View Full Version : Club BBQ, December 3rd, from 6:30pm at Wooders Garage

03-10-08, 09:05 AM
Club BBQ, December 3rd, from 6:30pm at Wooders Garage

Unit 1, 29 Leighton Place, Hornsby (map (http://"http://maps.google.com.au/?q=Unit+1,+29+Leighton+Place,+Hornsby&ie=UTF8&ll=-33.695316,151.113682&spn=0.013943,0.019827&z=16&iwloc=addr"))

Catch up with club members over a BBQ, drive R/C Rockcrawlers
and Wooders will show us some of the new cool stuff he has in store.

Steve F
03-10-08, 01:55 PM
Spoke to Wooders again today and just pushed the time out to 6:30pm


Steve F
17-11-08, 09:07 AM
Just bumping this up :) Would be handy to get an idea who's coming so we get enough snags :) Should be a good social evening.


17-11-08, 06:24 PM
I hope i can make it. Haven't been for months.

17-11-08, 06:59 PM
I'm gonna' try, but with work the way it is, no guarantees... :-\

18-11-08, 08:09 AM
unfortunately I cant make Wednesday nights :'(

18-11-08, 10:26 AM
We'll both be there!

18-11-08, 11:46 AM
Will be there 8)

18-11-08, 07:01 PM
i will like to attend

24-11-08, 12:29 PM
ill be there plus ill sign up as a full member

24-11-08, 02:11 PM
Looking doubtful for me now.

24-11-08, 02:49 PM
ill be there. needs us to bring anything???

28-11-08, 04:45 PM
Planning on being there, but anything could happen at work... damn economic slow down

28-11-08, 07:05 PM
Looks like I'll be there now. I'm back running dayshift from Monday.

01-12-08, 07:44 PM
I will be there :D

Steve F
01-12-08, 07:55 PM
Looks like it should be a good meeting :)

Oh, and if you think you'll need to sit down at all bring a chair......


02-12-08, 06:47 AM
i should be good to be there

02-12-08, 11:55 AM
see ya'll there 8)

02-12-08, 08:35 PM
Hey guys wondering, My car is at mechanics atm :(, anyone able to give me lift there and back, im in Pymble/St Ives area, if its on the way or close, would be much appreciated otherwise ill get the train.
thanks guys.
Regards, ALex

if anoyone can ill PM u my mob number and address.

02-12-08, 10:13 PM
I no its late notice, but would be much appreciated, its only about 10 mins from hornsby. Ill be at work tommorrow if anyone can sms me
. Just looked at the map its a long way from the station hahaha.

Regards, ALex

03-12-08, 11:47 AM
sms sent.

03-12-08, 11:54 AM
Hi guys, Ive managed to get a lift with my mate straight from work, He does a landrover, but ill get there non the less, thanks for everyone who offered, Ill cya tonite :D

All the best


03-12-08, 02:22 PM
I will be there was planing on joining as a full member tonight but will do it online tommorow

04-12-08, 08:30 AM
What a great night!! Thanks a mil Wooders for letting us come for a visit, it was great to be amongst lots of Jeep stuff again and to see Jeeps up and down the street, it was just like old times :))

Hope we can do it again during the summer months ;) hint hint :)

04-12-08, 08:36 AM
I tried to get there, I really did! Left work (city) at 5.00pm, by 6.15 I had only made it as far as Gordon on the Pacific Hwy. Apparently a fatal at Turramurra and the traffic was not moving! I hope that lots of others made it, but I bailed when the traffic report said I should start taking back streets - also known as "get lost".

Better luck with the Christmas Party on Saturday!!!

See you there,

04-12-08, 08:42 AM
Politics aside I for one wouldn't mind if all future meetings were there. I felt it was a very relaxed meeting and great fun. I agree it was good to be able to go look at all the jeeps and compare mods etc. Of course this would all depend on Mr & Mrs Wooders and the committee coming to some agreement.
Thanks for a great night wooders family, good save with the barby Dave. ;D

Steve F
04-12-08, 08:47 AM
Yep, great night and a big thank you to the Wooders's for the hospitality, coming up with the BBQ at the last minute and beer and soft drink :) Good to see plenty of new faces at a meeting as well.

Lets hope we get a great turn out at the Christmas Party as well :)


04-12-08, 09:09 AM
Many apologies everyone!!!! I took a little pill for my sinuses right before I had spoken to Steve on the phone and the next thing I knew, the phone was ringing and it was 6:45!!!!!! I had only been up since 3:30 yesterday morning but still... :o

04-12-08, 10:37 AM
Don't worry Chris we had a few laughs at your expense ;)
Thanks everyone for coming along, we enjoyed the night and it really was just like meetings of old (although finished a little earlier than some of those early mettings ;)).
Anytime the club would like a social meeting here we'd be happy to host it again - although I think I'll just leave the BBQ here ;)
Now for the Xmas Party ;D

04-12-08, 10:49 AM
BIG thanks to Mr, Mrs & Jnr Wooders for providing the great venue and atmosphere (and eventually a BBQ hehe)

Great to see many again, and meet some new comers as well... Hopefully i should be back out on some trails shortly and last night inspired me to gettin off my backside and fitting up some parts in boxes...

as for the road delays, unfortunately as i suspected i knew of the deceased (the bike scene is not far different from jeepers... we all know one another) the rider was Ryan from Berowra, his pillion survived and is in RNSH.. apparently they were struck/clipped by a Utility.

may he RIP

04-12-08, 11:16 AM
Thats no good mate.

On the bbq thanks for having us mr wooders :)

Is a great venue for me as i have to drive past on the way home from work anyway.

04-12-08, 11:58 AM
Thats tuff Wade, bad enough to see something like that but worse when you know the victim. Condolences from Bear and myself.

04-12-08, 12:17 PM
and only 2 phone pics from last night... :P



05-12-12, 02:52 AM
I'll be there

05-12-12, 06:20 AM
I'll be there

Only if you have a time machine...

05-12-12, 07:51 AM
Luv it Miraz

Sent from my GT-S6102 using Tapatalk 2

05-12-12, 07:58 AM
:highly_amused: interesting to see comments from visitors, how many became members or were they scared off by Bear (JOKE) :highly_amused:

05-12-12, 09:33 AM
Sorry i can't make it this time