View Full Version : EOI - Next Weekend Remote Camping/touring Trip

28-03-10, 12:18 PM
Following on from the Cave to Cave Trip, there are a number of possible loop trips relatively close to Sydney for a weekend camping/touring trip. Brian and Heidi have mentioned one during the Cave to Cave Trip, and I ran across another which is listed (by 4WD Action- Issue 145) as one of the "20 Tracks You Must Drive" which I would like to throw into the debate - The Bridle Track to Hill End.

The Bridle Track closely follows the Macquaire River and is part of the original bullock wagon route from Bathurst. This was the the direct route to the gold fields and was named because it was once so rough that riders had to dismount and lead their horses by the bridle. The scenery is spectacular with sheer rock faces and magnificent camping and fishing spots along the river. Modifications required are AT tyres, 50mm lift (beneficial - but TK seems to get through anything), and if the rivers are up a snorkel maybe required.

I am not 'Calling' a Bridle Track Trip, simply offering it as a suggestion which based on my reading seems to be a possible good choice for a weekend trip.

I hope others will throw their ideas and suggestions into this thread and that we can nominate the next camping/touring trip out of this discussion.

No date ideas at this time, but it may require two nights camping depending on the route and destinations (if the Bridle Track is the go). Realistically this is probably a Spring Trip (September).
