View Full Version : How to stop drivers seat from dropping -Hunty's JK

08-01-11, 08:49 AM
Hi Guyz
I thought it was just me at first being 6'4 and 2ton - lol

but I posted a how to fix the annoying cabin air intake panel rattle and discovered I was not alone in slowly squashing down my drivers seat!

So here's the juice;
Some get a little rattle when the drivers seat is at its lowest.
Others (inc me) slowly sink down until they can't see out the drivers front window LoL.

The cause is simple
Every time you get in & out of your Jeep ESPECIALLY if it is lifted you turn and slide you @ss out over the lever and each time you "Sit on the lever" you lower your seat 10mm - 1/2inch

The cure also simple
1. Set seat to desired height.
2. Remove Lever! - pry off centre cap - loosen bolt

If some else drivers your Jeep and doesn't like the height of the drivers seat - just keep the lever under the seat and hold it in place whilst standing out side your Jeep and change the seat to the desired height - for me I say "Don't touch the seat height - I have it set as high as it will go and im 6'4 so unless you are heaps taller than me - live with it LOL

Cheers Hunty (Jeep Macgyver lol)


09-01-11, 12:41 PM
Get off me u fat so and so;D

09-01-11, 11:08 PM
Hey Rupicon
Were we married in a previous life lol
Cheers Hunty