View Full Version : 2009 Offroad 4x4 Clubkhana, 7th & 8th March

05-01-09, 10:46 AM
Just saw this today - anyone interested in going?

The Off Road Club has recognised the fact that there are many of you out there that
have a love for 4WDing but who also possess a competitive spirit. We go along to the
likes of the Nissan Trials and the Willowglen Challenge and think, “I reckon I could do
that” or “ my vehicle could have got through that” however at the same time thinking
“no way would I would do that with my car though“

The Off Road Clubkhana is designed to give you a chance to compete without damaging your vehicle.

We have constructed a series of events (over a two day weekend) that will put
drivers and their vehicles to a test. This is the next level above a funkhana. The
events will be designed to be technically challenging but vehicle friendly.

Once again thanks to the assistance of the Toymota Land Cruiser Club of Australia,
we are having the event at their property “Willowglen” at Goulburn with easy access
from the Hume Highway exit. There will be trophies and prizes for each event and
1st, 2nd, and 3rd overall winners in both male and female categories.

For an extra $20 you may go in the draw to compete in the optional Hill Climb for
Cash. This Hill Climb will be harder event and perhaps not for those with lower style
side steps. In order to be able to qualify for entry into the Hill Climb you must have
completed all other events.

A hot food stand will be operating on both days selling hot food & hot & cold drinks
etc at very reasonable prices

Happy hour will be provided on Sunday at the presentation – BYOG

The gates will be open from Friday 12.00 midday -midnight. The gates will
re-open at 6.00am Saturday morning. Competition will commence at 8.00am
Saturday and Sunday and will conclude Sunday afternoon and the presentation
ceremony will then take place

$80 Entry fee per car with max 2 adults (Friday PM until Sunday PM) –if paid prior
to 31st January 2009
$100 Entry fee per car with max 2 adults (Friday PM until Sunday PM) – thereafter
$20 Entry fee extra adult if paid prior to 31st January 2009
$30 Entry fee extra adult if paid on the weekend
$50 Vehicle Day Visitor
$20 Competitors Funkhana entry fee
Optional Events
$20 Climb for Cash (Hill Climb)
$5 Charity Fundraiser Night Event (non mud event)

Classes are:

Touring Class
• Standard engine (standard turbo engine allowed)
• Standard gearbox
• 33” tyres maximum
• Tyres must be inside guard and/or covered by flares
• 2” body lift
• 2” suspension lift
• Standard transfer case ( no gear reduction allowed)
• Open diffs only (factory LSD permitted)
• Single or 10 stacker CD allowed( 4-6 speakers + sub box)
• Fluffy dice or dancing Elvis only permitted in this class

Open Class
• 36” tyres maximum
• 3” body lift
• 3” suspension lift
• Spring over
• Non standard engine
• Gear box modifications allowed
• Rock Hopper gearing allowed
• Diff locks allowed
• No rear steer allowed
• No adjustable hydraulic steer or suspension
• Approved roll cage/ bar to be fitted to all soft top vehicles
• Tyres must be inside guard and covered by flares
• Sub woofer & DVD players & loud music while driving the courses

This year there will be only one class for women (unless we receive a large
response from the ladies).

Entry forms can be downloaded from our website www.offroad4x4club.com.au.
These must be filled in honestly and completely and be sent accompanied by the
entry fee to PO Box 5034 Prestons, NSW, 2170.

Pre-paid camping tickets can be purchased by sending a cheque or money order
made out to Off Road 4x4 Club of NSW to the PO Box above. The Club Treasurer
will receipt all monies.

Further information can be obtained by contacting:
Ian Maroske (02) 9607 3592 0418 411 958
Margaret Wales (02) 9707 3088 (M-Th)

Or by emailing us at clubkhana@offroad4x4club.com.au

15-01-09, 03:36 PM
hey casey, im interested in this comp. do we have to enter this as a club or is it every man/woman for themselves?

15-01-09, 04:25 PM
Check out the webpage at the top of my last post. I'm pretty sure it's all individual entrys, but you need to be a member of a 4wd association club.

15-01-09, 04:55 PM
cool ill check it out, sounds like its a warm up for willowglen!!! :)

25-02-09, 07:42 PM
so who's in for this one?

26-02-09, 10:01 PM
I love to go, especially after "Son of Trials"....

What about our traction control, will there be a special class again??


26-02-09, 10:42 PM
well if nobody says anything we should be running with the rest, which will be to our advantage

Steve F
27-02-09, 08:43 AM
I'd love to do one of these but my lift puts me in the open class without all the other stuff to put me there. Might have to get the tape measure out and check for sure but after Sunday I'll b at 5.5" I think.


27-02-09, 11:07 AM
And I'm about to be at close to 6.5" of lift...

10-03-09, 08:26 PM
Hi guys,

I did the Cubkhana last weekend and I had a lot of fun. I went together with Casey, Rebecca and Bruce. Casey and I went in as drivers and Rebecca and Bruce were the navigators. The competition was a completely different from the Son of Trials. In fact apart from the Hill Climb on Sunday you did not really need a 4WD as the 7 events were all games; playing croquet, barrel-pursuit and so on, all possible in 2WD.

But we still had a lot of fun. It was very well organized. There were only 77 drivers so no long waits at the events. Unfortunately I did not take any pictures, maybe Casey and Rebecca will have some....

Casey and I both entered the Hill Climb, but the hill was similar to a sanddune on Stockton beach so we did not make it very far... :-\

You can read all about it in the trip report I will write about it for this months magazine (or maybe next month).

See you,

16-03-09, 09:13 PM
And this is were you can find the results of the clubkhana 2009:


We did not do too bad I guess.... ;D
Casey came 16th (1838 penalty points) in the Touring class and I came 9th (2559 penalty points) in the Female class!!

In the next couple of weeks you can see the event on Channel 31 as it was covered by 4WD TV, maybe we even get famous :D :D :D
