View Full Version : Sydney - Melbourne

22-05-09, 07:43 PM
Issue 134 of 4Wd Action, just out, has an article showing a trip from Sydney to Melbourne on dirt roads only. Someone may want to ckeck it out and see if it's worth contemplating for future possible use.

28-05-09, 06:55 PM
Has anyone look in to this, because it sounds like a great idea for the trip down to the jeep jamboree next year.

28-05-09, 08:33 PM
ive got a copy of the mag, haven't looked at the article yet through.
sounds like a pretty epic week of 4wding if that was the route taken! :)

29-05-09, 10:04 AM
It looks good, anything is more interesting than driving down that boring hwy.

29-05-09, 10:43 AM
I had a read of the article last night, the mention in broad terms which way they went, but no specific tracks, and the provided web link with specific waypoints doesn't seem to be up yet.

Basically from what I can pick up they got off the road at Zig Zag, hung a left an Condobolin, via Hay and enter Victoria at Delliquin, across to the High Country and down to Melbourne. Will keep looking for the online article to pop up!

02-06-09, 06:20 PM
Article is up and list of waypoints can be downloaded at http://www.4wdaction.com.au/articles/travel/the-adventure-way.gpx, there's 100 points all up.

I'm having a crack at mapping out the route using Google Earth/Maps, but I'm sure someone else can probably do it a lot more efficiently :D

02-06-09, 09:43 PM
i used this to turn it into a KML file


but its just waypoints, no path.