View Full Version : News from the Desert

06-07-10, 09:10 PM
Just got a text from Dave .. they are at Copley. Adam and Michelle got engaged in Broken Hill so Dave thinks Adam should be up for the August Buggar Award

Watch this space for further news as they progess.


09-07-10, 12:17 PM
Maggie, can they MMS images through to us of the trip? It would be good for the forum to have daily updates. Sounds like they are surely having fun.

Steve F
09-07-10, 12:47 PM
Maggie, can they MMS images through to us of the trip? It would be good for the forum to have daily updates. Sounds like they are surely having fun.

I think they'll have very limited mobile signal by now, probably SAT phone only.


09-07-10, 01:07 PM
You are right Steve, between Broken Hill and Uluru my family had no mobile coverage at all.


11-07-10, 09:13 AM
Tried to ring SJC desert party to advise them of weather and track conditions, but they don't appear to have their Sat phone turned on.
Our son is in the desert on an almost identical trip,but aprox. 1 day ahead of SJC. He phoned Saturday evening to advise they were experiencing torrential rain and deep mud for mst of the way from Uluru to Alice Springs.

18-07-10, 04:27 PM
Has anyone heard from the desert party yet? Maggie texted 3 of them (them@11:00am) @11:00am this morning to enquire as to their whereabouts. Still nothing heard @ 4:26pm this afternoon.

18-07-10, 08:15 PM
Has anyone heard from the desert party yet? Maggie texted 3 of them @11:00am this morning to enquire as to their whereabouts. Still nothing heard @ 4:26pm this afternoon.

Maggie just had a call from Dave Grime who is in Dubbo .. apparently they could not go according to plan because of weather and were held up in Innaminka for 5 days. They then all split up as they all have jobs to go to on Monday.

She tried to ring Ivan and Kellie but it went to voicemail but got on to Michelle. Michelle and Adam are in Orange.

We will now have to wait for the reports to start coming in but they have heaps of photos so Scott will have articles for the mag for a couple of months methinks.

18-07-10, 09:48 PM
I got back to Sydney this evening after a long drive from Cunnamulla QLD. My son and I went out via the Nappa Merrie track and the Adventure Way on Saturday monring after the Nappa Merrie track was reopened into QLd, as he had to be back for work tonight. We were the first two vehicles over that track since the flooding and it was certainly an adventure with deep water, mud, and for the first hour or so we really struggled along. I'm sure there will be many stories and photos and Geoff kept a fairly detailed trip report book which I believe he is planning on breaking into three parts (because its so long and detailed). It rained on Monday night at Innaminka (2 1/2" in two hours and then kept up all the next day), the result was all the tracks were cut due to flooding. We had a fairly deep creek crossing for a couple of days just to get back to the Innaminka pub (which became our local).

In a few words the trip was fantastic and far to much happened to go into detail here.

Here is a link to my photobucket album if you'd like to look at 'some' of the many photos I have taken. There are many more this is just a sample.


PS I noticed that Photobucket has them in reverse order so the starting photos are at the back of the album, hope that is not too confusing.

Now I have to get kilos of mud and sand off the Jeep

Update: I have heard from Dave that Geoff blew a head gasket near Nevertire (on the Bourke Road). Dave will probably get on here after work today.


19-07-10, 12:41 PM
Oh you poor things getting stuck in Innamika for 5 days....so what did the pub run out of?

20-07-10, 08:53 PM
No, the pub was well stocked for food! This is their busy time of year, so all was good... plus most of us had enough to get by anyway, just goes to show that you must be prepared and carry extra for any situation.
See my post in the main desert trip thread for other info about the sad demise of my Heap :(

20-07-10, 09:32 PM
Here is the Group shot taken in the Flinders by Ian at the lookout (James just sent this through).

21-07-10, 11:31 AM
I was thinking more of alcohol than food. When the Subaru club got stuck there in 2005 due to rain they ran out of every ones favourite spirits.