View Full Version : Simpson Desert Trip July 2010 (2nd Attempt)

09-01-10, 10:05 AM
As there was a lot of interest at the December Meeting, and I managed to hand out 10 itineries in about 10 seconds, I thought that I'd get this proposal in now.

We tried to organise a Simpson Desert trip for July 2009, but in the end the weather / flooding in the desert and Lake Eyre, and the economy were against us.

So, trying again in 2010, and already have a couple of firm expressions of interest.

Proposed Trip from Sydney to Poeppel Corner in the Simpson Desert and Back - July School Holidays 2010
Saturday 3 to Friday 16 July 2010 – 14 Days total. (11 Days Broken Hill to Cobar)
Broken Hill,
Wilpena Pound in the Flinders Ranges,
Lake Eyre,
Birdsville Track,
Poeppel Corner (Weather / Track conditions permitting)
Big Red and the Birdsville Hotel,
Old Strezlecki Track,
Cameron’s Corner,
White Cliffs.
And many other beautiful, historic Australian vistas!

So why aren’t I proposing a full 650 km Simpson Desert crossing from Oodnadatta to Birdsville? We can, but if you drive a diesel you need to be able to carry at least 140 litres of fuel. If you drive a 6 cylinder 4 litre petrol, you need to carry 180 litres. To be discussed.

If you would like an itinerary, I can email you a pdf version. Please PM or email me with your email address, otherwise I will bring more copies to the February meeting.


09-01-10, 05:40 PM
Interest expressed Dave.....


09-01-10, 10:36 PM
Hey dave, are you running this trip or is it part of an organised tag along tour with a tour operator?

If its just a club trip id be interested in hiring a fourby and doing the trip - dont think my tj would be the best desert tourer

10-01-10, 08:35 AM
Hi Aza,

Definately not a private Tag Along. I did do a Simpson crossing with Misty Mountains Tours in 2007, then another club member asked if I could organise a trip for 2009 - which fell through for reasons stated above. This is a club trip, the only money involved is for your costs.

If you PM me with your email address (it isn't attached to your details, but 'V's were) then I can send you a Proposed Itinerary.


16-01-10, 10:11 PM
Yes Dave, I hope to go (again). I also have another expression of interest from a mate in Qld who drives a KJ (George and Mrs H).

17-01-10, 09:34 AM
Wow, a lot of early interest.

I'm keeping a tally of people that have posted here and contacted me separately by PM or email, and we are already up to 8 vehicles. I have emailed off several itineraries, I hope they have been useful.

I think that the absolute maximum that we could handle is 10 vehicles, I'm sure that in the next 5 months we will get a great group together!

Please bring questions and items for discussion to Feb meeting.


30-01-10, 10:19 AM
There is some concern about Tropical Cyclone Olga, which seems to be dropping a lot of rain in Western Qld. Last year 2009 the Simpson Desert was cut off by flooding from Western Qld down into Lake Eyre. Full crossings were not possible until August 09, and the Warburton Crossing (my planned way to go) was closed all year due to deep mud.

We will have to wait and see what Nat Parks SA say on March 16 when they re-open the desert.

I'll keep you posted as I hear about conditions.


04-02-10, 11:28 AM
Plenty of interest in the trip at the Feb Meeting, and more itineraries handed out. I got a few questions about the weather. We will still go if the Warburton is cut, but will have to take the Plan B route, as explained in the itinerary. I will post as I hear about it after Nat Parks re opens the Simpson on March 16.

If anyone would like an itinerary, please PM me and I will email you one.

Keep July on your radar!


25-02-10, 01:25 PM
Just keeping interest up! We have 4 definite vehicles so far, and I have had about 4 expressions of interest. We will need to finalise numbers by the May meeting, so I can book Desert Parks Passes and the few camping grounds that we will visit.

There has been continuing rain in Central Aust, which is making the Warburton Crossing a bit iffy. It has not been as wet as '09, and the Lake Eyre Yacht Club (check out their web site if you don't believe me) is not expecting any significant inflows to the lake this year. We will just have to wait to see what is said about track conditions over the next few months.

We can decide whether we are crossing the Warburton or continuing up the Birdsville Track when we get there in July. It won't affect our timing at all. Remember, if we don't go up the Warburton Track, we will still go into the Simpson from Birdsville after finishing our run up the Birdsville Track. A bush camp on Eyre Creek, or even further in time and conditions permitting, will still involve crossing Big Red and many other dunes, and spending at least 2 half days and a night in the National Park. And it will still be a great trip!


02-03-10, 10:41 AM
with 200mm of rain at Birdsville in the last 2 days it will be awesome to see in a few months with all the flowers etc.

02-03-10, 12:57 PM
Too right Heidi. The BOM has flood warnings up for all the south western Qld and channel country river systems (including Eyre Creek, Cooper Creek, Diamantina, Parcoo, Thomson, and others). The Diamantina (at Birdsville) is up to just under the deck of the bridge. It should drain/drop fairly quickly but you have ask how much water can Lake Eyre hold before it backs up in the tributaries like Cooper and Eyre Creek. Dave is right - we will likley be forgetting the Warburton. At least the bulldust will disappear and perhaps they will grade some of the tracks as a result. Still going though! I heard the rain fall at Bridsville described by the weather guys as a once in 100 year event. It will be awesome!

03-03-10, 12:13 PM
Yep, and perhaps the desert will bloom as well! It is described as a beautiful sight. The wildflowers around Innaminka should be awesome as well - they were good in 2007, but now...

If the water gets down the Warburton (cutting the crossing!!!) to Lake Eyre, then we may have a pretty good view from Level Post Bay (Muloorina) when we get there.

Heidi, is this you expressing an interest? I will bring more itineraries to tonights meeting just in case we get some people that haven't been lately.


03-03-10, 12:34 PM
no sorry the dessert will have to wait till next year, was just making a comment that it will be great out there with all the rain they have just received.

we will hopefully be at the tip of Australia by the time you get to Birdsville!

04-03-10, 08:35 AM
Hey Dave, I am definitely interested. Will just depend on getting a "permission slip" signed and if i can get leave from work. Thanks Brad

04-03-10, 05:41 PM
Hi All,

Lots more interest at the March meeting last night. We are now up to 5 definites and 6 maybes (People that have asked for an Itinerary but not said anything more).

Please note, to send anyone an email with an Itinerary attached I will need your email address. Please PM me and include your email address or I can't do much.

Need DEFINITE numbers at the May meeting - got to sort out Desert Parks Passes and book some camp sites.


05-03-10, 05:49 PM
List of definites and Maybes moved to Page 4.


09-03-10, 08:07 PM
As much as I would like to go the minister of W & F. said to choose Lift Kit or trip. One thing a Year. So the lift Kit won out. Maybe next time. Thanks anyway & have a great trip.

10-03-10, 11:19 AM
Hi Hunno,

That is a real shame, perhaps you can work on her - still have 2 months to final decisions. I guestimated costs in the itinerary, but I know that suspension ain't cheap.

Possibly premature here, but I have started thinking about next year. A few people have mentioned Cape York to me - so perhaps four weeks next July ish???


10-03-10, 03:23 PM
OOOOOOO Cape Trip!!!!! Maybe able to work on that.

17-03-10, 03:50 PM
Right, an EDITED update from SA Transport, now that the desert is reopened for 2010. I have only listed tracks that we will be using in July. For full details go to http://www.transport.sa.gov.au/quicklinks/northern_roads/area1.asp

Issued Wednesday 17th March 2010 at 1:55pm:

Birdsville Track (Marree to Birdsville)

Open - Marree To Mungeranie
Closed - Mungeranie To Birdsville - Due to flooding between Blue Ute Bore and Birdsville - anticipated closure until mid May 2010
Marree to Muloorina - Open to all vehicles (Lake Eyre - Level Post Bay)
Merty Merty to Cameron Corner - Closed - Road impassable due to rain damage and washout of Strzelecki Crossing
Innamincka to the Border via Arrabury Turnoff - Closed - Due to rain damage, Due to rain damage.and flooding. Innamincka Causeway is impassable due to flooding.

Flinders Ranges area - caution at all creek crossings due to flood damage
Birdsville Inside Track - Closed due to flooding of Goyders Lagoon.
K1 Warburton PAR into the Simpson Desert is CLOSED until further notice due to flooding

Simpson Desert Regional Reserve and Conservation Park is OPEN. Access via Dalhousie Springs only. Flooding of the Eyre and Warburton Creeks has closed access / exit at Birdsville and Clifton Hills Station until further notice.
So what does this mean. I really doubt that we will get across Warburton Creek in July. But we should not have any problem getting up to Birdsville on the Birdsville Track in July. We can then access Big Red etc from the East. Innaminka is also still cut off, but I would anticipate that it will reopen by mid May.

So, I am still going! Should be a real sight as the water will bring out the wildflowers etc. If you have an itinerary, we will go with "Alternate Route".


17-03-10, 08:01 PM
so does this means petrol vehicles will be able to keep up on this trip without bringing their own fuel tanker?

18-03-10, 10:02 AM
I would still recommend that all vehicles, petrol and diesel still carry at least one Jerry. Mud is a real unknown in the equation, and even though we most likely will not be able to do Warburton, we still have some longer drives with no fuel - eg Birdsville to Innaminka is over 400kms...

We may also decide to vary our route a bit "on the fly". For example, if mud stops us getting much further West than Big Red, we could decide to head North from Birdsville to have a look at the Dingo Caves. Or if we get to Innaminka early we could head out to Coongie Lakes. Extra fuel capacity could help. All to be discussed closer to time when we have a better idea of likely conditions...


18-03-10, 10:40 AM
Hi Dave
Add me to the maybe list

Great Job again with the planning of this trip - it looks like it will be fantastic! - I really appreciate all the work you have put in to make this event possible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I would love to attend but currently I will be on assignment in the USA from late june till early July and sadly for me i am having difficulty getting these dates locked down.
so if numbers are not capped - I will try and get on board last minute if I can make it & if that is ok with you?
cheers Hunty

18-03-10, 12:02 PM
Hi Hunty,

I've added you to the maybe list on page 4 of this thread - I am editing that thread as I hear from people, so names are coming and going. If you do come, with your experience with mud and cleaning the Jeep, well send you through first to test the depth! (Joke).


28-03-10, 07:18 PM
I'm getting quite keen... final decision to follow based on if the boss will give me leave!

28-03-10, 07:55 PM
I'm getting pretty 'restless' too. Am moving house after the trip to Bylong, and I just want to get out of Sydney and forget all about it.

May meeting is crunch time. I will bring registration forms as I will need names, numbers, regos etc for booking some camp sites and Desert Parks Passes. Will have one last advertising session at April meeting.


29-03-10, 04:49 PM
the lyndhurst hotel has some great photo's of the recent flooding in the area



30-03-10, 09:44 PM
Great Pix, thanks Heidi.

The SA Transport Outback Roads website still expects all main tracks - Birdsville and around Innaminka to reopen by mid to late May, so despite all this water we should be able to get to all main destinations. If they haven't done all road repairs it might make for some interesting driving!


08-04-10, 12:15 PM
Hi All, just an update. Continued interest at the club meeting last night, which is great!

I said at the meeting that I will call for final numbers at the May meeting, and will have ‘registration’ forms for those that are definitely coming. I will need details – Names, Numbers, Rego’s etc for booking some campsites and ordering Parks Passes. We have 6 definite vehicles so far, and still a heap of maybes, (I will move the list from page 2 to the message after this one) so hopefully everyone will have worked out leave etc by this time next month.

Note, we will not be able to cross the Warburton as it will be too wet for the rest of the year according to SA Transport. So we will go with the alternate route, and may ‘tweak’ it a bit as we go. For example, if we can’t get very far into the Simpson from Birdsville due to mud (we will see) we could consider heading to Innaminka a day early, and go out to Coongie lakes for a night instead. It all depends on how well things dry out over the next couple of months.


08-04-10, 12:18 PM
List moved again to Page 4

08-04-10, 01:32 PM
unfortunately im not going to be able to get out of work. So im out :(

08-04-10, 01:44 PM
Dave, can you add Ginga (Graeme) to the Maybe List (I must stress that he is going to join the club to go on this trip) so I guess he would be last on the potentials. When will you cut the numbers off (was it ten?).

08-04-10, 04:07 PM
Glen, I have added Ginga (Graeme) to the maybe list on page 4. Brad, I'm sorry to see that you cannot come - but then you have that trip to Uluru planned for October, so you are still getting out there.

We have 8 definite vehicles and 6 maybes. However there are only a couple of those maybes that have spoken to me since Christmas, so I would be very surprised if they all put their hands up at the May meeting. 10 was my max number originally, and I will be surprised if we get more. After the May meeting I will start booking campsites etc, so that will be about the deadline for expressing interest, but we shall see how it goes...


08-04-10, 04:45 PM
yeah i know, pretty bummed i cant make, unfortunately the Uluru trip is just an "idea" haha, as to whether it happens or not is another story :(

19-04-10, 02:39 PM
Updates on Roads.

SA Transport has reopened the Birdsville Track, though 4WD only from Mungerannie to Birdsville. From a Tag Along operator at Rosehill on Saturday - apparently the car ferry over the Cooper may be operating from May - which might make things even more interesting.

The roads down to Innaminka should reopen by the end of April, so we should be able to access most if not all areas come July. The Warburton Crossing will be closed, and we will just have to see how far into the Simpson we can get from Big Red as we get there. Still no date for reopening Innaminka to Cameron Corner, I will update as I hear, but we can get around that section if we need to - travel back through Arkaroola in the Eastern Flinders Ranges or similar. Again, we can adjust the trip as needed as we go...

Desert Parks Passes going up from $107 to $110 in May, so if you want to order now, please do.


19-04-10, 09:27 PM
People that are DEFINITELY coming, and those that have said maybe - and I have emailed itineraries to;

People that have replied that they are definites
David G
Eddy G & Michael D
Glen D
James D
Ivan and Kellie
Michelle and Adam
Geoff (Jaffas) and Julie-Ann
Ian & Ann W (Jaffas' Parents In Law)

Tony - tonysrich
Casey G
Aaron W - Azasjeep
Ben - MOP44R
Ginga - Graeme

As I have said, I will need final numbers in May to make bookings etc. If anyone on the list is not going to come, please let me know.


21-04-10, 07:05 PM
hey guys... was just wondering if everyone going on this trip with us would mind post the type of jeep that are driving... ours (Adam + Michelle) is a ZJ but i'm just being nosey about what else is with us!!!

21-04-10, 07:08 PM
Ok Adam and Michelle, I will be driving a 2007 Cherokee KJ CRD and my son (James) will be in his 2008 JK Unlimited CRD.

21-04-10, 07:14 PM
Okay, I am going to collect this info and more on the registration forms, but I'll make a start. I have a 2005 Blue KJ Cherokee Diesel. Glen and James as above, and Eddy a Green JK Unlimited (the 4 door) Diesel. Ivan has a beautiful, modified Black JK 2 door, and that is all that I know from the definates. Some people have pictures of vehicles next to their posts, like me!


25-04-10, 11:13 AM
I noticed on the SA Roads update of yesterday that the Birdsville (outside) Track is open all the way to Birdsville (with a detour around flooded area north of Moongarra Channel).

Gradually these tracks seem to be improving althrough Innaminka is still cutoff completely in all directions.

QAA LINE, POEPPEL CORNER – BIRDSVILLE is still CLOSED due to flooding, although where the closed is enforced is unclear (ie is access to Big Red and the dunes to the Erye Channel restricted?).

The colour coded map is located here


27-04-10, 09:43 AM
Hi All, ONE WEEK until Decision Day.

I will bring registration forms to the Club Meeting next week, and email forms to all those that have expressed interest but do not attend the meeting. Rego forms are for attending the trip, and for booking campsites (numbers and vehicle details etc).

I know that some people have already ordered Desert Parks passes as per the Itinerary. I am told that they go up to $110 next month, so if you do want to save $3.00, please do order yourself, otherwise I can get them for you. The rego form will ask if you need one, and for money up front.

Please do consider the trip over the next week. If you do want to come and can't attend next weeks meeting, please PM or email me to confirm your interest (see list of people that have expressed interest), and make sure that I have your email address to send a rego form.

We will have a discussion session after the meeting, and I will attempt to answer any questions. June meeting at TJM may also be useful for any shopping.


27-04-10, 09:48 AM
Hi Glen, the closure on the QAA line is Eyre Creek. It is still flowing, which means that you cannot cross the desert from East to west or Vice Versa. I hope that the claypans West of Big Red will have dried enough to let us get to Eyre Creek for a bush camp from Birdsville. It will be as much desert as anyone will see from the East until the creek falls enough to cross - sometime later this year...

SA Transport now posts that Innaminka will re open at the end of this month (May) so we will have 1 month breathing space for everything to dry out.


05-05-10, 10:27 PM
At the SJC Meeting tonight I handed round registration forms, and collected $110 from anyone that wanted me to get their Desert Parks Pass for them. I have also emailed registration forms to everyone that had expressed an interest and given me their email address.

I asked a while back for anyone that was on the "maybe" list to let me know if they intended to come or not, but I haven't heard from any of them, so I am assuming the group will consist of;

David G (me), Eddy & Passenger Michael, Glen D, James D, Ivan & Kellie, Michelle & Adam, Geoff K (Jaffas) & Julie-Ann, and Ian & Ann W.

That's 8 vehicles, and possible a 9th - Ken and Olga - friends of mine, and I will let you know if they are coming when I know.

If there is ANYONE else, please PM me as soon as possible, I need to make bookings etc.


05-05-10, 10:39 PM
This is so exciting! Thanks again for all of your hard work Dave :)

06-05-10, 08:33 AM
As per last nights concerns - this from ABC News online on 5 May;

No extra ferry for flooded outback track

Updated Wed May 5, 2010 1:12pm AEST
http://www.abc.net.au/reslib/201003/r526996_2966989.jpg (http://www.abc.net.au/reslib/201003/r526996_2966994.jpg)Outback ferry last used two decades ago (ABC News: Lew Chinner)

Calls to upgrade an outback ferry service to help pastoralists and tourists cross a flooded section of the Birdsville Track have been rejected by the South Australian Government.
There is concern that attendances might be affected at the Birdsville races in south-west Queensland.
The annual outback meeting often attracts up to 7,000 people but coordinator Lisa Pearson says it could take up to 14 days to get the anticipated crowd across the Birdsville Track on the old punt.
"About a third of our race crowd comes from the south," she said.
"We'd be bitterly disappointed in this day and age if they can't provide a service to meet this century's requirements."
Local MPs want a larger, mothballed punt brought north from the Murray but Transport Minister Pat Conlon has ruled that out.
"There's no way of cutting up a ferry, dragging it up there, installing the infrastructure. The flood would be over before that was done," he said.
Mr Conlon says he will ensure a punt that is already at the track crossing goes back into service, even though it has been sitting idle for years.

So, a ferry will run, we should be okay! How long the crossing will take, we shall see! (We will be going through long before the Birdsville Race crowd)


24-05-10, 09:32 AM
Just a reminder to people on the Desert Trip that LPG gas and Butane canisters can be a problem when it gets cold (and it will get cold in the desert at night). Here is a comment by a fellow over on the Campertrailer Group website about gas bottles:

"... a time in the Simpson Desert when it was -4 in the fridge and -7 outside. Try putting your hands in the fridge to warm up :-).

Slept with the gas canisters in or under my sleeping bag so they'd be useable in the morning.Kids decided to sleep out one night and woke with a thin layer of ice on their sleeping bags."

Not sure sleeping with a gas bottle was wise (what if it leaks - and some do); I've also heard of people putting their gas bottles inside an empty esky to keep them insulated during the night so they would work in the morning.

On a trip to Bylong in June last year I had problems with getting the gas to work first thing in the morning (once the sun got on it things were ok).

I recall that Dave has a way of warming up his butane canisters. Warm water (not hot, just 25C is enough) works to get the gas moving - but how do you get warm water when you have no gas? I have heard of people putting hot water into a vacuum flask the night before and it was ok for heating the gas bottle in the morning.

Other options include: digging a hole in the ground to sit it in (the ground will always be warmer than the air) with a piece of foam over the top; leaving it in or under the vehicle wrapped in a towel or blanket; etc.

Don't ever consider trying to warm a gas container over (or near) a fire - you'd be up for the Darwin Award.

24-05-10, 11:15 AM
we use the duel fuel burners for this reason. The single burner packs up pretty small and can run on coleman fuel, shellite or unleaded. They burn pretty hot as well so you don't use to much fuel with it. Brian has even been known to use the coleman fuel in his jeep when he ran out of fuel.

25-05-10, 12:56 PM

This Dave doesn't use warm water. I only have the single burner butane (spray can size bottle) stove. If it is too cold, I leave the gas cover open, and use my hand to warm it. Once the burner is going, there is usually enough heat from the burner to help warm the can. For emergencies I also have a Metho Stove, which I guess you could use to warm water...

In some (not all) camp sites we will also be able to find and burn wood. I know, really old tech but...


26-05-10, 11:55 AM
Hey guys,
What spare parts / tools are people taking? I'm starting to get my stuff together this weekend and wanted some ideas.

26-05-10, 02:10 PM
Here is my list of things probably considered vehicle related, and in addition I will do an oil and filter service before we leave:

Spare Air Filters * 2
Spare Oil Filter
Spare Fuel Filter
Oil 6ltrs (full change or spare oil for top up) - amount undecided
Transmission Fluid - amount undecided

Accessory Belt
Radiator Hose (bottom) maybe
Diesel Fuel (2 extra 10 litre Jerrys)
Bulbs (2 old headlight H4s)
Bulbs Rear (Signal and Stop) 3157 P27/7W & 3757 APY27/7W
Fuses (selection) 10,15, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50 amp
Duct Tape
Galvanised Wire
Welding rods (2.5 amd 3.2mm) and Bush welding gear (jumper leads)
Spare Tyre (2nd mounted)
Auxiliary Battery
Oil Change Container
extra Coolant – Mopar 5 year 100,000mile Formula HOAT (Hybrid Organic Additive Technology) Maybe
Brake Fluid – Mopar Brake Fluid DOT 3, STDS SAE J1703, DOT 4 or DOT 4+ is acceptable.
Diesel Power
Funnel and tubing
Hose for transmission cooler, etc
Hose clamps
Epoxy putty stick
Radiator Stop Leak
Torx bits
Jump-start pack
Cetek Charger
Tools –spanners, sockets, pliers, hatchet, etc combination knife
Recovery Kit – bottle jack, jack handle, jack pad, strap, rated shackles (2), Equaliser, gloves, small tarp (blue one).
Long handled Shovel
Compressor and gauge

In addition there are camping related items of course.
Its probably overkill if all of us carry many of the same things that might be general use items for all vehicles, like brake fluid and coolant for example. So we should probably discuss spreading these things around so that one person isn't carrying everything. I suggested to Dave that maybe a little pre-trip meeting would be a good idea (could be before or after the next Club meeting).

BTW that is the long list I also have a shorter one that is perhaps a bit more optimistic.

26-05-10, 05:57 PM
Hi All,

My gear list was at the back of the Itinerary, and I am embarassed to say that I left Fire Extinguisher off it. The list included;
A UHF radio (5 watts ideal as we will spread out in convoy because of DUST!)
A Sand Flag – either one you purchase, or an orange or red flag you can mount to the top of a tall UHF aerial – these are needed in sand dune country.
Recovery gear, including a snatch strap and rated shackles. Shovel. Tool Kit.
Spare fan belts, fuel filter, oil and brake fluid, fuses, hoses, air filter (did I mention dust?),
1 extra spare wheel is recommended by Tag Along operators as sharp gibbers (rocks) can EAT tyres! (that’s a total of 6 tyres and wheels). Good AT tyres advised. Puncture repair kit and compressor.

Bring your own food and drink. We will be able to buy dinner at SOME towns / caravan parks – Copley, Mungerannie, Birdsville Hotel and Tibooburra, not sure about Innaminka.
Aim to supply all your breakfasts and lunches and at least 7 dinners. We WILL be able to do some resupply along the way – (Broken Hill, Leigh Creek, Birdsville, Innaminka, Tibooburra).
Pack extra for emergencies. Tag Along operators recommend 20 litres of water per person – and you resupply to this volume when possible. If we get rained in somewhere…
Note, I do not own a fridge! By all means bring one, but you can easily get by on tins. I have seen a lot of fridges go wrong on rough tracks!
I made do with a cooler (esky). Leaving it open in the vehicle at night (cold) chilled everything down, then the cooler kept everything nice and cool all day.

Camping gear
You need all your own camping gear, this is a camping trip where there is limited or no other accommodation in most of the places we will go.
July desert days are usually sunny and warm – 25 degrees or so. BUT it will be cooler in the South – Broken Hill to Marree - and at night. Carry warm clothing, and short sleeves for up North. We may find time for washing clothes but no guarantees.
Bring wet weather gear just in case, and swimmers for the Artesian Hot Pool at Mungerannie.
We will do some walking and it can be rough – stout shoes or boots recommended. A spare set of comfortable gear too for dinner at Birdsville Hotel etc.
Nights in the desert are COLD in winter. It can easily fall below freezing. You will need a good tent (fast set up and pull down ideal, as some days are long drives). You will need a good sleeping bag (mine is rated at minus five degrees, and some nights I still needed my socks on!).
You will need a chair each, and a table is good too. Gas cooker recommended as we will not be able to have campfires every night!

I also recommended that everyone get a comprehensive service, as recovery costs in remote areas are not cheap.

I am sorry to see that we won't be meeting at TJM next week, but as Glen says, we should organise a get together either after next weeks meeting, ore elsewhere/when. (BBQ at Glen's???).

See everyone next week, I will have info re bookings etc.


26-05-10, 07:34 PM
Lets talk about it at the meeting.

29-05-10, 12:53 PM
End of May Update from Dave.

I have booked all campsites etc as per the 8 vehicles worth of Rego Forms that I got back. I have also booked in Cobar Sat 3rd and Broken Hill Sun 4th July for those that asked me. I will distribute all those details at the meeting on Wednesday. Since I have not heard back from ANYONE else, I will consider the trip closed at the 8 vehicles previously listed;

David G (me), Eddy & passenger Michael, Glen D, James D, Ivan & Kellie, Michelle & Adam, Geoff K (Jaffas) & Julie-Ann, and Ian & Ann W.

And possibly a 9th - Ken and Olga - friends of mine, who will let me know two weeks before we leave Sydney.

The GOOD news;
I spoke to Mungerannie Roadhouse, the Cooper Creek cut the Birdsville Track yesterday, but the ferry will be running for us!

Birdsville Caravan Park expects Eyre Creek to be crossable sometime in July, which means that it should be dry enough for us to get as far West as Eyre Creek from Birdsville for a bush camp. I know it is only 20km of sand dunes or so between Big Red and Eyre Creek, but at least we get that much 'desert'. Warburton is definately a no go this year.

Innaminka Trading Post expects the causeway to open in the next week, and the Cordillo Downs track to reopen within the next month, so apart from Warburton to Poepple Corner, that's our whole trip accessible by the time we get there! Yay! (and phew!!)

Please bring any questions to the meeting on Wednesday, or call or email me.

5 weeks to go!


02-06-10, 02:56 PM
Hi All,

Another Update before I get lots of panicked messages.

Yes - SA Transport has closed the Birdsville Track between Marree and Mungerannie. The Cooper Creek flood has finally reached the track, and it is now about 1 metre under water, and apparently about 1 km wide!

SA Transport is assuring people that the Car Ferry will be operating from 14 June, so vehicles will be able to cross after that date. As we won't get there until about 8 July, we should be right, although depending on traffic volumes, no telling just how long it will take for us all to get across.

We do have a bit of spare time built into our schedule (because we can't access all flooded areas), and this should make the trip even more memorable. Last time the ferry was used was 20 years ago!


Steve F
02-06-10, 04:44 PM
If anyone wants digital maps for the trip bring a USB key tonight as I have some for oziexplorer you may like.


03-06-10, 09:14 AM
Thanks Steve F, I have the maps loaded into my Oziexplorer now.

Cheers Glen

Steve F
03-06-10, 11:46 AM
Thanks Steve F, I have the maps loaded into my Oziexplorer now.

Cheers Glen

I have a feeling I have some more that may have not been on there, did it have the Simpson maps etc? if not shoot me your address and I'll burn them onto a CD and post to you.


03-06-10, 12:06 PM
Looking through them the Simpson appears to be the only thing not there. I will PM the address thanks

Cheers Glen

04-06-10, 11:09 AM
Ferry Service Update from SA Transport
Cooper Creek ferry service

With flood waters flowing faster than initially predicted and forcing the temporary closure of the Birdsville Track between Marree and Mungeranie in South Australia's far north, the Cooper Creek ferry will be launched and operating again on the 8th June.

The creek crosses the Birdsville Track 137 kilometres north of Marree.

Check below for latest updates to ferry operations.

Latest operation updates

Cooper Creek floodwaters reached the Birdsville Track 1 June 2010.
The Birdsville Track floodway is now closed to all vehicles.
Ferry operations will commence on 8 June 2010.
Priority will be given to emergency service vehicles.
Ferry operating guidelines

Signs displaying condition of use of the ferry will be installed at Marree, Birdsville, Mungeranie and at the ferry crossing.

The conditions of use of the ferry are:

maximum load for vehicles - 10t gross
maximum load for cattle on hoof - 8t gross
maximum length of vehicles is 7.8m - CARAVANS ARE NOT PERMITTED
persons use ferry at own risk
no more than 6 persons permitted on ferry at the one time
no persons permitted in vehicles during crossing
life jackets must be worn
use of ferry prohibited between sunset and sunrise
all persons must follow instructions and conditions in loading as directed by the ferry operator.
Ferry facts

Here are selected details about the ferry and its operations:

powered by two 15 hp outboard motors fitted on either side of the vessel
guided by cables between the banks
overall size - 7.9m long x 7.5m wide
deck size - 7.8m long x 3.5m wide
crossing channel - 300m wide x 3m deep
operates 7 days a week during daylight hours only, and when weather permits.
Food and fuel transportation

Fuel suppliers based in South Australia have advised that fuel can be delivered in 200 litre drums. This is how aviation fuel is regularly delivered.

Bulk fuel will remain accessible via Birdsville, Queensland.

Fresh and frozen food can be transported via the Cooper Creek Ferry in refrigerated vans under the 10 tonne limit. These perishable food items will remain accessible in larger quantities via Birdsville, Queensland.

08-06-10, 11:09 AM
SA Transport now has the Ferry running - below is their post from today 8 June;

Issued Tuesday 8th June 2010 at 10:01am
A new report will be issued when any road conditions change.

Strzelecki Track (Innamincka to Lyndhurst) - Warning - Caution at creek crossings, Caution at creek crossings and ponded water, Caution at Strzelecki Crossing - single lane only - speed restrictions apply. Caution also at roadworks between Popes Bore and Merty Merty (50 - 70km south Moomba) - speed restrictions apply.
Birdsville Track (Marree to Birdsville)

4WD Only - Marree To Mungeranie - No access across Cooper Creek floodway due to flooding. Ferry OPEN to suitable vehicles (see Special Notices for guidelines) Sand drifts on northern ferry access road.
Warning - Mungeranie To Birdsville - Caution at ponded water. Take detour around flood out area north of Moongarra Channel. Caution also between Mirra Mitta and Lake Suprise due to severe wheel rutting

08-06-10, 08:21 PM
Sounds like fun!

12-06-10, 11:58 AM
Dave is off to Tumut this long weekend but I believe he will be posting up a detailed track update in the coming days. I spoke to him yesterday and it sounds like things are drying out around Innaminka at last.

Cheers Glen

14-06-10, 02:56 PM
Hi All,

Dave back from Tumut, and while this is a little premature (still three weeks today until we set out from Broken Hill) a Track update.

As you know, all roads are open from Broken Hill to Birdsville as planned on the "Alternate Route" on the itinerary. We cannot cross the Warburton Creek to get to Poepple Corner. We will go up the Birdsville Track - using the Cooper Creek Ferry which is running - and head all the way to Birdsville. If the ferry is jammed with several days of traffic waiting to cross we will re evaluate then, there are other possibilities. I am hoping that as we will get there approx Thursday lunch that there won't be too much traffic.

From Birdsville we head West over Big Red. The plan is to do a bush camp on Eyre Creek. Eyre Creek is now crossable via the bypass track, but unless we get there with a lot of spare time, I have not at this point planned to go further West than this, but, well, we shall see when we get there. As it is now possible to do a full East West desert crossing, the claypans West of Big Red should be navigable, and if our timing is right...

After returning to Birdsville we head to Innaminka as per the Itinerary. At 4.52 this afternoon, SA Transport updated with;

Innamincka to the Border via Arrabury Turnoff - 4WD Only - 4wd only - caravans not recommended . Caution at Sandy sections ,creek crossings and washouts. Single lane detours some sections and road plant working - speed restrictions apply., 4wd only - caravans not recommended. Caution at creek crossings, sandy sections and washouts. single lane detours some sections. road plant working - speed restrictions apply., 4wd only -caravans not recommended.Caution wet areas ,numerous detours and rain damaged sections.
Mungeranie to Kalamurina - Open to all vehicles

That’s the Cordillo Downs Road open, so we are all systems go!

From Innaminka all roads are currently open as per the plan.

I will call Innamincka and Mungerannie a week before we leave and post any updates, but so far things are looking pretty positive!

Last but not least, does anyone want to / need to meet up next weekend, or the one after? Please let me know!


16-06-10, 01:15 PM
More good news. Posts on ExploreOz, from people that have used the Birdsville Track Ferry this year say that with the new engines the ferry only takes 8 minutes per crossing, so that is about 4 return trips per hour, much better than the originally predicted 2 per hour.

The ferry operator reported that in one day he completed 44 return crossings, so fingers crossed we won't get held up there too long, and will get from Lake Eyre to Mungerannie in one day as planned.


22-06-10, 11:35 AM
Only 11 more sleeps till departure (or maybe less for some).

22-06-10, 06:54 PM
Hi All,

Hope everyone is just about ready! As Glen said, only a week and a half to go.

I haven't had any messages from anyone wanting to meet up before setting off, but we have had some good preparation discussions at club meetings. Remember, any questions, email, PM or call me.

I hope everyone has had a good service and inspection. I did, two stuffed engine mounts, so the service was $420 more than expected, but better to find that out here, than where services cost more, if you can get to a garage.

One other thing that can be very useful to take with you. A spare key! I have two that work the remote central locking etc, but as one is often in the ignition and one in my luggage (often in the car) it is a good idea to have a key on a string round your neck just in case the car gets locked by accident. In Sydney, not a big problem. North of Marree, well, there are lots of rocks.

According to all the websites, all the roads are open - at least to 4WD's - so all systems go!


23-06-10, 05:40 AM
Just a quick question, are we bring a Sat phone on the trip with us? I think we should, just in case... so just wondering if we had any arrangements to hire/borrow one, or do we need to look into that?

Service all done on my car, a few linkages replaced in steering that were very sloppy. Just gotta get my tyre carrier sorted out and we should be good to go!

23-06-10, 10:12 AM
I had considered hiring one - especially when the plan was to spend two full days in the desert. The Desert Parks Pass info came with a flyer for hiring a Sat Phone, with a price list etc...

When the trip got less remote - as we can't cross the Warburton, I thought a sat phone might not be so necessary. Having spoken to quite a few people out there recently, given our planned route, the traffic on it and our having an 8 vehicle convoy, they have agreed that we should not need one.

So, I have not done any more about hiring one. For 2 weeks from ARB or the group that advertised in the Parks info the rental cost is $300 - before any calls are made.

What does everyone think? Does anyone else want to take responsibility for hiring one if we all chip in for the cost? ARB Wentworthville does rent them, does anyone live nearby for ease of pick up and return?


23-06-10, 11:54 AM
Unfortunately my old EPIRB is out of date and the frequency is no longer monitored, as I would have brought it. I don't mind the cost but it would have to be a shared cost, and only if most agree to it. I think despite the planned route and possibly being able to reach help on the UHF (subject to someone actually listensing all the time), the Sat phone gives people more peace of mind and ensures immeadiate contact if something happens (like a vehicle rollover, snake bite, etc). From a peace of mind perspective I think it probably is a reasonable cost when shared (and not used to ring to check the Lotto numbers).


23-06-10, 09:50 PM
LOL Glen are you sure we can't call to check lotto numbers?!! Adam and I would be happy to chip in towards the cost of hire of a sat phone if most people agree. We are nearly ready to go with the car going in tomorrow for wheels/tyres to be fitted and the big service happening on Friday. Adam is installing the radio on Sunday (so no 4x4 masters - sorry guys!), and then we will be good to go. What size water tank/carrier are people taking? That's one last thing we need to get.
We will be leaving Sydney Thurs afternoon (8 more sleeps!!) - Orange Thursday night - Cobar Friday - Broken Hill Saturday. We are staying in a cabin at the Broken Hill City Caravan Park so be sure to check if we are around when you arrive!
Dave - thanks for the ongoing updates. It's shaping up to be an amazing trip!

23-06-10, 10:12 PM
Michelle & Adam, I am taking a 25Litre water cube. Most of the places we are camping will have drinking water available - Dave correct me if I am wrong about this.

24-06-10, 06:28 AM
Hey, we are taking 2off 20L water jerry's.

I know TJM down here in Wollongong hire sat phones as well. I can ring them up today and see if I can organise to pick it up next week. Will let you know price etc and what the split up cost would be.

24-06-10, 08:41 AM
Jaffas that would be great. From what I can gather from a Net search the cost seems to be between about $266-280 for the two weeks (which seems to be about $2.50 a day for each of the eight vehicles which is insignificant really). The treatment of call costs is slightly different but that should not be much of a concern because we would only use it in an emergency when no one is going to care about what it costs.


24-06-10, 09:58 AM
Hi All,

Everyone sounds like they are about ready. Jaffas, it you are willing and able to organise a Sat Phone for emergencies that would be brilliant. I hope TJM is near your place, because everywhere in Sydney charges by the day, so you want to pick up and drop off as you leave town and arrive back. I would think we would all be happy to chip in - should only be $20 or $30 per person...

Regarding water. There will be water at the campsites we are booked in to - so pretty much every second night. There will be no water available at Muloorina / Lake Eyre, none in the Desert / Eyre Creek, and none at the actual camp sites at Mungerannie or Innaminka. Water will be available from Mungerannie Roadhouse and Innaminka town, but not in the campground, so a supply is needed. Note, IF we get stuck at the ferry overnight we will need our own supply there. Re-supply should be easy as we either stay in or pass through a town every second day. On the gear list I noted that Tag Along Operators require 20 litres per person - re supplied to this level when possible, but this is sufficient for a 3 to 4 day desert crossing. As we should not be away from resupply for more than 2 nights, if we get stuck on the B'ville track, we can probably get away with 20 litres per vehicle - as long as we are willing to share if necessary.

I have purchased 4, 4 litre bottles of water from Coles. These fill the front passenger footwell (I have no friends). I also have an assortment of 1 litre and sports bottles, as they are easier to manage on the move. I find these easier than a bulky and heavy (costly) water drum, but everyone should do what suits them and their packing method.

Remember you also need meals. Most breakfasts - we can buy in Copley and Birdsville but not many others. All Lunches except Cameron Corner! Enough dinners at a guess for 7 days. Can buy dinner at Copley, Mungerannie, Birdsville, possible Innaminka and definately Tibooburra. And snacks!

Hope this helps,

25-06-10, 10:06 AM
In case you are not are aware you can use a Telstra Sim card if it is on a plan and has international roaming switched on in a Sat phone. The calls will be quite expensive but might work out cheaper than getting a pre-paid card dedicated to the sat phone, especially if you only put the sim in when you want to make a call.

two water containers are a good idea in case one breaks or get contaminated you still have some with you. On our trip we took 2 x10l in the TJ- one of which was never used it was the ulitmate emergency, the 2nd jerry was for washing up and refilled regularly, did not matter on quality of water. In the other car was a 25l jerry and it was for drinking water, was very carefull where it was refilled to make sure the water was good quality for drinking.

Also for the ladies I recommend some leave in conditioner for your hair as it gets very dry.

25-06-10, 06:20 PM

Guys, TJM doesn't actually hire them, but sources them through Landwide. for 2 weeks, (14days) it is $266.00 + $15 postage each way. Call rate is $1.50/30sec... but ideally we won't be making any calls at all.
I rang them today and all seems fine to go ahead.

Please let me know if you are happy with this arrangement and I will organise it. I might be able to drop it off afterwards, that will save us one lot of postage... but lets just call it $300 / 8 = $37.50 each

25-06-10, 06:38 PM
Yeah Jaffas I'm happy with that. Do you want to be prepaid via direct deposit before we go or can we give it to you at start of the trip?

Cheers Glen

26-06-10, 11:46 AM
Okay, the update everyone has been waiting for.

I called Mungerannie as promised. The longest anyone has had to wait at the ferry so far is one hour. That said we will be there during school hols, so may increase a bit.

They thought our plan, leaving Muloorina early on Thursday morning should see us at the ferry for a very early lunch, as the Track has been repaired and is reported as "beautiful". So even if we do have to wait for an hour to start crossing, we should all be across by mid afternoon (3 to 4 return trips per hour on ferry), so we should be at Mungerannie during the afternoon for an early camp set up and swim in the artesian pool - it's only 65 k's from the ferry.

They also thought that our plan to head to Birdsville and arrive by lunch, then trip into desert for a bush camp on Eyre creek sounded doable, but check desert conditions when we fuel up in Birdsville.

Jaffas, I'm in for my share of the phone! Thanks for your research.

This time next week I plan to be somewhere West of Mudgee, Dubbo for lunch. Getting excited!


28-06-10, 08:28 PM
OK, have ordered the phone. Will pick it up on our way out on Friday.

I was given a recommendation that Lyndhurst has a good bakery... and apparently there some ruins just after Yunta that could be worth a quick look. Also, last time a mate from work was out at Wilpeana, he said there was not a lot of fire wood lying around, so they picked some up on the way in. This was a few years ago, and with the rains and whatever, who knows what we will find there this time...

Getting excited, 6 nights till we all meet in Broken Hill!

28-06-10, 08:41 PM
Thanks for the Sat phone action Jaffas. I think the ruins you're referring to is at Waukaringa (about 34kms north of Yunta). Pretty sure its on the intinerary.

28-06-10, 08:51 PM
Thanks Jaffas, great work. And yes, Waukaringa Ruins are on the Itinerary, as are Farina and Cadelga, and I believe there are more on the Birdsville track - Lake Harry etc... but I haven't seen those before. 4 days till lift off!


30-06-10, 12:33 PM
Reading the post about the Short-Notice Trip I reckon the Desert Trip will hold the record for the Longest-Notice Trip for a long while.

I am ready to go. Anyone else leaving Saturday morning that will be joining the 7am convoy to Cobar (besides Dave, Eddy and I)?

30-06-10, 09:31 PM
We will be heading out Friday to Cowra to meet up with Ian and Ann. The Sat we will drive west and go as far as we can, maybe Ivanhoe, maybe Meridee lakes or something... aim to be in Broken Hill Sunday just after lunch.

01-07-10, 08:49 AM
Hi All,

Thursday! Thought I had better get on and say to those heading off to Broken Hill today, and Friday, and the rest of us on Saturday, BE SAFE and TAKE CARE! It is a long trip, but a good drive.

If you are heading into or out of Cobar around dusk and dawn, watch out for the goats. Last time I went through there were thousands of them all over the road etc. And of course anywhere on country roads around dawn and dusk and at night, there are skippies.

Jaffas, I'm jealous. Never been to Menindee (is on the list). Bring photos!

See everyone in Broken Hill on Sunday. Glen, Ed and I should get to the Caravan Park around lunchtime, so we will have the afternoon for a relax, maybe a sightsee or shop, and dinner out. Plenty of good eating in BH! I'm also jealous of anyone getting there early - make sure you head out to Silverton, look at a mine, and the view over the Mundi Mundi plains (you can see all the way to the Flinders ranges).

I hope everyone has my contact details - I have emailed them, and they were on the rego sheet. Any problems or questions please call me!

Happy trails,


01-07-10, 09:32 AM
Have a great time everybody .. drive safe .. look forward to hearing all your stories.


01-07-10, 09:54 AM
Have fun out there folk's but remember to be safe, we all want all of you back, especially Scot B. so you guys can fill up the club mag with your adventures from the trip............See you all when you are back......................
Stephen T.

01-07-10, 11:40 AM
Have an awesome time guys. Don't forget if you need to fill up at Willcania the BP is cheaper than the Shell - but of the main road so you need to look out for it

01-07-10, 05:37 PM
Jealous as all hell, Safe travels & maybe I can to go on the next one.

02-07-10, 08:26 AM
Hey guys,
Even though I said I would pick up the Sat phone, the delivered to me, so nice of them. The number for it is 0147 160 242
OK, time to go finish packing, see you in Broken Hill!

:) :)

02-07-10, 09:18 AM
Drive safe, see you there, and thanks for organising the phone!


19-07-10, 03:09 PM
Most of us are back in Sydney after a huge trip! A few unforseen incidents - such as getting stuck in Innaminka for 4 days due to rain, but I think (hope) that a great time was had by all. A more comprehensive trip report to come at the next meeting, and thanks to Jaffas who has volunteered to write about our adventures for the magazine.

Thanks to all involved.

20-07-10, 12:08 PM
For those that missed it:

SJC at the top of Big Red:

The Wet Ones:

20-07-10, 08:51 PM
Hello, we are back in the the 'Gong now, and have handed the hire car back. The XJ is being transported back to Sydney over the next day or so, and then we will pull the head off and see what the damage is... could be more than a gasket though... potentially quite bad... blew up about halfway between Nyngun and Dubbo. Thanks to Ian and Ann for staying till we got all the arrangements sorted. They are also safely home.

We did really enjoy the trip and are grateful the Jeep lasted till we returned to civilisation. I will be writing a 3 part report, but it might take a few weeks till I get it all together. But hopefully it can fill a few pages for a few magazine issues...

There are some great parts of Australia to get out and see, and we enjoyed all the scenery and pubs and sites.

A BIG thank you to Dave for his organisation and leading of the trip!

24-07-10, 05:48 PM
A note to those that tackled the mud leaving Innaminka. Had the car serviced today, and needed to clean and renew oils in both diffs and the transfer case! Lots of chocolate milkshake looking stuff! Anyone without extended breathers (yet) may want to check this out!


26-07-10, 07:30 PM
"FINALLY" got my stupid internet working. Kellie and i got home safe monday lunch time. Woke up late for work due to my phone still set on Broken Hill time!!!! We both had a blast... spent the weekend under then jeep tightening every bolt back on. Rear bar nuts loose, shock bar pin eliminators loose, rear left fender flare loose, disconnects loose sway bar loose, front bar nuts loose, hardtop bolts came off and i found a nut behind my seat, still dont know where it goes!!!!

26-07-10, 08:15 PM
Welcome to the Forum Ivan, glad you had a good time


27-07-10, 01:55 PM
After three attempts with the pressure washer and hose I have finally managed to get all the mud and sand out of the chassis rails and from on up on top of the transmission. I had to drop all the bash plates. Even the cross members were full of mud - how does that happen? Some of the "water crossings" coming out of Innamincka and Nappa Merrie were more like slushy mud baths. Checked all my fluids and no water damage (thanks to the extended breathers). When it all dries out I am thinking of spraying Lanotec inside of the rails and cross members - for next time.

I have a pile of the desert lying next to my driveway.

27-07-10, 02:26 PM
Well done Glen! I need my breathers extended as I described earlier!! My bash plates are still in a heap at Midas while I try to organise a detail - inside and out. I have already had 2 goes with the pressure washer, but I need the car up on a hoist to do a proper job. The inside of the wheels is still a problem too. Despite washing, I had to scrape out the worst of the mud that had set like concrete to get the wheels back in approximate balance.

On a positive note, the Cape is not so muddy, more sandy in the river crossings!


27-07-10, 02:48 PM
Bring on the Cape
(Will have snorkel & Gas tank bash plate fitted by then).LOL

31-07-10, 01:27 PM
Good to see everyone got back alright, even if their cars did not! I've got around 800 photos from the trip, will have to see about sending them out, especially the big red sesh -James

01-08-10, 11:39 AM
Cool! As I said during the trip, if it is possible to burn photos to disk and send them for handing around at a club meeting...

I have filled a disk with the best of my photos and burned 8 copies. I'll hand them round next weekend so every 'vehicle' can have a copy.


02-08-10, 10:52 AM
We were not alone...

Family spends three nights trapped in ute


A family of four spent three nights stranded in their ute after ignoring warning signs and following their GPS navigation system onto a closed dirt road in the NSW far north-west.
Police said the family of four, including two teenage boys, were travelling with their dog across Australia, between Brisbane and Perth.
They followed their GPS navigation system onto the popular and picturesque Darling River Road but ignored numerous signs indicating the road was closed due to heavy rainfall.

The family's ute and trailer eventually became bogged about 40 kilometres north-east of the town of Wilcannia.
The family called police but were forced to wait three nights before emergency services could reach them.
Police said rescuers braved "extremely difficult and treacherous" road conditions to rescue the family and their dog, finally reaching them about 8pm yesterday.
The Darling River Road is a 700km route along mostly dirt roads that traces the Darling River through the NSW outback between the towns of Bourke and Wentworth.
It is a popular trail among travellers but is known to become dangerous in wet conditions.
An information website (http://www.centraldarling.nsw.gov.au/roads/1091.html)maintained by the Central Darling Shire and updated the day before the family became bogged shows the road between Tilpa and Wilcannia is closed.
The Shire council also operates a 24-hour road condition telephone hotline.
Most tourism information websites warn that "4WDs are recommended because rain can transform the road surface into a mudbath in a matter of hours".
Police warned travellers to abide by road closures, take extra care on the road during periods of bad weather and use common sense when using in-car navigation devices.

02-08-10, 07:35 PM
Cool! As I said during the trip, if it is possible to burn photos to disk and send them for handing around at a club meeting...

I have filled a disk with the best of my photos and burned 8 copies. I'll hand them round next weekend so every 'vehicle' can have a copy.


Don't forget a copy for Mr Editor to go with the report from Mr Jaffas ;)

24-08-10, 09:17 AM
What happened with the Trip Report?

BTW - all the northern SA tracks are completely closed again due to yet another major rain event, including the William Creek side stranding of over 100 people. SA Roads have all the tracks that we used closed including the Birdsville track and the ferry service.


Here is a link to the story about the William Creek stranding:


So much for the dry season!

24-08-10, 10:52 AM
Wow, I still think we did well. If we had gone later it could (would) have been worse. Thanks for the update Glen, I had stopped looking.

I hope Jaffas has sent his 3 part epic off to the magazine, but I have not heard from him in a few weeks. Scott may know more...


PS See what you mean, didnt make the magazine that arrived Tuesday...