View Full Version : SJC Trip #2 to Bylong

07-12-08, 11:24 AM
SJC has been invited to the property at Bylong for the long w/end in January 2009.Frid 23/01--Mon 26/01.

The trip will be limited to SJC members only,at the landowner's request.

Usual requirements apply ie. recovery gear (snatch strap & 2 rated shackles min), UHF radio.If using a hand held bring plenty of spare batteries.

No firearms!! We will not be the only club on the property at this time.

This is a camping w/end, with some what primitive facilities. So bring plenty of drinking water.

If you are interested post to the site and I will compile a list to be forwarded to the land holder.

Any further info required ring me mbl 0412 397 264.


07-12-08, 04:57 PM
I will be there!!

Steve F
07-12-08, 05:29 PM
Currently hoping to make this one, all depends at the moment though. If I do I'll go up on the Friday and come back on the tuesday.


07-12-08, 10:27 PM
I am in!

08-12-08, 08:16 AM
unfortunately I can't :(- have a bucks right in the middle of the long weekend. keen to check this place out though.

08-12-08, 05:36 PM
Cant make it sorry, have a wedding that weekend (NOT MINE) ;D

hope everyone enjoys themselves


09-12-08, 09:48 AM
We're in.... ;)

11-12-08, 07:00 PM
you should make sure you have proper recovery points fitted and bring your own recovery gear before any club trip. its the day you dont bring it that you find out you need it :P

11-12-08, 07:34 PM
you should get some Snatchys and shackles and look for some recovery points on ya chassy underneath, make sure there big enough for some decent size shackles to fit the snatch ropes on. U can buy them at ARB or try Wooders, ARB snatchys are about 80 bucks i think.

11-12-08, 09:31 PM
Bruce (land owner) has suggested anyone coming on this trip should fit "fly mesh" or some other fine screen over their radiator grille to prevent the cat tail grass getting sucked into and caught in the radiator core, and thereby causing overheating problems.


11-12-08, 11:08 PM
I have taken the liberty to delete some post's in this thread. Please do not waste people's time with silly games/postings & posing as somebody else.....PM sent ?...
Stephen T

Bruce Kerney
15-12-08, 10:47 AM
For those thinking about attending this trip, please bring a drag chain as normally there is firewood at the campsite ready for whoever turns up and I try to encourage that the same is left for whoever comes next. Don't know if anyone in the club has chainsaws or who have done a course or have one but just not had a lot of use..........we can help. The farm isn't a working farm at the moment but a bit of cleaning up and cutting of wood and clearing tracks can be done so vehicles don't get unnessarially damaged is a good chance to get familiar with saws if you want.
Then attending if there is anything you can see or think of that can be improved to make your stay better please let me know and yes a better toilet is at the top of the list.........

15-12-08, 12:07 PM
Sounds like I need to get my chainsaw back from my brother in law... ;D

15-12-08, 05:44 PM
Then attending if there is anything you can see or think of that can be improved to make your stay better please let me know........

What about having your own jeep by then Bruce???


Bruce Kerney
17-12-08, 07:28 AM
Sorry Wyanda, real work has to be done, snigging logs and pulling the trailer around, so the obvious choise for a real work horse.....TOYOTA Landcruiser...Oh what a feeling.....
Oh and roomy can fit all my camping and work gear....mind if George wants to try to sell me the advantages of the long wheel base Wrangler I might , just might, be open to change my mind, provided he provides a list of Jeep mechanics

I'm really going to cop it for this one, just making sure only Reg has my home number, it will either discourage you guys from coming up or I'll have a property full of angry Jeep owners

Bruce Kerney
24-12-08, 03:51 PM
Just an update, those thinking of travelling on this particular trip, the Kandos Street machine Show is on that weekend, so there will be a relatively higher Police presense on the road that weekend from about Lithgow through.
For those that appreciate fine machinery, the show will start Saturday morning, I will try to find out entry feees to get in, The show and shine is on Saturday morning with whoo to go events also on and burnout comps Saturday afternoon, don't know if anyone would be interested but better to let you know if you want to call in and have a look.

Steve F
24-12-08, 04:09 PM
Sounds good :) As an aside looks like we're in 100% now, Emily will be 2 months and she's already settled down so we're right to travel.


27-12-08, 03:51 AM

02-01-09, 05:38 AM
The nominations list for this trip will be closed on 18/01/09.

This is so I can compile a list of vehicles, and number of people, to be forwarded to the land owner prior to our arrival.

If you are interested post up on the site and "pm" me the following details
1) daytime name
2)rego number of your vehicle
3)number of persons in the vehicle
4)day you intend to come up(Friday or Saturday), those who have nominated already are travelling Friday.

Those persons already on the list are, Steve F.
Steve T.
Chris C.
Wyanda L
James M.
Maggie H.
note:- There will be no nude swimming in the spa.
note 2:-Remember to take precautions to prevent the ingress of grass into your radiator, and avoid over heating problems

03-01-09, 03:16 PM
I just wanted to let you know I am interested in attending this trip.

I have a few things to fix up first.
I will let you know before the 18th.


12-01-09, 09:56 AM
i would have loved to be there on this trip but just got word that i have a bucks night on that weekend ... unfortunately i cant miss that because its my future brother in law ...

hopefully ill be able to attend one of the next trips ...

Bruce Kerney
14-01-09, 09:03 PM
Hi Guys & Girls,
Trying to think of a few things before the trip, not wanting to scare anyone just practicalities of Aussie the bush in summer. Taking in mind that Stever T is medically qualified, does each car carry a First Aid kit with compression bandages, do you know how to use them properly and has the club done a refresher on snake bite.
Being so hot, water/fluid consumption and sun protection with wide hats, I don't want to sound like your mothers but we have had a few cases of heat exhaustion down there, myself included...go figure.
Theres a few little jobs on, so cordless drills may come in handy and spanners but all 4x4s should carry a decent tool kit.
I will ask that with the many members of clubs travelling to varied campsites across the state, can you please let me know of improvements and facilities you would like put in.
As this is a new camp area, toilet and shower are top priority but anything else I can build, fabricate or get in please let me know, the farm isn't a working farm as such so might as well have it as 4x4ing bearing in mind damage to tractor putting in new tracks anyone with experience in building tracks, "Come on Down" anything from easy to advanced and anything in between, driver training included, guys step forward.
Reg has mentioned a gymkana track so bring drag chains to pull logs into place........BUT if its too hot ....we make like Mexicans and find some shade and a cool beverage and siesta.

Steve F
14-01-09, 09:23 PM
The club gave away first aid kits a little while ago, so anyone who attended the meetings should have got one ;) If they didn't attend then not so sure. I've got nothing cordless but the Jeep always has a selection of tools in it , it is a Jeep after all ;)

As for telling you what we'd like to see, no problem :) A mate of mine has a dozer and is building a track on his property as well so I've been puting a little thought into this.

What's there in the way of shade, I'll be bringing a 3mx3M shade gazebo thingie but with my 6 week old daughter coming along as well I may need to put it over my camper to keep that cooler for her.


15-01-09, 10:13 AM
Just a reminder folks that nominations for this trip will close at 2200hrs Sunday 18/01/09.
I need to prepare a list of rego nos.,and number of people attending, to be forwarded to Bruce (land owner).

Travel arrangements:- Friday 23/01/09 meet at Maccas Richmond 0800hrs on the road 0830hrs??

Bring food and water for 3--4 days

Remember to "grass proof" your radiators to avoid overheating problems.


15-01-09, 10:31 PM
Hey all,

I wont be on this trip.
Good luck and have fun.


18-01-09, 09:58 PM
The nominations for this trip are now closed.

The following people have provided me with their details which will be forwarded to the land owner:-
Steve F.
Steve T.
Chris C.
Wyanda L.
James M.
Maggie H.

See you all at Macca's Richmond 0800hrs 23/01/09.
Last to arrive gets to write the trip report.


Steve F
18-01-09, 10:03 PM
So everyones going on Friday.... Cool, hope we have plenty of time to get there and nobody is in a rush, I'll be towing the camper and have Emily on board (8 weeks old this Thursday)


19-01-09, 09:46 AM
E-mail containing details of rego nos. and number of people forwarded to Bruce (land owner) this morning. He can now allocate us camping space.


Steve F
20-01-09, 05:45 PM
Will we be getting lunch on the way on Friday or should we bring something? What worked best last time?


20-01-09, 06:12 PM
Kandos Bakery, yum, lunch, fresh bread. Worth the break. 8)

20-01-09, 06:48 PM
For us it will be fresh baked pies followed by a fresh custard tart


Steve F
20-01-09, 07:30 PM
Sounds good :)

Just done a few mods to the Jeep in preparation, lifted the rear of the bonnet 1cm as I couldn't get a new radiator fitted in time, the other will survive but better to be safe than sorry. Screen for the radiator goes on tomorrow, dual battery wiring redone to address voltage drop problem and battery in camper being topped up as we speak.


20-01-09, 08:02 PM
I'm trying to hurry the new rear shocks here to get them on ASAP before we go. I still won't have the other stuff on but at least the new shocks will help...

Steve F
20-01-09, 10:42 PM
Ive just got the blower motor resistor to go and then I'll have aircon again (no fan except on high at the moment) and I'm ready to go :) Should get that done tomorrow night.


Bruce Kerney
21-01-09, 02:30 PM
Good Morning Campers,
Who am I kidding, it's 2pm, just back from block, got hold of a slasher so went down this morning, camp site totally slashed and most tracks are slashed a good 15 ft wide.
There is a TOTAL FIRE BAN so bring gas or your Colemans, we MAY get away with a contained fire in the truck brake drums,(those who have been there will know what I'm talking about). The river has been up and one creek crossing is washed out, but this isn't on a major track to camp site though, I didn't fix it with tractor as waiting for another Jeep to get bogged. Will ask your cooperation on a few little things when i see you all, but mainly for your own benefits.

21-01-09, 04:55 PM
Good Morning Campers,
Who am I kidding, it's 2pm, just back from block, got hold of a slasher so went down this morning, camp site totally slashed and most tracks are slashed a good 15 ft wide.
There is a TOTAL FIRE BAN so bring gas or your Colemans, we MAY get away with a contained fire in the truck brake drums,(those who have been there will know what I'm talking about). The river has been up and one creek crossing is washed out, but this isn't on a major track to camp site though, I didn't fix it with tractor as waiting for another Jeep to get bogged. Will ask your cooperation on a few little things when i see you all, but mainly for your own benefits.

So I should leave the chainsaw at home???

21-01-09, 05:43 PM
I wouldn't think so Chris, we need the chainsaw for some of the work needed. Also if you have pruning equipment, we are taking ours but more wouldn't go astray. Mainly to prune some of the bushes so we don't scratch the cars.

See you Friday


21-01-09, 06:04 PM
Hi guys

Maggie, Bear,Steve T, Wyanda

Have a great time guys will miss not being there as u know I love camping.....u got any idea wot time u be in Kandos I could meet u for lunch as I am dropping Jodi down to the Street Machines... Send me a tex when u on the mountains and I will respond letting you know if I can be there or not.........Bruce have a great time mate.....

ta Tracy

21-01-09, 07:03 PM
Hi guys

.....u got any idea wot time u be in Kandos I could meet u for lunch as I am dropping Jodi down to the Street Machines... Send me a tex when u on the mountains and I will respond letting you know if I can be there or not.......

Hi girly,

I would like to but my phone doesn't work there!!! I guess we will be having lunch there, we leave richmond around 0830. Would be good to see you there!

22-01-09, 09:50 AM
I'm fixed :o ::) Yahoo 8).
?? Richmond Golden Arches at 8.00a.m/8.30a.m??

22-01-09, 01:39 PM
Hi Steve,

Wyanda is staying with us tonight and we plan to be at Maccas at 8.00, fingers crossed as we don't have a chainsaw handy to get her out of bed.


22-01-09, 03:05 PM
I'm thinking that if we leave the house at around 7:30 am we should be fine to meet ya'll in Lithgow...

22-01-09, 04:12 PM
Chris, you are still better of if you take the Bell's Line of Road. Going through Katoomba can be real slow at the best of times. I'll be at Richmond Mac's by 8.15a.m. Don't finish work till 7.00 if I'm lucky ::)

Steve F
22-01-09, 04:29 PM
We'll be there around 8:00am. So who's bringing what, I have a 3mx3m shade shelter I'm bringing along with a 3mx3m screen shelter. Chris is going to try and bring the club BBQ if he has room and if he does I'll bring a gas bottle.

I couldn't get hold of a drag chain don't know how anyone else went with that?


22-01-09, 04:47 PM
Chris, you are still better of if you take the Bell's Line of Road. Going through Katoomba can be real slow at the best of times. I'll be at Richmond Mac's by 8.15a.m. Don't finish work till 7.00 if I'm lucky ::)

def go bells line of road - we took the road up through katoomba last time and the trip took 2 hours longer than everyone else who took BLOR.

22-01-09, 05:10 PM
Steve F
Don't forget the club banner


Steve F
22-01-09, 05:30 PM
Steve F
Don't forget the club banner


Casey and Bec have it I think.


22-01-09, 05:45 PM
We'll be there around 8:00am. So who's bringing what, I have a 3mx3m shade shelter I'm bringing along with a 3mx3m screen shelter. Chris is going to try and bring the club BBQ if he has room and if he does I'll bring a gas bottle.

I couldn't get hold of a drag chain don't know how anyone else went with that?


I lent my dragchain out and now he can't find it. He returned my chainsaw this afternoon so dull it won't cut butter... :'(

Bruce Kerney
22-01-09, 06:07 PM
Cool change and rain have wet things off a bit, if it continues a campfire will be on the cards. Have chainsaw myself, and a chain,(will sharpen your chain tonight Reg) will be going on to high country fora special treat, black basalt and very slippery so may be interesting, to see old vertical slab hut and out to head waters of Bylong Creek, will be interesting for me towing a trailer to bring home a grain feeder off other property.

22-01-09, 08:14 PM
New Rancho 9000XL shocks on and what a difference. The right rear shock that came with the liftkit was dead. No pressure at all. No wonder the ride was like a steel shod buckboard!!!

Steve F
27-01-09, 01:15 PM
Pics of the trip over here Bylong long weekend pics (http://www.sydneyjeepclub.com/index.php?topic=1398)

28-01-09, 07:39 PM
Steve, how do I post the pics I took during our Bylong camping? I'll send it to you the whole lot and its up to you to edit.