View Full Version : CAPE YORK TRIP - Winter 2011

23-07-10, 09:59 AM
I thought it was time to get a thread started on the proposed Cape York Trip - Winter 2011.

As with all extensive touring type trips, the amount of preparation time required means early discussion and notice period is important (especially for those that have to arrange the time off work to do this sort of trip).

Cape York was the subject of some discussion on the just completed 2010 Desert Trip, and some of those participants indicated an interest in the Cape Trip. Obviously lessons learned on the Desert Trip may prove useful for those contemplating the Cape Trip.

I believe Brian and Heidi have recently been there and done that so any info from them would be appreciated.

This is not a call for 'expressions of interest' at this time, just a place to discuss trip requirements and planning.

Glen D

23-07-10, 11:00 AM
Happy to help with any trip planning etc..

Unfortunately we had to pull out of the trip this year though :( We are having a baby in November :) and whilst we had hoped to still do the trip a some issues with the pregnancy came up a few weeks before the trip and the Dr's said it was really not a good idea to attempt the trip for my own health.

The group (5 cars) still did the trip and had a great time, 2 cars opted not to do the harder tracks (OTT, Frenchmans etc) and all cars experienced panal damage and or mechanical problems.

23-07-10, 11:55 AM
Thanks Heidi and Congratulations on the baby, look after yourself. I guess a larger Jeep is on the horizon.

23-07-10, 01:23 PM
Sounds good. I'll be ready by then.
Question: Lenght of trip? 2,3,4 weeks?(More)
: Will it be limited to just jeeps?
: Max no. of vehicles?
: How hard core tracks?(I'm not to worried about panel damage, but would like to be able to drive home. who am kidding been towed home the 2 out of 3 trips.
But we're working through the weakness ).

23-07-10, 02:16 PM
We have a bigger jeep alreay there is a ZJ in the driveway! It just does not go any where :(
The trip we where running was 2 weeks Cairns to Cairns - everyone made there own way to Cairns from Sydney - most took at least 4 weeks altogether.
We orginally had 12 cars and this went down to 5 by departure day. We use different gradings so it was rated Hard with no trailers. The group felt it was rated correctly after doing the trip, and the smaller group size was also a bonus. They had to use the winches a few times to get cars out. Even cars with snorkles had to tarp up for the river crossings. Some of the people on the trip where reluctant to do the more difficult tracks and opted for the easier options such as the developmental roads and caught up with the group again at a later time - even though we where very clear from the beginning what the standard of trip would be.
The trip is about 8-10,000 km's

Steve F
23-07-10, 02:27 PM
I was also looking at going to the Cape next year so am keen on this trip :)


23-07-10, 02:28 PM
I imagine we could have the odd ringin vehicle. Jaffas in-laws drove a Pathfinder on the Desert Trip and it fitted in just fine. In relation to track choice we would probably need options for those keen to do the full OTL etc. Personally I would be going to enjoy myself and explore the Cape, not much interested in breaking things. For example, the photos I have seen of the Gunshot entrance make me think I would not want to try that, but someone with a more extreme vehicle might (Ivan for example).

24-07-10, 09:32 AM
Hi Glen I am interested but will talk 2 u on the next meet b4 committing.


24-07-10, 10:32 AM
Mani it is way too early to expect anyone to commit. This thread is just for discussion of a possible Cape York Trip next winter. Plenty of time to talk about it.

24-07-10, 05:45 PM
I'll put my hand up as and when. Been before as a passenger and want to do the drive myself!


24-07-10, 09:30 PM
im keen, could maybe get my act together by2011
would want to do the hard options though,maybe split in to two groups and meet up again ?

25-07-10, 01:21 PM
Just got back from the cape this sat morning left syd start of june went with 6 vehicles most with camper trailers 2 with jayco campers 4 vehicles with trailers drove the whole length of old OTL 2 with jayco only drove the second half which was in fact harder no mojor probs with any vehicles or trailer including jayco most people wouldnt believe that we were taking them up old otl fuel ranged from $1.30 at cairns to $2.05 at seisa A big tip do not go to cape during june july leave cairns at end of july youll miss the big rush school holidays

26-07-10, 07:33 PM
hopefully ill have better luck at the Gunshot than i did at my attempts on BIG RED!!!

02-08-10, 09:46 AM
Just wanted to bump this up again to remind people and get folks thinking about: time required, options, level of difficulty they are comfortable with, etc. This thread is for consensus gathering to inform trip planning. I would hope that by October we have had enough discussion to frame a trip that has the support of the people who want to go.

Steve F
02-08-10, 10:53 AM
If I can go I'd like to do the hard options as well, I'd plan to travel light with no camper etc I'd also be happy splitting into two groups if need be.


03-08-10, 09:09 PM
I wanted to do the Cape on a motorcycle in my twenties but it never happened so I'm dead keen on geting involved.
Winter is a long time, any month more likely than another?

04-08-10, 09:15 AM
We will need to develop a consensus on the month. There are pros and cons for just about every month next winter. If we schedule it too early (May and maybe June) it could still be wet, and as we have seen this year the wet continued longer than anticipated, ie the water crossings maybe deeper. OLD school holidays start the last week of June (for 2011 they are from Friday the 24th of June to Sunday the 10th of July) and this will be a period that is probably more crowded up there. Into July we still have QLD school holidays running into the NSW school holidays (Monday the 4th of July to Sunday the 17th), but that is also a good argument (crowd wise) for going abit later (and maybe in the drier month of August). I guess it depends on personal factors such as: do you work in education and need to take advantage of that space in the calendar to take time off, or are you taking kids with you and they can't miss more school than the holiday period and maybe some additional time, etc).

If anyone interested could consider a set of weeks that best suits their life then perhaps we can get a poll organised to help develop the consensus dates.

04-08-10, 12:40 PM
My wife's a teacher and I'd be taking my kids so we'd want to go in the school holidays

04-08-10, 03:43 PM
Tony, assuming you have the time available from the evening of the 1st of July 2011 to the evening of the 17th of July (NSW School holidays) (say 16 days), working back from the transit stage durations (Sydney to Cairns and return say 3 + 3 minimum and that is really pushing it) that allows 10 days for the Cape. BTW four days up and back (to and from Sydney - Cairns) is probably more realistic with kids, which means 8 days to do the Cape. This is a trip of long distances (maybe 9 - 10,000 in total door to door), and you need to allow time to enjoy the trip and have a lay day here and there. The recent Desert Trip (5400 kilometres in total) in the same timeframe, showed the benefit of having time to relax now and then. Personally I think 3 weeks (21 days) is the minimum to allow for this sort of trip and to come back having enjoyed the experience.

09-08-10, 11:30 AM
For those interested in a possible Cape York Trip in 2011, have a look at the latest issue of Campertrailer Australia (Issue 32) which covers Part 1 of their 2010 Cape York Trip. Virtually the entire issue covers the Cape York Trip and is a great source of knowledge about travelling to the Cape. A big bonus is that the magazine comes with a nice HEMA map of the Cape from Normanton in the west, to Innisfail in the east and right up to the Tip, with all the usual HEMA map inclusions: phone numbers, GPS points, etc.

09-08-10, 09:32 PM
Does anyone know if it is possible to send car by rail or on the truck to/from Cairns (to save some time) and how much it costs?
I am wandering if there are any car dealerships which may be having trucks coming emty one way ... as I may have difficulty get more than 2-3 week leave.

I also wanted to go to Cape York on motorbike few years ago, but instead decided to go for 7 weeks to Chile and Argentina, rend Yamaha ride to Patagonia and Attacama. Now after I sold my KTM, the idea to go to Cape (at least) by car sounds good.

10-08-10, 02:53 PM
I Google searched this one.

You cannot send your car from Sydney to Brisbane by train, but you can send it from Brisbane to Cairns - but there are conditions;

"Queensland Rail cannot convey vehicles unless owner compliance is observed with ALL the following conditions:

Vehicles must not be lower than 150mm above ground level loaded this includes any side skirts or front and rear spoilers.
Vehicles must not exceed 2100mm in height, 2100mm in width, or 5270 mm in length, this is to include the outer most extremity of permissible dimensions.
The wheels of vehicles fitted with large tyres or dual rear wheels must not exceed 480mm, with 940mm between each slot.
The Motorail wagon has a raised centre section in the floor and vehicles must not be overloaded as this could result in damage to fuel tank, exhaust or independent suspension.
Petrol or other flammable liquids or commodities (excluding vehicle fuel tank) must not be conveyed in or on the vehicle and must be removed.
External fitted louvres and screens should be removed, aerials lowered, large side mirrors folded in, and all personal items conveyed on roof racks or tray backs properly secured by the vehicle owner. Such accessories and effects are the responsibility of the owner and are conveyed at owners risk.
Passengers are not permitted access to their vehicles whilst in transit.
Vehicle owners must ensure their private vehicle insurance covers transit by rail.
QR reserves the right to charge prescribed freight rates for personal effects or items conveyed in the vehicle.
Unaccompanied vehicles must be met & received on arrival by owner or representative"
Also, you would need to go on to their website and give details to get a quote; http://www.queenslandrail.com.au

There are several trucking companies that will take your car from anywhere to anywhere, eg; http://www.auto-logistics.com.au

But again you need to give them your details to get a quote.

I know that several people were considering these options, I do not know if anyone has found out more yet.


11-08-10, 01:29 PM
a few of the people on the trip we where doing looked at this. It was quite expensive from memory - I know one person was going to pay their apprentice wages to drive there and back plus accommodation and flights as it worked out a lot cheaper. (they ended up not going on the trip though)
Also found many companies will not transport the cars packed with camping equipment etc so that meant you had to send everything seperate in a crate.

Steve F
11-08-10, 01:36 PM
I've driven to Cairns in a touch over two days going up to Charters Towers and then across to Townsville before going up the coast road. It's a much easier drive and a lot quicker. That was in the XJ about 6 years ago now. I plan to head up this way when the trip runs next year. Although that does still eat up a minimum of 5 days and you have to hit the road pretty hard to do it.


11-08-10, 04:44 PM
Steve you are correct that the inland route and then up the Gregory Development Road to Charter Towers is much quicker than the coast combo of the Pacific Hwy to the Bruce Hwy. The inland route also avoids most of the grey nomad caravan traffic that clogs up the coastal route in the winter. I can get to my son's place at Dysart (250kms + northwest of Rocky) in two days, going up through the Newell and Liechardt Highways, or the Mitchell but going up the coast it would take most of three.

14-08-10, 08:30 PM
i am planning for jambo at the moment, want to leave trailer at home and maybe get some mods done we will see.
so same gose for cape trip we would have to do it in three weeks and include school holidays

15-08-10, 09:55 AM
Id be in but driving to cairns in under 3 days is pushing it hard, depends if you have multiple drivers too to share the load. after all it's a holiday so you want to enjoy the whole trip.
I think 4 weeks would be a good quide in my view

Steve F
15-08-10, 10:38 AM
Id be in but driving to cairns in under 3 days is pushing it hard, depends if you have multiple drivers too to share the load. after all it's a holiday so you want to enjoy the whole trip.
I think 4 weeks would be a good quide in my view

There's no need to do Cairns in 3 days, its just an option/possibility for those that don't have the extra time. Doing it in 5 means you get to see some stuff on the way and is much more comfortable, even 4 is pretty easy.


15-08-10, 11:38 AM
I might get yelled at for adding this, but before we went to Birsdsville I started working on an itinerary of 28 days all up (for me anyway) - 4 days to Cairns, 3 days in Cairns (get oil change and sightsee) then 16 days Cairns to Tip & return to Cairns or Undara, one day in Cairns or Undara then 4 days home. Even if you shaved the days in Cairns beginning and end, I think it would be tough to do the whole trip in less than 24 days. However, I wasn't planning on presenting my ideas - as requested and fair enough - until discussion is underway amongst any group of people that wish to go. I was planning to propose the trip with itinerary in February 2011, and my preferred time to travel, as with this years trip, is July (school teacher - 2 weeks of school hols plus 2 weeks afterwards). However this timing might not suit anyone else, and as Glen has pointed out, some really good constructive planning is already going on. Hey, who knows, we might end up with enough interest for TWO trips, one earlier, one later...


Steve F
15-08-10, 11:50 AM
This probably doesn't help much but worth putting out there, my preference is to go before the school holidays, so after the roads have been repaired but prior to the school holiday traffic hitting them, just a thought if there is enough interest for two trips ;)


15-08-10, 12:03 PM
That could be a bit tricky. As Glen mentioned QLD mid year hols start a week before NSW (so last week of June), which would mean starting your trip in early to mid June - and it may be still damp with no time for roads to be fixed yet... Unless you mean head up before the Sept/Oct holidays. Definately dry by then. I went up as a passenger in Oct 2008, and the roads were so good you could have done the trip in a Commodore. Although at that time of year it was pretty (and I use the term loosely) hot and humid!


15-08-10, 12:51 PM
Fair enough Steve, there are benefits of going earlier as you point out (and graded roads are so much nicer than corrugations) but you would probably need to be off the Cape roads before (or just as) the QLD School Holidays start, or at least coming back as all the traffic was heading up, which means finishing up at the top end by the 25th of June there-abouts. So it would be a fairly early June departure to avoid Qld school hols (or even late may depending on the time that the group would want to dedicate to lay days, sightseeing, pre-Cape servicing, etc.

For some people the NSW School holidays, and maybe a week either side, maybe the only time they could do it due to working in education, or having school age children coming along. So we may have to accept that two smaller (in numbers) trips are feasible rather than one grand SJC caravan of courage.

Steve F
15-08-10, 12:53 PM
I'm happy to go whenever though and will go with the flow, I guess in the end timing comes down to who actually goes :)


15-08-10, 12:56 PM
Steve is there a function on the Forum that allows us to actually conduct a poll to start getting an handle on numbers interested?

15-08-10, 01:01 PM
By my count you are up to 11 possible vehicles already;
GlenD, SteveF, Hunno, Mani, DaveG, Rupicon, Ivan, Tonysrich, SteveC and I know EddyG wants to go. Plus Easy-Rider who asked about freight? Then if there is James as well it is a big group so far! Lookin good.


Steve F
15-08-10, 01:03 PM
Steve is there a function on the Forum that allows us to actually conduct a poll to start getting an handle on numbers interested?

I've added a poll to the beginning of this thread, three very generic questions but it will give you an idea on total numbers and the split if it's decided on two smaller groups.


15-08-10, 01:07 PM
WOW! What a great thing. I'm on (Although I think it does need more than 'just' the 2 week July hols... see Post #29 Page 3)


Steve F
15-08-10, 01:09 PM
WOW! What a great thing. I'm on (Although I think it does need more than 'just' the 2 week July hols...)


Yep it'll need more but it gives a very general preference :) Also if you click on the number of votes for each option it will tell you who they are so easy to get names to go with the numbers.


15-08-10, 01:15 PM
Now I know why the bottom of your posts say WebMaster, O Master of the Web.


15-08-10, 06:24 PM
i'm interested too. i'd prefer to go outside school holidays

13-09-10, 08:10 PM
Hi Folks
Jusk purchased a JK Wrangler unlimited CRD
We are planning a big trip leaving Sydney mid May 2011 towing a camper trailer. Travel slowly up to Cairns and then the Cape approx June. From there across to Darwin.
Anyway if you guys are up there about that time i would like to tag along

16-09-10, 03:00 PM
HI We will be up for a trip up to the cape, we could do three week and would prefer outside school holidays, no crowds
so end july/august. would do the 3 day drive straight up to cains
and dont shoot me down, i know this is only in earlier stages


16-09-10, 04:23 PM
Thanks Adam and Rob for your interest and votes on the poll (I hope). It looks like eleven either prefer outside of school holidays (togther with those that don't care), and seven that prefer inside the school holidays (together with those that don't care). Don't forget that QLd school holidays start a week earlier than NSW so they will be up that way in droves by late June.

I hope everyone interested had a chance to look over the last two Campertrailer Australia magazine issues which were dedicated to the Cape Trip that they ran in 2010. There is a DVD included in the second part issue which is a good look at the terrain and conditions they experienced.

Dave perhaps its time to dust off your suggested itinerary for people to pick up at the next meeting so route discussions can get started.

Steve F
16-09-10, 04:49 PM
Saw that in the mag, I'll have to grab the second one tonight and watch the DVD. 4WD Action also had a Cape DVD in the last issue (maybe it's the current one) which wasn't too bad, they did skip gunshot though which was what I especially wanted to see :(


16-09-10, 05:13 PM
The last 2 issues of the magazine have really stepped up in quality and dare I say reality. The trip to the cape is on both and look really good. Worth a look

16-09-10, 07:42 PM
The Campertrailer people skipped Gunshot because they throught it was insane to attempt it with campers in tow. They took the bypass. From the photos I have seen it appears that you need to have a winch attached to the rear of your vehicle to get down into it without flipping end over end.

Steve F
16-09-10, 08:03 PM
The Campertrailer people skipped Gunshot because they throught it was insane to attempt it with campers in tow. They took the bypass. From the photos I have seen it appears that you need to have a winch attached to the rear of your vehicle to get down into it without flipping end over end.

Apparently its easier with the weight of a camper back there ;)


16-09-10, 08:19 PM
Can you take a camper trailer down Gun Shot?
Well aparently a JK can

16-09-10, 08:23 PM
And Patrols can too, well sort of

16-09-10, 08:41 PM
Hi All,

No worries Glen, I can bring my proposal to the next meeting. Note, at present I have put dates on it to drive to Cairns the 1st week of NSW Jul Hols, head North from Cairns at the start of the 2nd week (as Qld schools go back in) etc. However I had a long chat with Ray at the last meeting. He went on this schedule this year - and apparently every camp ground etc was FULL. People running parks etc said it was their busiest time EVER. Sooo maybe this isn't the best timing. Perhaps put it back half or a whole week and head North of Cairns as the NSW and Vic crowds are already heading South. I'd have to bite the bullet and take an extra weeks leave (such a hard life). Definately needs discussing, and given the numbers it really sounds as if two convoys may be a good idea.

Other people have thought that Qld was unusually busy, as people were avoiding the Centre because of the wet (obviously not Jeep drivers), so maybe this year was a one off, but... might be risky to think that.

Anyway, I will leave my dates on for now, as it will give everyone an idea about how long the trip might take. It reflects the timing when I went up with Misty Mtns Tours in 2008. Then we went up in the October School Hols, and the place was quiet. No problems getting into camp grounds or on the Ferry to TI, again an option that can be discussed...

Looking forward to the next meet - and I might take some copies to Jambo as well...

07-10-10, 12:55 PM
For those that picked up a copy of the Dave's Draft of the possible route for the Cape Trip (at last meeting), be aware that the dates indicated on the cover are not agreed and are there to give an indication of timing if the trip takes place around the July School holidays. This draft route would require 16 days Cairns to Cairns (or 17 days if you want to visit Undara). You need to consider the time required to get to and from Cairns. I have driven from Sydney to Cairns and really four days is the minimum amount of time that should be allowed to provide rest stops, meals, and overnight stops - yes it is possible to do it faster with a corresponding increase in discomfort. For those that have just returned from Jambo (close to 1000kms one way) with that distance perspective, consider that Cairns is over twice as far away from Sydney and the roads will not be as good as the Hume Hwy (not trying to scare people off but the transit stages are a serious trip in their own right anda well prepared vehicle is a must).

As others have pointed out, the inland route is quicker (especially in the winter when the grey nomads are dragging their caravans up the Bruce Highway). In the future I will put up a suggested inland route from Sydney using the QLd Development Roads.

For those that missed the comments last night, the Cape was very busy last winter and the school holiday period in particular was very crowded and heavily booked. Don't forget that the QLd school holidays start one week prior to the NSW school holidays. I would prefer to avoid the whole school holiday period (simply because I can now) but I understand that there are others that could only go then. As indicated in the Poll, we may have two trips if the demand is there.

If there is to be an early season trip (late May or early June) it is important to keep in mind that that timing is only about seven months away.

For those considering taking camper trailers along, I hope you have had a look at the Campertrailer Australia magazine issues the report on their trip to the Cape. While I may take my campertrailer as far as Cairns it would be stored there and I would tent camp the Cape. The Cairns Caravan Parks do (I am told) offer storage but I will need to confirm that in the next few weeks.

At the November Club meeting we will need to progress a few things:

1. Get a consensus on how many trips we want to try and run, and really it should only be one or two (not more than that).
2. Firming up trip date windows for people to plan against.
3. Get an indication of who may want to lead the trip/trips.


07-10-10, 01:08 PM
Our preference is some sort of roof top camper - has anyone done this? We have a 4dr JK so will need some sort of external framing to support the weight etc.... any suggestions? Anyone got one they're thinking of selling?

07-10-10, 01:32 PM
Rob and Tanya, I think Eddy is planning on selling his full length Unlimited roof rack (mounts to the vehicle side by bars). We had a roof top tent on the Desert Trip this year (on a Pathfinder) and it worked well for Geoff's In-Laws; reasonably quick to set up but of course you can't drive off to the shops with it up.

I think this is the rack Eddy has for sale (Wilderness I think):


07-10-10, 01:54 PM
Our preference is some sort of roof top camper - has anyone done this? We have a 4dr JK so will need some sort of external framing to support the weight etc.... any suggestions? Anyone got one they're thinking of selling?

Hi Rob&Tanya,

Not sure about second hand ones but I was just talking to the guys at Macquarie 4X4 about these yesterday. There's are about $1500 once you get all of the cross bars as well to support the tent properly. Not cheap but still cheaper than importing the Garvin ones from the US (I think). If you hear of any better (cheaper) options then let me know.



Steve F
07-10-10, 02:44 PM
I'll be running a roof top tent as well, just for the convenience more than anything else. As for mounting, can you weld? It should be a fairly easy item to make if you look at a few production versions to see how they mount etc.


07-10-10, 04:45 PM
A small roof top tent should take up less room for us than trying to put a bulky swag in the back. We're also planning to take out the back seats so we can carry an extra spare. Last time I did a desert trip (many years ago now- we blew 2 tyres at once as some numnut had put nails on the road). We're also thinking about a drawer system to store all the recovery gear, cooking utensils and drag chain. Then I'll have to find somewhere to hide the beef jerky so the boy doesn't eat it all in the first day considering it takes me 2 days to make each batch :-P
Tanya (of Rob&Tanya)

Steve F
07-10-10, 05:30 PM
A small roof top tent should take up less room for us than trying to put a bulky swag in the back. We're also planning to take out the back seats so we can carry an extra spare. Last time I did a desert trip (many years ago now- we blew 2 tyres at once as some numnut had put nails on the road). We're also thinking about a drawer system to store all the recovery gear, cooking utensils and drag chain. Then I'll have to find somewhere to hide the beef jerky so the boy doesn't eat it all in the first day considering it takes me 2 days to make each batch :-P
Tanya (of Rob&Tanya)

Mmmm, beef jerky, better make a few batches ;)


08-10-10, 09:21 AM
Sorry, I had hoped that I had made it clear on my last post on Page 5 and on the cover of the DRAFT Proposal that "These dates are NOT final or fixed". Definately need adjusting to suit people and conditions.

On Wednesday on the news they are predicting an early and heavier than "normal" wet season in the Top End. Something to keep an eye on if a trip earlier than June or July is planned (one person asked me about May).

This year in July school hols Ray experienced "the busiest time on the Cape ever" according to some park operators, and they could not get bookings on the ferry to TI from Seisia. I have emailed Seisia to get their opinion on whether we should attempt a trip in July or put it off for later.

In my last post on Page 5 of this thread I mentioned that I went up there 2 years ago in the Sept/Oct school holiday and the place was half empty. No problems with bookings and ferrys etc. So I would like to add that as an option to be considered.

As to leading trips, I said to some people back in March that I would be happy to lead one, although I would prefer during (at least partly) school hols. However if this does not suit anyone else, then I hope that my proposed itinerary will be useful as at least a planning tool. Again I am sorry if I did not make it clear about my date ideas.


09-10-10, 04:57 PM
Okay, heard back from Seisia;

Hi David,
Yes thats correct June/July are our busiest times. It starts slowing down up here around middle September on.
I would recommend coming up in Sept/Oct then it's not as busy and you can really experience the Cape without all the traffic. The only thing to remember is because it starts slowing down in October the Ferry to Thursday Island only runs 3 days a week Mon, Wed and Fri and tours are running on minimum numbers of ten.

Hope this information helps and if you have any more questions I would be happy to answer them for you

Don't know whether this will affect decision making at all, but...
I will 're figure' my itinerary with this in mind just to see how it fits.


06-11-10, 09:58 AM
At the club meeting this week there was a brief 'reminder' concerning this big trip. We need to move forward on the planning to pin down the dates and the trip leadership.

At the meeting there was some suggestion that maybe one trip was more realistic than two and that flexibility on the dates is more widespread that previously thought. Checking the Poll shows up to 16 expressions of interest, which in my opinion is a large number for a single trip. Two trips of eight vehicles each would be more managable on the road and probably cover the stages at an easier pace due to less (waiting time). If the confirmed numbers drop to ten vehicles then one trip would seem more doable (IMHO). Realistically not all that expressed interest will go, so a one date trip (asuming it can be agreed) has a good chance of getting filled up.

As you would have seen in Dave's last post he is suggesting later in the season rather than earlier. Of course, much of the earlier date risk is around the weather and we will not know how affected the area is by the rains until well into the new year. We could try to block in two date bands to allow us to plan around, and potentially for people to indicate to employers that they maybe seeking leave during that period. If there is enough demand to make the dates definite at this time - then we will need to do that. Keep in mind that whether earlier of later in the season there will still be issues realted to that time (for example, later in the season the Development Road maybe much worse due to the traffic that has hammered over it in the bulk of the dry season, and earlier you have the legacy of the wet to deal with, obvious examples I know).

A few thoughts on Cape Trip Leadership:

This is not like a local trip, nor a tagalong trip, but more like the recent Desert Trip. Most people going on this trip will be fairly experienced to greatly experienced, have well sorted out vehicles with reasonable to good ( C to B+ grade capability). On Tagalong trips the leader has a great deal of responsibility for the group over the complete duration of the trip, with this Cape Trip the transit stage to Cairns is left to the individual to determine (some may wish to drift up along the coast, others might take the shortest fastest route up inland NSW and QLD, etc) . So Trip Leadership starts in Cairns. This sort of trip will require some leadership focus on timing and pacing of the stages, no ones wants to rush through and not see anything or not enjoy the experience, and so the leader has to pace the stage to reach the destination at a reasonable time, but be cogniscent of the fact that people back in the dust may not be able to sustain the leaders pace at times. These sort of trips can spread out over up to 10 kilometres as people drop back to stay out of the dust or choose a pace better suited to their vehicle. The leader needs to ensure everyone stays in touch and aware of what is going on up front and when stops will be made etc. Because the Club encourages anyone to take on leading a trip I am going to suggest that we consider spreading the trip leadership responsibilites around among the travelling group so as many as possible (who have the confidence to take it on) have some time 'out the front' (so to speak) if they wish. I can see portions of this trip (like the OTL) where I would probably want SteveF out the front because of his great experience and his vehicle capability, at other times Dave's knowledge through his previous trip up that way will be very useful. Likewise, everyone should have a stint as Tail-end Charlie. The experience of leading a stage of this trip in a supportive environment will be a good way to get a new group of "Trip Leaders" ready for Jambo 2012!

Just my throughts and opinions.

So in summary I am saying:

Let's aim for one trip,
Let's find a date band that is acceptable to as many as possible,
and that Trip Leadership be a shared responsibilty among those that would like to get out the front and give it a go.

Over to you

Steve F
06-11-10, 01:15 PM
Agreed one trip, if it helps we are 90% confirmed at the moment, I'd like to say more but have to leave a little leeway.

As for dates, I'm easy, It does sound like September is a good time to go and I'd rather put up with a few corrugations than lots of people and nowhere to camp.

All the rest sounds great and I like the bits about multiple trip leaders etc

Maybe we could get some dates (Just the date period, so the start and end) from those that absolutely must go in s specific date period and take it from there.


06-11-10, 02:59 PM
Just checked the 2011 Qld Spring school holidays, they run from Monday the 19th of September through Friday the 30th of September, so we need to be aware that some of that crowd would be heading up to the Cape early in that period. Going up in the last week of September probably would avoid most of the crowds ( but we need to check with the campgrounds on the route).

Cheers Glen

07-11-10, 09:39 AM
As I mentioned on page 6, I have refigured my draft itinerary from July to Sept / Oct 2011 (NSW School Hols are 24 Sept to 9 Oct), and it now looks like;

Cape York Trek - Cairns to The Tip, Weipa and Undara 2,736 km
Day 1 – Sunday 25 September - Cairns to Lions Den Hotel Helenvale - Bloomfield Track (or CREB track???) 210km (half bitumen half dirt road)
Day 2 – Monday 26 September - Lions Den Hotel to Cooktown 53km (bitumen)
Day 3 – Tuesday 27 September - Cooktown to Kalpowar Crossing - Lakefield NP 242km
Day 4 – Wednesday 28 September - Kalpowar Crossing to Archer River Roadhouse 283km
Day 5 – Thursday 29 September - Archer River to Dalhunty R Bushcamp - OTT 195km
Day 6 – Friday 30 September - Dalhunty River to Jardine River Ferry - OTT 114km
Day 7 – Saturday 1 October - Jardine River to Seisia 63km
Day 8 – Sunday 2 October - Seisia to The Tip and Local Sightseeing 150km
Day 9 – Monday 3 October - Ferry to Thursday & Horn Islands Sightseeing
Day 10 – Tuesday 4 October - Lay Day at Seisia
Day 11 – Wednesday 5 October - Seisia to Bramwell Junction via Cap't Billy Landing 276km
Day 12 – Thursday 6 October - Bramwell Junction to Weipa 177km
Day 13 – Friday 7 October - Lay Day at Weipa (Mine Tour etc)
Day 14 – Saturday 8 October - Weipa to Archer River Roadhouse 197km
Day 15 – Sunday 9 October - Archer River Roadhouse to Lakeland via Split Rock Aboriginal Cave Paintings 375km (half dirt half bitumen)
Day 16 – Monday 10 October - Lakeland to Cairns 248km - Or Lakeland to Undara 401km (bitumen)
Day 17 – Tuesday 11 October - OPTIONAL at Undara

This is the same route as that on the itinerary I handed round in October, but obviously at a different time of year and with slightly adjusted days. This factors in that the ferry from Seisia to TI only runs Mon, Wed and Fri from October on. As Glen said, getting to and from Cairns (or Undara) is really up to the individual, but I would leave Syd no later than Mon 19 Sept, return to Syd on Sat 15 Oct, making the whole trip 28 days.

As I have indicated before I would be happy to organise / lead a trip to Cape York, and dates including a school holiday, such as the above, suit me best.

We probably would need to vary leaders in places from necessity not just choice. I am told that getting across some of the creeks on the OTT will now need a more serious 4WD than my KJ to cross first, and then drag smaller vehicles (with wheels spinning in space) up some fairly serious ruts. We shall see! Also, if the group wished to 'split' for a day or so between Daintree and Lions Den / Cooktown, with some vehicles attempting the CREB Track (if open) and the rest heading up the Bloomfield Track, then someone else will need to lead the CREB section...

I'd like to add one more thing, as with the desert trip, 'leading' a long trek does involve a lot of organising. On the desert trip, I booked all camping, some motels and Desert Parks Passes for some participants in advance, and this will be the same on the Cape. In the case of CREB there are also access premissions to be organised. As you do have to book campsites, ferrys, tours etc in advance, it is important to stick to a planned schedule. Obviously if the conditions are against you, people do understand (eg I apologised to Tibooburra Caravan Park operators for our being 3 days late from Innaminka...). Please do not underestimate the organisation involved. The desert trip did not meet with 100% satisfaction, but there were many things that went against us, especially weather. The anticipated "big, bad" wet for Summer 2010/11 and July crowds from 2010 are what has made me decide to change my ideas. I hope that they meet with some approval. If not then I hope that they will be of some use for people planning to travel outside these dates.


08-11-10, 09:08 AM
@ Dave - those dates look quite good to us, I prefer to miss most of the crowds and gives us a chance to finish outfitting the Jeep.

08-11-10, 05:44 PM
Hi R & T,

That's great. A couple of other people have also said these dates could suit, so I see no reason not to run a trip at this time. As long as you have at least three vehicles in a convoy, no problem. I will bring an updated proposal on paper to a meeting early next year - although I could email one earlier if you PM your address. I still think that if lots people want to go, and want to go earlier and not during school hols, then July / Aug could also see a trip happen. I'm sure there will be ongoing discussions at future meetings...

Discussion on Today Tonight from Bureau of Met and Weather Channel again said they are expecting an 'above average' ie wetter and worse Wet and Cyclone season over the whole Top End...


22-11-10, 09:41 PM
There should be a button on the poll to indicate "not going" so that you can evaluate how many people are interested but cannot go - like me!

23-11-10, 06:27 AM
Hi Dave
I love all your plans for the Cape trip and I hope we can get it off the ground! you are one very talented guy - thanx heaps for all the work you have done so far - Jax and I have already started on preparations for the big trip - Im excited!!!
cheers Hunty

23-11-10, 09:03 PM
Thanks Hunty, but remember, this is a 4WD trip so we will try and stay on the ground - unless your name is Adam who is a full on Jeep pilot after Big Red in July. (Sorry, that was a really really bad joke). I know that there are a few people interested in Sept / Oct, but there are still discussions to be had next year. That said, I'm really looking forward to the trip - excited too! The Cape is a great place to experience.

TK, why not??? As they say in the ad "Just Do It"!


30-11-10, 11:11 AM
Woo Hoo - work has (after some lengthy discussions) approved my tentative leave dates for Sept/Oct- yippee!!! The later dates work the best for me as I would have no chance scoring 4 weeks off any earlier ..... T (of R&T)

30-11-10, 03:32 PM
Woo Hoo - work has (after some lengthy discussions) approved my tentative leave dates for Sept/Oct- yippee!!! The later dates work the best for me as I would have no chance scoring 4 weeks off any earlier ..... T (of R&T)

Excellent news! Have had a few enquiries about these dates now, so I reckon we are looking good!


06-12-10, 08:29 AM
... as with all things - time does march on .... can I suggest we call a special meeting for this- sooner rather than later? We would like to start prepping the Jeep for the trip - but only if we can get things like the dates etc agreed upon (eg - if it changes to earlier than mid Sep to mid Oct - I will not be able to go and therefore don't want to spend the small fortune needed to get the car up to spec).

Also - I imagine we are going to have to start booking and putting a few deposits on things, would hate to get 90% of the trip booked and then miss out on something as it was too late (or am I just being a typical female worry-wort???)

Yes/ No?

Tanya (the worrying half of Rob&Tanya)

06-12-10, 05:12 PM
Hi Tanya (the worrying half)

I know that I am not the only person that has proposed trips / dates for Cape York in 2011, but as the dates that I set out for Sept / Oct suit me, and seem to suit a few others, I see no reason to change them, and no reason not to go then unless there are major problems... I am prepared to run the trip as long as we have at least three vehicles in the convoy.

I had said that I would bring reprinted itineraries to a meeting early in 2011 - couldn't make it to Wooders last week - and the first meeting of 2011 should be Wednesday Feb 2nd. Can't think of an easy way to organise anything else before then. I'm pretty sure I did email one to you, if you did want to discuss specifics please do email back.

I'm sure that others will want to discuss possibilities at that meeting, especially if anyone is thinking of making a trip earlier than Sept / Oct.

As to booking things in advance - yes, any accommodations on the way up to Cairns and back will be up to you. As I have said, I will make all necessary bookings for camping North of Cairns - and let any participants know if money is needed before the trip. I will also investigate required permissions, but do not anticipate having to do any of that before mid next year (for a Sept/Oct trip). The only money up front for the Desert Trip was for Parks Passes. I don't anticipate anything significantly different for next year, we shall see.

Hope that helps, have a relaxing Christmas,

23-12-10, 11:36 AM
For prospective Cape Trippers, the massive rain events and flooding in all areas of QLD is having some effect on the road infrastructure (bridges, viaducts, pavement undermining and washouts, etc). While the Cape Trip is a long way off (if considering September), remember the events of last winter and the affect on the Desert area of northern SA and SE QLD. Advice from the guys at the Weather Channel says this rain and storm activity pattern is going to continue for months to come.

Other reports I have heard in the news: Christmas and New Year holiday caravan and camping cancellations are significant for all destinations in QLD, and tourism will suffer as a result. As many caravan and camping spots are located in flood prone areas there maybe some longer term affects on their infrastructure.

As with last year's big trip, keeping an eye on the road reports in the months and weeks leading up to the trip can prepare you for what to expect. The QLD roads info is available here:


Just clink on the state and then the particular areas in the Qld map. The little red traffic lights usually mean a track or road closure or limitation to high clearance vehicles.

17-01-11, 09:10 AM
Hi All - and Happy New Year.

I would like to 're-invigorate' the discussion of a Sept /Oct trip to Cape York at the first club meeting on 2 Feb. I have re worked the July draft that I handed round last year for 25 September to 10 October as I listed on a previous page, and will bring copies to the meeting in two weeks. I know that these are later dates than were orginally discussed last year - which included anything from May to August. However Sept / Oct will hopefully get round the 'overcrowding' experienced by Cape trippers in July 2010, and give Qld a chance to recover from the terrible flooding and damage to roads etc. The Wet Season does not end until Autumn (April or May), but hopefully the worst of the flooding is over...

Last year a few people did express interest in a trip at this time, hopefully we will get the numbers to go! If anyone would like an early copy of my ideas, please PM me and I can email one to you (don't forget to give your email address).


Steve F
18-01-11, 08:21 PM
I'm still pushing on for the September/October trip, slowly making changes to the XJ for it, so basically I just want to reconfirm that we are in.


18-01-11, 08:31 PM
Sept/Oct is still my plan & leave is booked

18-01-11, 09:35 PM
Sep/Oct still our plan - leave all approved :-)

18-01-11, 10:51 PM
Wow, by my count that's SEVEN possibles for Sept / Oct Trip already; Eddy, Rob & Tanya, Hunty & Jax (yes I see your post below), Steve F, Hunno and Me - and GlenD (sorry, wasn't sure you liked the later dates). I tend to work on convoy of at least 3, no more than 8 to 10, but with this many people already I can see no reason why we would not go. I have been keeping a bit of a list since last year, and I guess first in best dressed is the way to go...

Is it bad to be 'wishing' the year away already?


18-01-11, 11:33 PM
Jax & I are still keen.
My heap is all built and ready to go!
so Dave - pls keep us on the list.
cheers Hunties

19-01-11, 08:45 AM
I am still in.

19-01-11, 09:56 AM
Is it bad to be 'wishing' the year away already?[/FONT][/FONT]


Not at all - we're right along wishing with you :-) Have already looked up the upcoming camping shows to go to so that we can see what else we can do to the car.

We're also in the process of organising it to be lifted and 35's fitted - anyone with 35's - have they had any handling impact? We were advised to change our diffs as well??

Steve F
19-01-11, 10:01 AM
Not at all - we're right along wishing with you :-) Have already looked up the upcoming camping shows to go to so that we can see what else we can do to the car.

We're also in the process of organising it to be lifted and 35's fitted - anyone with 35's - have they had any handling impact? We were advised to change our diffs as well??

You'll need to regear to run 35's and keep some semblance of fuel economy and performance. On road performance will suffer as well, especially cornering ability, I think you'll need more lift as well and certainly longer bumpstops.


19-01-11, 10:23 AM
Not at all - we're right along wishing with you :-) Have already looked up the upcoming camping shows to go to so that we can see what else we can do to the car.

We're also in the process of organising it to be lifted and 35's fitted - anyone with 35's - have they had any handling impact? We were advised to change our diffs as well??

Hi Rob & Tanya,

Im running 35's and you do take a hit on the old fuel bill, mine is diesel and when I picked it up I was getting about 8 litres/100Km now with lift and other goodies I get about 13 litres/100Km...
Performance is an easier thing to get back with gearing, I went Superior 4.56 diff gears and almost got an increase in power and is perfect for towing the camper trailer and you just dont need a taller gear IMO and not very hard to install I did it on my driveway.

I have Mickey Thompson MTZ and they are about up for replacement now and seen well over 45K, 70% on road, they are a little loud, but you cant hear them with radio on or chatting to someone in the car and the off road capability more then out ways a little noise.

Handling wise, currently Im only running an OME 2" lift with teraflex disconnects and the MTZ with there great side walls handle a dream, the thing steers like sportscar it really does... I have new gear coming from the states and did so much research to make sure I didnt loose the handling I already have... I will say though if you experience some front end movement currently (& most JK's do) it gets ALOT worse when lifting and 35's goes and until you get used to it, some real heart in mouth driving can happen...

19-01-11, 11:10 AM
NINE already - sorry Glen, added you to the list, wasn't sure that you liked the later dates. And Hunnos Outlaws (see below), AND Tony. By the sound of it we are going to have lots of BIG (35' plus) company to keep us out of trouble. Could be very useful if any of the creek crossings on the OTT are as cut up as Ray said last year!


19-01-11, 11:44 AM
My Outlaws would like to come but their in a Hilux with a slide on camper.

19-01-11, 12:12 PM
Hi Hunno, that should be fine - I'll add them to the list, and I may need to invent a reserve list as well. Last year we had Jaffa's Inlaws in their Pathfinder in the convoy which brought us to 8 vehicles, a pretty good number!

I do not know if the club has any 'rules' about non members, if members want to come. Eg, if I would rather not have more than 10 cars in a convoy, and more than 10 vehicles want to come, would/should club members get the first option? I'll check on this at the Feb meeting. Last year we were discussing the possibility of two convoys, but I'm also not quite sure how that could work... so we still have a bit to think about.

As mentioned I will bring updated itineraries to Feb meeting, or if you would like me to email you one that you can send on to your Outlaws, let me know.


19-01-11, 06:54 PM
I expressed my interest in September, did you forget about me?
Could you please count me and my familiy in.

19-01-11, 07:31 PM
Dave, the club requires that if numbers on a trip are capped, preference is given to financial members, then if there are spaces left visitors can be accepted.
Non financial members are regarded as visitors and should be treated the same.

19-01-11, 07:51 PM
Dave if convoy managable numbers become a problem just split the trip into two groups, as long as were all not trying to cross the same creek at the same time things should work out fine. Staggered starts on alternate days, or one group go up one way and the other the other and vice versa on the way down with time together at the top end and at other points like Cooktown. Something can be worked out. How many were in that Campertrailer Group that went up there last year - looked like more that 15.

Steve F
19-01-11, 08:30 PM
If need be I'm happy to go a week or two earlier if we need to split the trip into two. Glens suggestion of alternate day staggered starts works for me as well.


19-01-11, 09:10 PM
I was under the impression that we were going to be spliting up part of the time anyway. As some of us wanted to do some of the harder section & others didn't.

19-01-11, 09:32 PM
We have really opened this up again! Nine vehicles including Tony - sorry, you were right at the start of this thread and I missed you. We are up towards the max comfortable number for a convoy, so if many more people do put their hand up we will need to consider either staggered times, or if some people wanted to go at a different time - two weeks earlier mentioned - then I'd be happy to help organise an earlier convoy. To be discussed in two weeks.

Hunno, the "harder" bits on the Cape (that I know about anyway and I included in my draft last year) are the CREB track, which is only half a day as an inland alternate to the Bloomfield Track around Cape Tribulation - weather and whether it is open or not - dependent, and the Old Telegraph Track, which any Jeep not towing should be able to do anyway - I will go that way... If there are other tracks that people know about and want to try no one has mentioned them to me as yet. There are some places down the East Coast - Chilly Beach via Lockhart River is one, turn East about 40km North of Archer River, but I do not know much about it. It is 150km plus each way - so probably a multi day detour (off my planned trip anyway) and involves (I believe) serious water crossings of the Pascoe and Wenlock Rivers - so I hadn't really considered it. If anyone wanted to go that way then they might not want to follow my plan, which is fine, but it would then kind of become a separate convoy/trip as we might not meet up again...

My main concerns with a big convoy are space in camp grounds for vehicles etc, and possibly time taken through some slower bits of the route. Most days are relatively short drives so I'm not sure how much of a problem that could be, we did find it a bit of a problem some days on the trip last year... Staggered leaving times might be the best solution if necessary. With 8 months until the trip, I'm sure numbers will fluctuate.

Thanks Bear for your clarification re participants from the club and others.

To be continued

Steve F
26-01-11, 04:02 PM
Got my Roof top tent on ready to go :) Also put those dates into my leave for this year



26-01-11, 05:45 PM
That's beautiful work Steve! I saw your build entries earlier. Glen's comment about a deflector was a good one. We both carried spare wheels on our roofs last July. Same wheels and tyres and same engines too, although he has changed his Engine Management System. With that and a deflector, he did about 2 litres per hundred k's better than me without a deflector on the trip to Birdsville, a big difference over 5000 k's.

I bought myself a Rola Vortex roof basket with a small deflector on it for Christmas (same as Adam's) and I'm hoping it will make a bit of difference in Sept / Oct, and I can throw a bit more gear on the roof...

A few people have put in for leave now - still got to put my application in!


Steve F
26-01-11, 05:50 PM
That's beautiful work Steve! I saw your build entries earlier. Glen's comment about a deflector was a good one. We both carried spare wheels on our roofs last July. Same wheels and tyres and same engines too, although he has changed his Engine Management System. With that and a deflector, he did about 2 litres per hundred k's better than me without a deflector on the trip to Birdsville, a big difference over 5000 k's.

I bought myself a Rola Vortex roof basket with a small deflector on it for Christmas (same as Adam's) and I'm hoping it will make a bit of difference in Sept / Oct, and I can throw a bit more gear on the roof...

A few people have put in for leave now - still got to put my application in!


I'm thinking of making a basic deflector but it may get in the way of the window on the tent, my Jeep isn't exactly economical as it is anyway and I cant imagine it getting much worse. At least it has a 120lt tank :) I'd hate to put a spare on the roof, mine weighs 5kg less than the tent!!!


26-01-11, 06:00 PM
Looking at your wheel / tyre combo, I don't know HOW you would get one on the roof. Need a dockyard crane...

Only reason I carry a wheel on the roof is that the Tag Along operators I have been on trips with all insist on the second spare, and I haven't got room in the vehicle. I recommend carrying a second spare on the long trips too, as it can be hard to find replacements in more remote areas, and flats do happen. However, Ivan with his 37's couldn't carry a second spare last year, you have similar tyres, so up to you. My smaller 30 inch AT's are a bit more vulnerable, as I found out at Innaminka.


27-01-11, 01:48 PM
Got my Roof top tent on ready to go :) Also put those dates into my leave for this year



Hi Mate
Great job on the super camper build LoL - I have enjoyed seeing your progress and ingenuity !

I cant help but think just how bad things could end up if your ladder somehow got moved / kicked etc out of place in the night - I have thoughts of the tent being almost a complete write off not to mention how it could ruin a good nights sleep lol

I had a few nights of torrential down pour whilst away and I recall one morning looking out and down at my ladder to see that it was in essence dangling from the tent - sure made me feel happy to have the rear half of my rt tent on my roof bars and not relying on the ladder.

anyway - just a thought - if you were worried about the ladder getting dislodged during the night - you could make up a short steel cable (swagged) with hooks on both ends 1 connecting to the ladder the other end could hook into your sunraisers and ensure the ladder remaned in place

I Love your heap - good work - cant wait to see it in the flesh - (hopefully Sat pm)
cheers Hunty

Steve F
27-01-11, 02:05 PM
Plenty run the tent off the side :) The bracketry in the fold out section, the flooring and the canvas itself wont let the floor fold out past center. In saying that it came with straps to tie the ladder down. Dont forget that anyone who has a lower room under the tent has to have it hanging over the edge somewhere, side or rear :)


27-01-11, 03:02 PM
Watched Pat Callinan's Cape York DVD yesterday. I was relieved to see that Gunshot had three possible entries into the creek (the most famous of them being the very difficult near vertical descent one). All of the entries were slippery red clay, but of the easier two, the middle difficulty one even looked fairly tame for a KJ, and not much water in the creek the year he was there (not even knee deep).

Steve F
27-01-11, 03:21 PM
I've been watching a few DVD's as well, if the water isn't too deep I dont think anyone will have any problems (terrain related anyway) :)


27-01-11, 07:44 PM
Yeah, there were the three options when I was there in '08. Don't worry too much, if I didn't think my KJ could get through I wouldn't go that way. In Sept / Oct '08, the water was about knee deep. I believe the snorkels are a must earlier in the season, but there was only one creek crossing that we tarped one snorkel-less Land Cruiser for, and even that probably wasn't totally necessary. With a few vehicles crossing, it is the exit from Gunshot (and a couple of others) that will get wet and slippery. We will organise so the 'softest' vehicles go first, unless we think a winch necessary right from the start...

There are a couple of crossings that do need scouting on foot even towards the end of the dry - deep holes etc that need marking, so the crossings aren't 'straight across'.

Looking forward to next Wed!


Pura Vida
29-01-11, 11:10 AM
Can you put a thread summary of the trip on the first page mentioning who's going, when, optional dates and routes that have been discussed, and other useful details.

29-01-11, 11:22 AM
After the meeting on Wednesday 2nd Feb, I intend to start a new thread doing exactly that, called "Cape York - Sept/Oct 2011". If any other trips / dates are proposed, then I hope that the organisers will likewise put separate threads up. This thread was supposed to be a planning / discussion thread (and it isn't mine to change), and has grown a bit too large and is not specific enough for "locked in" trips.

A summary of the details of the Sept/Oct trip that I have proposed is on page 7 of this thread, and a list of the nine vehicles that have expressed an interest in these dates is on page 8. I think that this trip is pretty much set now, and people have already started applying for leave for these dates.

If you PM me your email address I would be happy to email you a PDF copy of my proposal, otherwise I will bring copies to the meeting on Wednesday. As to other possible dates or routes, as far as I know, no other proposals have been presented so far, but this will be up for discussion on Wednesday. Hope this helps.


Steve F
29-01-11, 11:34 AM
Hopefully dates are locked in now (a few of us have booked in leave) with Cairns the start on the 25th of September and back to Cairns for the 10th of October :) I plan to leave Sydney on Wednesday the 21st of September arriving back home on Saturday the 15th of October. Probably having a day in Cairns before heading back :)


29-01-11, 11:44 AM
My leave is booked in too. Not sure on leaving dates as yet due to my little passenger issues

29-01-11, 11:48 AM
Those are the dates that I have planned Steve! I'm being really slack, and leaving Sydney for Cairns on Monday 19 Sept, taking 4 days to drive there, arriving on Thurs 22nd. I'll then get an oil change and sightsee for a couple of days before we head North on Sunday 25th September. On the return trip, for anyone else interested, on the 10th of Oct I plan to run down to Undara instead of returning to Cairns. I'll spend the 11th there having a look around, before heading South on the 12th. I expect to be back in Syd on Saturday the 15th.

NOTE, if you are heading back to Cairns on the 10th eg for flights back to Sydney, depending on the time you wish to leave Lakeland, you will probably get there around midday - is 250km or so, all bitumen. This will mean that any kids just doing Cape York (fly to and from Cairns) will miss the first day back at school on Monday 10th.

The only variation to the trip that I posted on Page 7 are which tracks people may choose to take - eg CREB instead of Bloomfield between Daintree and Helenvale on Day 1, or the Bypass instead of the Old Telegraph Track on Days 5 and 6 (which would also mean finding an alternate campsite on day 5). If anyone wanted to split off from this plan during the trip to other places (that I do not know about) then I guess their trip from then on is up to them...

I'll bring updated itinerary for you (still with two typos dammit) to the jambo meeting this arvo :).


Steve F
29-01-11, 11:55 AM
I may also do the Undara bit of the trip, depends how everyone is feeling (Wife and youngest daughter) as a day or two at a resort in Cairns will probably sound good by then :)


29-01-11, 11:59 AM
Steve, at Undara you can spend two nights in a restored railway carriage $125 per night, 2 adults and 2 children. And they have a pool and all amenities including restaurant. What more could you want (unless it is big city shopping :))?

Check out http://undara.com.au/


Steve F
29-01-11, 12:14 PM
Looks like we stay there then, Opera in the Outback is on while we're there (evening of the 10th) so a big dose of culture after tenting it :)


29-01-11, 12:20 PM
Looks like we stay there then, Opera in the Outback is on while we're there (evening of the 10th) so a big dose of culture after tenting it :)


Cool - I hadn't noticed that one!


Steve F
29-01-11, 12:27 PM
Just noticed the dates are last years its 6th to 8th this year so ignore the opera in the outback bit :(


29-01-11, 12:51 PM
Oh well, there are campfire activities around the communal fire every night, so I'm sure there will be something for all to enjoy.


29-01-11, 02:06 PM
I have a few options depending on how things work out: I may be towing a small caravan around Qld for most of the winter. If not in total Grey Nomad mode I'll be up in Qld from mid-August onward (at my son's place in Dysart and doing light tours out from there. like to Longreach, etc). I was in Cairns in 2008 and can recommend the route up the Gregory Development Road to Charter Towers. For those that haven't been to Charter Towers its a beautiful town with lots of old gold mines around the area. From Charter Towers its a nice short drive down to Townsville, and the country really changes on that road. Thinking of going on up the Gregory to the Kennedy Development Road and to Cairns via the Atherton Tablelands. People do park their caravans or camper trailers at the Cairns Caravan Parks for storage while they head up to the Cape. I'll be doing DIY servicing of the KJ in Cairns and already have most of my spares (from the Desert Trip), and new gear is going on now (like new shocks last week).

If there is a split of the group into two trips I can go with the earlier one because I will be there already and don't have to contend with a 'leave roster'...... hahaha.

Steve F
29-01-11, 11:34 PM
I'm with Glen, I've done the Gregory Development road up to Charters Towers and its certainly the quickest and nicest way to get to Cairns. We did Sydney to St George, Emerald, Charters Towers and then Cairns, total trip 2 1/2 days :)

Spares wise I have some engine pulleys, fan belt and hoses and will continue to replace bits and pieces and keep the old bits as spares since most of them are being replaced just as a matter of course. I also plan for new shocks as well as upper control arm bushes etc and will probably take the old ones along just in case.

I think I'll also do the CREB as I've done the Bloomfield before, obviously it does depend on the weather as well as the status of the track at the time also if anyone else wants to do it. Not keen on doing it by myself ;)


30-01-11, 11:11 AM
The Gall boys take their CVan everywhere. Amazing checkout the link below


Wish I was going with you guys :(
Cheers jose

Steve F
30-01-11, 11:38 AM
Looks like it took winches and two vehicles to drag that thing most of the way ;)


30-01-11, 12:46 PM
Good effort thou. Makes me think an off road camper wouldn't be to much trouble

01-02-11, 03:33 PM
Cape trippers might want to keep an eye on what's happening with cyclone Yasi in FNQ as it seems to have the potential (due to its scale) to drastically change all the creeks, water crossings, and roads in the Cape for a considerable time to come.

01-02-11, 03:52 PM
Good points Glen, but lets not worry yet. There is still 8 months before we go (unless people are going before Sept). Qld is encouraging visitors so I'm sure they will do their best to reopen tourist 'drawcards' and infrastructure ASAP.

Severe Tropical Cyclone Larry in March 2006, closely followed by Severe Tropical Cyclone Monica in April 2006 caused huge damage to the Cape York region, but the Cape was all open later that same year. Here is a link http://members.iinet.net.au/~rwindeyer/WebCYTrip2.pdf showing a 4WD trip from July 2006 (pretty wet!), and check out http://wildgeese.org.au/BMWSafariToCapeYork2006 from August 2006 for a good read.

If you want to check out data on the 2006 storms, see http://reg.bom.gov.au/cyclone/history/larry.shtml for Larry and http://www.bom.gov.au/cyclone/history/monica.shtml for Monica .

"Severe Tropical Cyclone Larry crossed the tropical north Queensland coast near Innisfail as a Mid Level Category 4 during the morning of Monday 20 March 2006. Fortunately, no lives were lost and no serious injuries were reported. However, between Babinda and Tully, damage to infrastructure and crops was extensive with the total estimated loss upwards of half a billion dollars. To a somewhat lesser extent, damage also occurred in areas north to Cairns, south to Cardwell and on the Atherton Tablelands.
Extensive damage to infrastructure and crops in the area around Innisfail was estimated at upwards of AUS$500 million. About 10 000 houses were damaged. Flooding disrupted road and rail access for several days."

"Severe Tropical Cyclone Monica caused significant impact on the Australian coast in April 2006. It crossed the Queensland east coast south of Lockhart River as a Category 3; moved into the Northern Territory and impacted on the small islands north of the Arnhem Land coast as a Category 5; before finally making landfall on the northwest Arnhem Land coast, just 35km west of Maningrida as a Category 5 cyclone."

Yasi is now a Category 5 and will be when it crosses the coast near Cairns - and it will cause a lot of damage and destruction, but we are still very early in the year...


01-02-11, 04:17 PM
You know what it means to me - More Adventure!!!