View Full Version : Menai Clean-Up Saturday 29/11/08

01-11-08, 03:16 PM
For those attending;-
Meet -- At Gate No.6, Heathcote Road Menai,
Time -- 8.30a.m. Sign in by 9.00a.m.,
Bring/wear decent shoes/boot, gloves, have own recovery if needed, CB, food/drink of choice and camera/video.
Grade -- "C+" with "B" grade options. There are bi-passes around most of the harder sections.
Attendence at a Menai clean-up will give you 12 months access rights to use the tracks there on "official" club runs there.
This is the LAST Menai clean-up for the year. The next clean-up will not be until February 09 so get there if you want to use the tracks over Christmas/+New Year.
Post up your intent to drive and pm me your full name and Rego details by Tuesday 25/11/08 so I can seek your approval to attend
the clean-up.
Further info contact Stephen T. Mob. No. (0412) 707903. Home- 9622-7719

**** Attending -- Bear & Maggie,
Chris C.
Steve F.
Casey G. & Rebecca Y.
Stuart G.
Ian W.
Andrew L.
Tim K.
Vinnie ? & Nadine ?
Geoff K. + better half ;D
William W.
Marko T.
Wotan ?
Nicholas B.
Wyanda L.
Stephen T,
David G.
Kenta P.
Mark L.
George ?
Han S.
Glend ?
Roop G.
David K.
David E.
This could be you ??? ****
**** This could have been you.
Trip list has closed. No Late request's to attend the clean-up. ****

01-11-08, 03:37 PM
G'Day Steve

Maggie and Bear are in.............if we survive the w/end at Bylong.


01-11-08, 04:21 PM
Still trying to get some rear shocks so at this point I'm a definite "maybe" ;D

Steve F
01-11-08, 04:39 PM
Put me down just incase I can make it.


01-11-08, 04:46 PM
Put us down too :)

01-11-08, 09:38 PM
I'd like to come also thanks ;D

02-11-08, 02:09 PM
I hope to be able to be there so please add me to the list.
Ian W.

02-11-08, 04:50 PM
Yes I like to go....maybe I even know a bit more about 4wdriving by then...after the bylong trip and my 4wd course...........So if you have any space available, please put my name down!!

04-11-08, 07:55 PM
Count me in too ;D

05-11-08, 02:28 PM
Please add me to the list for this clean up.
Im looking forward to meeting some of the club members.


05-11-08, 11:16 PM
count me in, doing a few mods to the jeep should all be done by then.

05-11-08, 11:34 PM
As usual we are always in for a clean up. ;D
Makes for a good image for 4WDing as well as a great and fun, family day out. :D
ONYA Stevan :).

Gotta wonder what Vinnie has done to his car now though?

05-11-08, 11:48 PM
That's 12 so far ;D. Looks like a good turn out 8).

05-11-08, 11:56 PM

Perhaps with a big turnout we could do an expose for the 4WD assoc. or even one of the mags.
You know, SJC, conquering the litter and the loiterers etc.
OK, I'll never get a job as a subeditor. he he.

07-11-08, 07:43 PM
Hi guys

I plan on coming. By this time ill bring my membership forms ;)

Will W

17-11-08, 11:08 PM
:o I might even be able to make this one! and it seems like a big trip, how cool. Count me and a wonderful passenger in.

18-11-08, 01:47 AM
Just wondering if the family and I are still welcome to tag along. ???
Menai is a much better place because of the clean ups. ;D
It's good for the 4WD image as well. :D

Onya Stephen.

18-11-08, 08:35 AM
Sorry Dave, its club members only, or people interested in becoming a club member.

19-11-08, 10:58 AM
I'm in will be becoming full member at wooder on the 3rd


David Gibb

Steve F
19-11-08, 11:12 AM
Looks like it's going to a great turn out :) If anyone has a video camera bring it along as it would be a good opportunity to get some promotional stuff for the club, I'd like to put together a club DVD at somepoint for use at events etc.


19-11-08, 04:22 PM
I'm happy to bring a video camera and film for the day. my gc wont cut it with most of the other jeeps here so if I can ride shotgun with someone that would be great. or i can drive and leave my jeep at the gate.

19-11-08, 10:17 PM
you can shot gun with me if you like... o wont be bringing anyone along...

19-11-08, 11:45 PM
It appears that I'm out as we are doing Thanksgiving at our house this year it seems... :(

20-11-08, 12:22 AM
Sorry Dave, its club members only, or people interested in becoming a club member.

Still haven't had our refund yet ::) But I assume we are out with SJC anyways.
Hopefully we will still see you out there for the clean up.
It's a great advertisment for what 4WD's actually do.

Steve F
20-11-08, 07:03 AM
Sorry Dave, its club members only, or people interested in becoming a club member.

Still haven't had our refund yet ::) But I assume we are out with SJC anyways.
Hopefully we will still see you out there for the clean up.
It's a great advertisment for what 4WD's actually do.

It is in the mail today so you should have it tomorrow I guess. Because everything is done by cheque in the club it can take a little while to get the signatures required as we normally just do them at committee meetings and club meetings. And you assumed right about being out of the club, if you post you have resigned from the club we take it at face value so you must understand attending club trips is not an option. Anyway, any other questions feel free to PM me.


20-11-08, 09:37 AM
you can shot gun with me if you like... o wont be bringing anyone along...

PM sent

20-11-08, 04:34 PM
i may be there. Amazing i know. Depends if i get my jeep fixed. Will be taking it easy either way though.

20-11-08, 04:45 PM
Not sure if you need guests names... but I am hoping to have my son Andy along as co-driver.
Ian W.

20-11-08, 06:53 PM
Hi All,

Should be able to make it as well....front left uni repaired again under warranty last week
so looking forward to going out for a wheel and getting the jeep dirty.

Dave sorry to hear your no longer with the SJC mate. ???

see you all on the 29th.. ;D ;D ;D

21-11-08, 10:52 AM
off topic what dealer you going to... lol
just might keep in that in mind just incase my JK decides to have something go wrong

21-11-08, 11:46 AM
off topic what dealer you going to... lol
just might keep in that in mind just incase my JK decides to have something go wrong

The eternal optimist

21-11-08, 12:57 PM
ill be down ...

is there a cost ???

21-11-08, 01:26 PM
No cost involved in going to Menai.

...unless of course you break something ;)

ill be down ...

is there a cost ???

22-11-08, 11:06 AM
Im talking to mate about re-joining the SJC (he's doing it today)
and bringing his TJ along for the clean up.
Room for one more ?

22-11-08, 01:28 PM
Count me in ;D

BTW I've rejoined the club about 10min ago......(Thanks tim)


22-11-08, 01:44 PM
Welcome back Han, but I will need your Rego details and name to get pre-approval for all to attend. So pm me your details.
Stephen T.

22-11-08, 01:53 PM
PM's on its way Steve, real glad I didn't miss the sign up! ;D


24-11-08, 12:27 PM
I can't wait for this trip it's been so long since i've been to menai, it will be great just hope the rain hold out...

24-11-08, 01:38 PM
off topic what dealer you going to... lol
just might keep in that in mind just incase my JK decides to have something go wrong

Hi aussiejk,

SVM in Chatswood is where the warranty work was done they have been OK....they did mention though that it was a gesture of goodwill that they repaired it under warranty, because the JK has been modified!!!

24-11-08, 07:36 PM
off topic what dealer you going to... lol
just might keep in that in mind just incase my JK decides to have something go wrong

Hi aussiejk,

SVM in Chatswood is where the warranty work was done they have been OK....they did mention though that it was a gesture of goodwill that they repaired it under warranty, because the JK has been modified!!!

Cool thanks for that i havent broke anything yet so yeah thanks for that..

24-11-08, 08:38 PM
Hi all,
Bite my tongue :P ??? :) but if Menai is closed again due to the weather, just wondering if anyone was interested in a standby run to the ZigZag either the Saturday or Sunday??
Stephen T.

24-11-08, 09:21 PM
Yep I'm up!! Count me in for ZigZag if Menai is washed out. ;D

24-11-08, 09:27 PM
Hi Steve,

I you think I can do the Zigzag I would love to join!


24-11-08, 09:49 PM
I just got woken up .. to tell me this post was updated. . ;)

Zig Zag sounds great, im in.

(i dont think ive ever been there, sweeet)

24-11-08, 10:12 PM
Just a question: if menai is to wet, won't zigzag be to wet/slippery as well?


Steve F
24-11-08, 10:24 PM
Menai is private property and is closed if there has been rain, ZigZag doesn't get closed, it will be wet but it's not too bad up there even with a bit of rain before hand :)


25-11-08, 06:34 AM
If Menai is closed when do you propose going to Zig Zag? Saturday or Sunday?


25-11-08, 10:21 AM
Going for Saturday( at Menai ) at the moment Bear as by the number of people who put their hands up for Menai. I thought that maybe Sunday if it does rain this week, so allowing extra day for same would hopefully reduce some slippage for those less well shod drivers going/coming on the run...

25-11-08, 12:00 PM
If menai is closed i will be up 4 zigzag...
Would be ok if i my friend tagged along
to zigzag with his zook.. if we end up going

25-11-08, 12:58 PM
That's fine David, but lets keep Menai on ::)

25-11-08, 03:23 PM
Not going to be able to attend any trips this weekend.
I won't be back from Perth until late saturday night.

Have fun :)

25-11-08, 08:40 PM
I'm only good for Saturday, gotta work sunday. So fingers crossed it doesn't rain

25-11-08, 11:57 PM
That's fine David, but lets keep Menai on ::)

yeah i hope so 2..... please don't rain

26-11-08, 12:11 PM
Yea i hope it doesnt rain. Can't make it if we are up in the Mtns!

26-11-08, 06:22 PM
Let's hope I didn't just jinx the trip to Menai :-[- I just washed the car! Had to be done though, sand and salt all over the jeep.

26-11-08, 06:50 PM
Ive been watching the weather..


27-11-08, 08:39 PM
Hi all,
Just received confirmation from the chairman of the Menai committee that the clean-up this Saturday is definiately ON unless we have heavy rainfall before hand. Yahoo! ;D
See you at Menai,
Stephen T.

27-11-08, 08:54 PM
Don't want to jinx too much, but I'm watching a big storm coming down from the Blue Mountains and heading this way right now...

27-11-08, 08:58 PM
I just drove home heading west towards Penrith and so far it is just a lot of noise and a light show .. this has been going on at least an hour and so far about 6 spots of rain. Fingers crossed

27-11-08, 09:23 PM


27-11-08, 09:33 PM
It is raining now .. not too heavy but steady

28-11-08, 01:18 AM
when will we no for sure... if its on....

28-11-08, 04:37 PM
ah damn, seems all my best made plans to get the 4wd dirty this weekend have fallen through, so it will be next year now before I get on the trails... so sad.
Sorry guys, can't make it this weekend... GRRRRRR >:(

28-11-08, 04:48 PM
That makes two of us!!
I just got landed with more work for tomorrow so no chance of wheeling until it is done.
Here's hoping next time!!
Ian W.

28-11-08, 05:30 PM
Well in an unusual turn of events i AM available to wheel tomorrow. Jeep is fixed and ready> Raining a lot though...

28-11-08, 06:35 PM
Still on at this stage ;D 8)

28-11-08, 06:46 PM
woohoo .. Wyanda has come to stay with us in anticipation .. and we have fingers and toes crossed

28-11-08, 07:54 PM
I'm out got called to work tommorow 2 sorry guys...

28-11-08, 08:11 PM
Just checked the 4wd ass. site again, we're still on for Menai tomorrow 8)...

Steve F
28-11-08, 09:11 PM
I'm out, too tired for a start and then off to the hospital again :)


28-11-08, 11:36 PM
Just checked again, Yahoo! see you all in the morning at Menai 8)

29-11-08, 06:32 PM
Just home from a great day at Menai .. we have only been there once before but this day had everything .. rain and much slipping and sun and rock crawling and was my best day out so far. As well as the driving the social aspect was terrific, met new and old members and enjoyed it immensely. We do have some great people in our club.

We had 11 Jeeps plus another Jeep (great people except they belong to the Subaru club) and they tagged along. We have done our best to ask them to switch so we will see .. would love to see you here Heidi and Brian.
Very tired but am interested to know if George made it home OK with Ash keeping him company. I think he did some serious damage on Suzuki Hill .. it was not a nice noise.
Let us know you got home safe George or Ash.

29-11-08, 07:31 PM
What an awesome way to get back into the club! Thanks for a great trip! ;D

29-11-08, 07:40 PM
Thanks for today guys!

Had a lot of fun and learnt a lot, there were some nervous times though...

i am exausted!



29-11-08, 08:14 PM
I thoroughly enjoyed myself today, Thanks for leading the trip Steve, your efforts and guidance.

That was my first real trip with the new suspension. . worked a treat!
(pat my self on the back, slightly chuffed)

And it was great to meet members of the club in their element. And Bruce from Byalong.

Now, who's got pictures

29-11-08, 09:55 PM
Hi all,

Yes Ash and I did survive.

I had to get the JK picked up from the 7 Eleven in Moorebanhk on Heathcoate Rd.

Jeep assist will drop it off to SVM in Artarmon.

Steve thank you for a great day out once again.

This has been 3 out of 3 for me and the RKCRLR, no doubt it will not be the last....!

I will keep you posted as the what will eventuate...we do think it is the front diff and possibly the front right axle.

Well it was great and will see you all again once I get the Jeep back.



Steve F
29-11-08, 09:57 PM
Now so many have done a clean up we'll have to try and squeeze another in before christmas so I can go along :) Sounds like it was a great day.


29-11-08, 10:17 PM
thanks stev and every one another greatday even got to roadtest a rubicon and I stil want one

30-11-08, 12:54 PM
Yeah what a great day! the weather toyed with us a bit in the morning but it turned out to be perfect. Good to meet other club members, thanks to Mark for letting me ride shotgun. I got about an hour of video so i'll post some short clips as soon as i edit it. If anyone wants a copy of the whole lot on dvd, let me know

Now so many have done a clean up we'll have to try and squeeze another in before christmas so I can go along :) Sounds like it was a great day.


I'm pretty keen to head out again (once I get my brakes fixed ;))

Steve T, since I attended the cleanup but didn't take my Jeep, does that still give me access?

30-11-08, 02:08 PM
Hi All,
Thanks for a great day.
I have about 180 photos/videos from they day.
I will upload the best ones when I get home later.

30-11-08, 04:52 PM
Sounds like everyone had a great time.

Trip reports and pictures are most welcome for next months magazine which comes out on Wednesday:)

30-11-08, 06:38 PM
trip report please!... finishing up the newsletter now... so if it doesn't make it tonight it won't be in the mag until feb... com'on people!

30-11-08, 07:02 PM
Great day out dudes and dudettes!!!

Was great to see so many jeeps out and about in their element. Also good to meet some new members from the club and catch up with others.

Big thanks to steve for again being our excellent trip/tour leader and rup for finding that sick washout to wheel in :D

Also hope the RKCRWLR will be back in action again soon.

NOW bring on the pics and videos!!!!!!

30-11-08, 08:20 PM
Hi all,

I had a great day as well......with some nervous moments....but I guess a lot of you saw that on the look of my face!!
I did not know we had so many red jeeps in the club. That does get confusing sometimes doesn't it Steve....???
I really enjoyed meeting other club members as I had not met most of you before. Chook, I hope your car will be alright and that you don't have to pay too much.
Steve T. thanks so much for your help. Without you I would not have done half of the stuff I did as I would not have had the confidence in doing it. I really helps to have somebody pointing you (well the car that is...) in the right direction!! And of course having Bruce in the car was a big help as well, thank you Bruce.

If we can get another trip in before X-mas I will be the first to sign up!

I took a lot of pictures and I will put them in the gallery somewhere during the week, still too tired now after yesterday and today. I cleaned 2 jeeps today.....not just the one. But at least the Rubicon looks great again doesn't it Bear and Maggie?!?!

Thanks guys and see you at the BBQ on Wednesday,

30-11-08, 08:46 PM
Great to see you on the forum Rupe, just love your forum name.

AJ, I was glad we found that washout as well .. you were just fantastic when you went down into the gully and then just breezed up some pretty gnarly stuff there .. most impressed.

Thank you Dutchie .. the Rubicon looks amazing .. you forgot to mention that Bruce helped with the Rubi .. for those of you who know Bruce, I am under the threat of death if I publish the photos of him lovingly restoring the Rubi to its former beauty.

Fingers crossed for the JK Chook, hope you get it back soon.


30-11-08, 09:04 PM
Oh Oh, well I better rectify that:

Bruce was a great help in cleaning my car and Maggie's/Bear's car !!!!!!

...............although he did spent a lot of time in the kitchen at the same time I was cleaning ..... ;)

01-12-08, 05:02 PM
Thanks to all that attended the clean-up, what a good day. George, hope Jeep look after you with the front end. Thank's Bruce K. for your help & assistence given without hesitation throughout the day. Can'nt wait to see some of the pic's & video's of the day.
Stephen T.

01-12-08, 09:59 PM
Right. my laptop is just not co-operating. nor does it have enough space to copy the video. can anyone help ??? the camera has a firewire/IEEE cable only...

Steve F
01-12-08, 10:49 PM
How much space do you need? I can bring my laptop along on Wednesday if that helps as it has firewire and I have around 30GB internally free or 60GB on an external drive.


02-12-08, 10:21 AM
I won't be able to make it to Wooders' on Wednesday.... The whole lot is 38 Gigs.

Bruce Kerney
03-12-08, 03:35 PM
To Steve T and all those that attended the clean up, I would like to extend my thanks and appreciation for the welcoming atmosphere and friendship extended to a visitor on one of your club trips ( And a Toyota driver at that).
The enthusiasm of Steve and the club in participating in Association events such as the clean up was brilliant and as a club trip more so.
The close knit nature from those with stock standard vehicles to those ever so slightly modified (AJ, Rupe, Chook, Sir Camel etc) where everyone kept an eye out for each other was great.
I must stress that the urban myth that at any time during the day I was heard to say that I was falling for Jeeps is definitely untrue, it may have just been a case of temporary insanity.
Since running into Bear at a chance meeting at TJM Penrith, I may have been heard to hang it on one or two Jeeps, but after seeing everyone on Saturday and especially the lady drivers I may have to write a retraction.
Sorry for those I don't know your names that attended, everyone and especially as I mentioned before Steve thank you for allowing a visitor to attend such a great day.
Bruce Kerney. Kern

04-12-08, 03:33 PM
Just wanted to say thanks for letting Brian and I tag along last Saturday. We had a great day, although a little under prepared as we had expected the day to be cancelled. It was certainly fun to drive with so many Jeeps!

We could not make it to the meeting last night as Brian did not get not enough sleep during the day. But hopefully we will be able to make the next meeting...or another trip soon

Heidi and Brian

05-12-08, 11:49 AM
Agree, what a great day and fantastic to see so many attend.

Are there any pics?

Love to see some of the action shots..... I think if we all look closely we may just be able to see the point where George's front diff decided to spit the dummy :P

Looking forward to the next trip.

05-12-08, 05:24 PM
I put my pictures in the gallery.....most of them are of my beautiful red KJ.....!

05-12-08, 06:44 PM
Yeah pics please! ;D

video will have to wait 1 or 2 weeks until i get my new laptop. ive tried every cable, every program, and every movie file type to download it on to my computer but it just wont work >:( >:(

18-12-08, 09:10 AM
here's a few vids. actual quality is waaay better then what you see here. Theres also a footage of others: Katana, tim, Will, Stevet

http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g292/kpzook/SJC/th_SJC1.jpg (http://s59.photobucket.com/albums/g292/kpzook/SJC/?action=view&current=SJC1.flv)

http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g292/kpzook/SJC/th_SJCSuzukiHill1.jpg (http://s59.photobucket.com/albums/g292/kpzook/SJC/?action=view&current=SJCSuzukiHill1.flv)

http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g292/kpzook/SJC/th_SJCSuzukiHill2.jpg (http://s59.photobucket.com/albums/g292/kpzook/SJC/?action=view&current=SJCSuzukiHill2.flv)

camels last run??
http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g292/kpzook/SJC/th_SJCcamel.jpg (http://s59.photobucket.com/albums/g292/kpzook/SJC/?action=view&current=SJCcamel.flv)

18-12-08, 09:57 AM
Good to see that green TJ out an about!!!!

18-12-08, 11:26 AM
Great vids Kenta! Thanks for posting them up here

22-12-08, 03:46 PM
Kenta, great to see you got some excellent footage.

Thanks for posting them up mate.

It is the first time I have seen my heep in action.

Cheers and Merry Christmas to all.

25-12-08, 03:00 PM
Sweet.. ive only ever seen one video of my jeep in action.
Thanks for posting them.