straight down the Peninsula Development Road managing to get to Musgrave Road House on Monday night, and Ingham (via the Atheron Tablelands) tonight (Tuesday).

What's happening with Hunno and the CJ8? Is it going on the boat on Thursday?

05-10-11, 02:01 AM
Left Seisia this morning, drove all the way down to Mission Beach, south of Cairns in one hit...

Chris is planning on driving back :-)

kiwi kev
05-10-11, 08:01 PM
good work guys, wish I was there, looks terrific , at least I get to watch some rugby world cup !! what a conselation , would rather be at the cape, safe travels to all, cheers,kev

05-10-11, 09:49 PM
Here's a photo of the KJ at the beach around from the TIP:


Here are a few more selected shots from the trip:

Dave and Hunno getting the KJ and CJ8 ready at Cairns:


Breakfast at the Lion's Den Hotel, Helenvale after the CREB and Bloomfield Tracks:


Hunty gets two helping hands at Elim Beach:


All the Jeeps being packed up in the morning after the overnight camp at Kalpower:


Hunty and Jackie give the Jeep a wash at the "Dul" Hunty river:


Chris buries the CJ8 at Gunshot - he drove it out of that position with alot of body and steering wheel action:


Steve and family take the drop at Gunshot:


Steve and family driving at speed on the beach at the Tip:


Chris does his bit for Wooders advertising at the Tip:


06-10-11, 09:21 PM
Spoke to Dave tonight, they (Dave, John, Hunno, and Steve's family) have made it to Weipa and did the mine tour this afternoon after overnighting last night at Bramwell Station. Hunno's CJ8 is apparently running fine, and he's driving it back. Dave thinks that Miraz is going to meet up with them again at Undarra in a few days.

06-10-11, 09:54 PM
Thanks for the update Glen great photos :)

06-10-11, 10:06 PM

When will I learn that my wife's Pajero is not a Jeep?

07-10-11, 08:25 PM
Weipa, hello all still going and we've decided were never coming home! Every where here is awesome!

08-10-11, 06:32 PM
I'll be leaving my son's place in Dysart (Qld) tomorrow morning to head back to Sydney. For those behind me coming down the inland route from Undarra or Cairns I can recommend either of the two caravan parks at St George (Kamarooka or Pelican Rest). I have stayed at both before and they are a good day's drive from there to Sydney. I'll be staying at Kamarooka this time (tomorrow night). They also have reasonably priced cabin accomodation if you are over camping.

09-10-11, 09:00 AM
Chris does his bit for Wooders advertising at the Tip:

LOL - LOVE your work guys ;D;D;D

10-10-11, 11:44 AM
Northbound crossing of Nolans Brook at the top of the Telegraph Track


11-10-11, 08:21 AM
Cape Trip is over for me - returned to Sydney last night. Thanks to the whole group for a fantastic time and special thanks to Dave for all the organisation and prep work done in the lead up to the Trip. Looking forward to seeing all the video.

Hmmmm, now thinking about the next one.


11-10-11, 06:03 PM
Yes... More vids please.... Me like alot....
very disappointed that I was unable to join you guys. Next time.

Well done to all. And thankyou for keeping us in the action...
Cheers jose.

I am here: http://maps.google.com/maps?ll=-34.388428,150.876102

11-10-11, 08:19 PM
Hmmmm, now thinking about the next one.


I think we should look at going to Tasmania next

11-10-11, 09:16 PM
Wow Tasmania sounds like a great idea.... :)

I am here: http://maps.google.com/maps?ll=-34.388428,150.876102

11-10-11, 11:21 PM
Hey Dave
Thanx for an awesome trip! - Jax and I enjoyed the Cape trip immensely.

Dave, you are a trip planning / leading legend, you awesomely planned every detail. I really appreciated all the time and effort you put in to make our trip excellent, heres just a few things that impressed me! about you (Dave).

Extensive Knowledge of all the camping options, good choice of stays.
Excellent route to the Cape - loved all via points.
Great timing - not to slow and not to rushed.
Fantastic knowledge of all food & fuel stops.
Very, very patient leader!
you put up with me! LoL

Thanx heaps mate!
cheers Hunty

11-10-11, 11:39 PM
G-Day Guys,

I'm as jelous as hell, sound like you all had a ball.

Tassie sounds like it could be good, if I'm in country I'm in.


Andy & Charlene

12-10-11, 07:47 AM
Hi Guyz
I just added a 33min video of "My Cape experience" to my build thread and I am now editing a much longer video which I will post up here that includes everyone that went on the trip, I may even save it and premier it at the next SJC meeting, Jax shot most of the video with my Iphone4 - enjoy cheers Hunty

12-10-11, 07:56 AM
Fantastic bring the projector!!

Steve F
14-10-11, 04:55 PM
Got back at 2:00pm today :) We had a great trip and I'll post up some pics shortly to tease those that left us early. The final four of us all ran down from Emerald yesterday to Narabri and then the final 500 or so KM today. Damn it's cold back home after 43c just a few days ago. Now to wait for the bank account to recover and do the next one. Emily wants to know where we are camping tomorrow :)


Steve F
14-10-11, 05:54 PM
Some pics

Sunset at Undara (We took a lot of sunset pics)


Part of the lava tubes at Undara


Camping on the shoreline at Weipa


The bar at Bramwell Station, we had a great nigt here :)


Walking to 'The Tip'


Driving on the beach shown above, we had to make a quick run back to avoid the fast tide



14-10-11, 07:00 PM
Hey All,

Sonds like everyone made it back safe - and I'm the last to 'report in'! Thanks for all the earlier thanks, but if it wasn't for everyone that went, it wouldn't have worked - so thanks to all for coming along and making it such a great trip!!!

Been scanning thru the photos - some of them aren't bad! Not posting up, there are so many good ones here already! Will bring copies to next meeting for anyone that wants them.

Tassy does sound interesting :)


14-10-11, 08:10 PM
Well....where's the Hunno Report? How did the CJ8 go? Assuming it was there at the end as four came back.


Steve F
14-10-11, 09:00 PM
Well....where's the Hunno Report? How did the CJ8 go? Assuming it was there at the end as four came back.


No problems at all other than a bit of an oil leak from anything that held oil ;) and the radiator, which we pretty much fixed on the side of the northern bypass track by crimping some tubes and putting some black pepper in the radiator. After that it was easy going and only a few small issues holding us up at all on the way back. Two were mine with the alternator cable coming loose at the battery connection (just outside of Emerald) and loosing a bolt from the left caliper (that was an odd one)


14-10-11, 09:20 PM
Well....where's the Hunno Report? How did the CJ8 go? Assuming it was there at the end as four came back.


Yep, four Jeeps finished together - well, parted ways on the F3 anyway, Steve, John, Hunno and me! Last I saw of Hunno as he blew past me at Wyong Servos was the grin! I think he had a great trip even with all the on the road repairs, and he was heading in to pick up the keys to his new house.


14-10-11, 09:38 PM
Still north of the tropic...should be back on Sunday...

17-10-11, 09:42 AM
Made it back into Sydney last night...came down from Lightning Ridge yesterday, mostly on dirt roads which made life more entertaining after all the heavy rain.

Now to break out the Gerni and give Rachel her car back!

Steve F
17-10-11, 10:35 AM
Back at my desk in the office today, first day for a month in long pants, socks and shoes that weren't thongs :( I'm already looking for another trip.


24-10-11, 10:12 AM
NOW the last people are back in Sydney... Renato got back to Sydney yesterday and is back at work today. He got the helicopter to and from Horn Is to pick up his wife, then retraced our trip North in reverse. He also went out to Chilli Beach (Lockhart River) and had to use the winch to get out of one of the rivers, and he did the CREB in reverse. Said it was pretty scary with the camper! Not surprised!!

Fortunately they got back on the blacktop and headed out to Undara before the big storm that hit Cairns last week - 30cm of rain in a day - or he would probably still be stuck on CREB...

He will bring photos in to work, and I will add them to mine on DVD ROM to distribute at a meeting.


01-11-11, 02:33 PM
For those of us unable to make it to Wooders for the November meeting (tomorrow night), is there some other way that we can arrange to get access to the Cape Trip photo files? Hunty copied all of mine at Seisia but I have nothing from the other cameras.


02-11-11, 04:28 PM
I am bringing copies of all my and Renatos Pix on Disk to tonight's meeting, I ve also been asked to do a trip report while Steve runs the AV! Should be fun!!

If anyone not coming to Wooders' would like a copy of the disk, PM me your address (I have deleted all contacts from trip register since the trip) and I will post one out. Hopefully anyone else with pix to share can offer similar? I'd love more pix of my car!


02-11-11, 07:39 PM
Here's one of my Favourite pics of Hunno in his pink too too

04-11-11, 04:50 PM
For anyone who went on the Cape Trip you might find today's declaration by the LNP (supported by Noel Pearson) that they will repeal the Wild Rivers declarations for Cape York to be a pause for thought. Basically the Wild Rivers Declarations prevent any development, mining, damming, etc within 1km of the designated rivers. While there were a few signs on the road side up on the Cape that indicate that some of the Aboriginal people would like their own say in development (not to mention profit) but this is surely not a bad thing for the environment and anyone that has crossed one of those rivers, sat or waded in them, or swam in them, can appreciate the wonderful environment that they represent and the need to hold onto that unique natural area for our kids and theirs. The story is here:
